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Americans: Who are you voting for this year?

Vincent Vega


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I don't have problems with the rich getting richer. There are some sleaze ball rich guys who dodge tax's and shit but there's a lot of honest guys out there.

My Dad's friend is a General Contractor, he makes probably $90,000 a year (give or take) doing it like my father. But he builds one or two houses a year out of his pocket, doing so he provides jobs for for landscapers, architects, plumbers, masons, electricians, Carpenters of all kinds, roofers, floor guys, excavation guys, trash disposal guys.. He built one house and had to pay $70,000 in taxes that year, so its like why go through all that trouble just to make $25,000 or so, after taxes.... If the house doesn't sell then he has to pay the mortgage until it sells and potentially take a hit. And he's little compared to some other guys my dad knows. They take the risk, and they get the reward. What your saying looks good on paper, but there's a reason people used to come to America (literally by the boat loads), to get away from where they came from.

Is it possible to lift the discussion from people you know to the system over all. Not becouse the average person isn't important, or the points are not good, but they get cluddered in the context they are given.

John Rawls was a political philosopher from Harvard that in the 70s release a book called "A theory of Justice". There he discussed how to best achive a just system. The reason I bring this up is that he thought that socialism was the best way to govern a country. The reason was based on his brilliant concept of the vail of ignorance. What that concept was built on was the notion that every dicission we make is based upon self presevation and self interest. What he hoped to achive was an intellectual practise that remove those interest. The idea was simple yet imposible. When you dicide what to do, put on an imaginary vail of ignorance that hides from you who you are, and what you are. You don't know if your male/female, if your American or an immigrant, if your wealty or poor. You know nothing about yourself that could give you and advantage after you made the decission. Then would you be able to make the decission that was most fair for everyone. Because you didn't know where you would be after the vail was liftet. Therefore you would try to make it best for everyone and so that you would be covered. And with that though, the social system is the best system, since it is the most fair system for everyone.

Socialisme gives the unlucky a break. You don't get enough money to live a rich life like people who work for a living ofcourse, then all incentive for working would go out the window. I personally belive in second chances in life, and from what I've learned about the American health system, there are some issues there that needs to be dealt with. Is it true that if you don't have insurence and get in an accident that needs multiple surgeries, you are pretty much financially fucked?

It is true that America is built upon the boatloads of people comming to get work. But the problem with the United states and the western world today is something that is best discribed with a scene from the Wire: "We used to buld shit in this country". After WWII America was on top of their game. No other country in the world came close to produce so much BNP as the US. There was industry all over the country, but most of it is not there anymore. Those industries that hasn't gone belly up is now producing their products in Asia. Where the economic growth has been for the last few decades. This problem stretches to almost every "western" country in the world today.

Why is socialisme such a bad thing in America?

pure capitalims and pure socialism are pure junk systems, there has to be some kind of middle ground

Exactly, too much of anything isn't good.

The reason Socialism in America is a bad thing is because its what we fought against. We fought for Independence from The U,K.

Ah, yes. That well known socialist state that was the UK at the end of the 18th Century... Absolute monarchy, aristocracy and colonialism are such rampant socialist values.

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I don't have problems with the rich getting richer. There are some sleaze ball rich guys who dodge tax's and shit but there's a lot of honest guys out there.

My Dad's friend is a General Contractor, he makes probably $90,000 a year (give or take) doing it like my father. But he builds one or two houses a year out of his pocket, doing so he provides jobs for for landscapers, architects, plumbers, masons, electricians, Carpenters of all kinds, roofers, floor guys, excavation guys, trash disposal guys.. He built one house and had to pay $70,000 in taxes that year, so its like why go through all that trouble just to make $25,000 or so, after taxes.... If the house doesn't sell then he has to pay the mortgage until it sells and potentially take a hit. And he's little compared to some other guys my dad knows. They take the risk, and they get the reward. What your saying looks good on paper, but there's a reason people used to come to America (literally by the boat loads), to get away from where they came from.

Is it possible to lift the discussion from people you know to the system over all. Not becouse the average person isn't important, or the points are not good, but they get cluddered in the context they are given.

John Rawls was a political philosopher from Harvard that in the 70s release a book called "A theory of Justice". There he discussed how to best achive a just system. The reason I bring this up is that he thought that socialism was the best way to govern a country. The reason was based on his brilliant concept of the vail of ignorance. What that concept was built on was the notion that every dicission we make is based upon self presevation and self interest. What he hoped to achive was an intellectual practise that remove those interest. The idea was simple yet imposible. When you dicide what to do, put on an imaginary vail of ignorance that hides from you who you are, and what you are. You don't know if your male/female, if your American or an immigrant, if your wealty or poor. You know nothing about yourself that could give you and advantage after you made the decission. Then would you be able to make the decission that was most fair for everyone. Because you didn't know where you would be after the vail was liftet. Therefore you would try to make it best for everyone and so that you would be covered. And with that though, the social system is the best system, since it is the most fair system for everyone.

Socialisme gives the unlucky a break. You don't get enough money to live a rich life like people who work for a living ofcourse, then all incentive for working would go out the window. I personally belive in second chances in life, and from what I've learned about the American health system, there are some issues there that needs to be dealt with. Is it true that if you don't have insurence and get in an accident that needs multiple surgeries, you are pretty much financially fucked?

It is true that America is built upon the boatloads of people comming to get work. But the problem with the United states and the western world today is something that is best discribed with a scene from the Wire: "We used to buld shit in this country". After WWII America was on top of their game. No other country in the world came close to produce so much BNP as the US. There was industry all over the country, but most of it is not there anymore. Those industries that hasn't gone belly up is now producing their products in Asia. Where the economic growth has been for the last few decades. This problem stretches to almost every "western" country in the world today.

Why is socialisme such a bad thing in America?

pure capitalims and pure socialism are pure junk systems, there has to be some kind of middle ground

Exactly, too much of anything isn't good.

The reason Socialism in America is a bad thing is because its what we fought against. We fought for Independence from The U,K.

Ah, yes. That well known socialist state that was the UK at the end of the 18th Century... Absolute monarchy, aristocracy and colonialism are such rampant socialist values.

Right? I think the real reason people seem to fear Socialism is because they don't know what it is.

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I'm planning on voting for Obama because I believe he is absolutely better than Romney.

But I might not vote. See, part of me thinks no matter who we vote into office, it's gonna be absolute shit, y'know? Absolute shit. The president will be hated no matter who it is. So a small part of me wants Romney to win so that he, y'know, sucks, and we won't have anyone like him again in office.

Either way, I'm not voting for Romney, and I'll probably end up voting for Obama just because the short-sighted part of me doesn't want someone like Romney in power at all, so I voted in this poll for Obama.

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A lot of people fail to grasp that the top leadership in this country is shared. 100 senators. 435 congressmen, 9 justices and a President. That is just the top. People just like to blame the President because he is just one man.

yeah thats why i like to have government divided up i dont want one side to control everything. if obama wins i want to see republicans own big majorities in both houses of congress. if romney wins i want to see huge democrat majorities in congress. that way it stops this bullshit that has been going around since 2000 or so with republicans shoving shit down our throats and democrats shoving shit down our throats just because they have the presidency and a majority in the congress

in the 90s under clinton congress was run by republicans and both sides had to give and take to get stuff each side wanted, since then its been 1 sided

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I think we need another party to take over. The Republican Party is basically two different parties. The wealthy people who want to hold on to everything they have earned and the Christian Right. They have been growing apart since 2008.

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i really dont care who wins the presidency if the other side wins congress


and Americans have already tried to send their message to Washington in the mid terms about their feelings on this debacle of a health care plan.

But somewhere along the lines he still doesnt get it.

So in November we will send the message again, a little louder.

And I believe we will take the senate back and keep the house.

As far as the presidency goes, as long as stupid uninformed people are allowed to vote, Obama has a chance.

What we have in the oval office now is mainly a direct result from that very freedom.

Romney is certainly not a much better choice, but at least the dictator in chief we have now will be gone.

You cant govern like that here in America, or shouldnt. We fought many wars with sacrafice that we not be ruled by a man, or woman, that thinks they're a King.

Edited by shades
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