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Money is no object


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If money wasn't an issue I'd;

Set up a record label, still care about selling records (to have the artists actually feel like they've earned any accolades awarded to their records), Sh*t, I could call it Stoner Records and base it out of an Amsterdam coffee shop/record label, pump some 'magic money' into the movement to legalise it in the UK' - still record in London, see places around the world to record at too, all under my Dutch label... If the yes vote ever does happen, buy a nice yacht, call it 'My Mini Mayflower' arrange a public very public press conference in Amsterdam's port with reporters covering me, an advocate for the change in Britain living in Amsterdam with Stoner Records with all my magic money at the dock aboard My Mini Mayflower, congratulate the yes campaign, announce a repatriation of sorts, set sail... Now here's the thing... I'd 'for my own shi*ts and giggles' draw up a business plan aboard My Mini Mayflower in international waters for business in the UK, include things I like into policy, finalise it with everyone on board which'll, be the right people to do this, I'd personally see to create a board resolution of me to go ahead and adopt the My Mini Mayflower Pact .. - Then if I want, stay on the boat or somehow, maybe a helicopter; arrange pickup from the boat to an airport, to take me and My Mini Mayflower Pact somewhere where I could think about tours...

Set up a tour you'd need;




Partnerships (for not having a monopoly in my 'magic money case' and other popular brands could be reassuring to the consumer anyway).

A record/something to sell

A construction crew

Insurance (of everyone and everything)


Tour Managers


Edited by Snake-Pit
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If money were no object I'd make sure all the little boys and girls of the world got everything they wanted for Christmas tommorow morning with not a thought for myself cuz I'm so lovely :):)

But if i must a 328 Ferrari, 8 grams of charlie, a big bottle of Grants, a bag of weed and a fat and willing bird will do nicely! And Arsenal to win the league, ta very much!

Edited by Len B'stard
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If money wasn't an issue I'd;

Set up a record label, still care about selling records (to have the artists actually feel like they've earned any accolades awarded to their records), Sh*t, I could call it Stoner Records and base it out of an Amsterdam coffee shop/record label, pump some 'magic money' into the movement to legalise it in the UK' - still record in London, see places around the world to record at too, all under my Dutch label... If the yes vote ever does happen, buy a nice yacht, call it 'My Mini Mayflower' arrange a public very public press conference in Amsterdam's port with reporters covering me, an advocate for the change in Britain living in Amsterdam with Stoner Records with all my magic money at the dock aboard My Mini Mayflower, congratulate the yes campaign, announce a repatriation of sorts, set sail... Now here's the thing... I'd 'for my own shi*ts and giggles' draw up a business plan aboard My Mini Mayflower in international waters for business in the UK, include things I like into policy, finalise it with everyone on board which'll, be the right people to do this, I'd personally see to create a board resolution of me to go ahead and adopt the My Mini Mayflower Pact .. - Then if I want, stay on the boat or somehow, maybe a helicopter; arrange pickup from the boat to an airport, to take me and My Mini Mayflower Pact somewhere where I could think about tours...

Set up a tour you'd need;




Partnerships (for not having a monopoly in my 'magic money case' and other popular brands could be reassuring to the consumer anyway).

A record/something to sell

A construction crew

Insurance (of everyone and everything)


Tour Managers


Have you got any other way of getting your brand out there? Is there a www.f**K.com or an amazon page, eBay page? A market stall? What is it that you sell? Post a fucking link man you seem to have the business chops. Is it a record company? An import export business? Where would someone wanting their goods imported find you? What does your business do? Is it just an idea? What are you trying to sell you fuckwit :lol: Edited by spunko12345
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Thread Bump!

If money wasn't an issue I'd;

Set up a record label, still care about selling records (to have the artists actually feel like they've earned any accolades awarded to their records), Sh*t, I could call it Stoner Records and base it out of an Amsterdam coffee shop/record label, pump some 'magic money' into the movement to legalise it in the UK' - still record in London, see places around the world to record at too, all under my Dutch label... If the yes vote ever does happen, buy a nice yacht, call it 'My Mini Mayflower' arrange a public very public press conference in Amsterdam's port with reporters covering me, an advocate for the change in Britain living in Amsterdam with Stoner Records with all my magic money at the dock aboard My Mini Mayflower, congratulate the yes campaign, announce a repatriation of sorts, set sail... Now here's the thing... I'd 'for my own shi*ts and giggles' draw up a business plan aboard My Mini Mayflower in international waters for business in the UK, include things I like into policy, finalise it with everyone on board which'll, be the right people to do this, I'd personally see to create a board resolution of me to go ahead and adopt the My Mini Mayflower Pact .. - Then if I want, stay on the boat or somehow, maybe a helicopter; arrange pickup from the boat to an airport, to take me and My Mini Mayflower Pact somewhere where I could think about tours...

Set up a tour you'd need;




Partnerships (for not having a monopoly in my 'magic money case' and other popular brands could be reassuring to the consumer anyway).

A record/something to sell

A construction crew

Insurance (of everyone and everything)


Tour Managers


Have you got any other way of getting your brand out there? Is there a www.f**K.com or an amazon page, eBay page? A market stall? What is it that you sell? Post a fucking link man you seem to have the business chops. Is it a record company? An import export business? Where would someone wanting their goods imported find you? What does your business do? Is it just an idea? What are you trying to sell you fuckwit :lol:

Stop complicating things! :lol:

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I would set up a show/concert/cd/book that would raise over a billion dollars for charities.

I would donate ten million dollars and then contact every major celebrity, athlete, business men and just random rich people and get them to match my amount. Or as much as they could.

I would get a few major players involved. Kayne. Tom Brady. Eddie Murphy. Adele. Once guy got a few big names then it would snowball.

We would put on a televised show - ala the old jerry Lee Lewis telethon. But with mainstream popular acts, the most popular acts in the world.

The 15 most popular would donate one song for us to release on an album with a book / more on that later.

GnR. U2. Stones. Adele. Taylor Swift. Metallica. Coldplay. Whoever the most popular comedians and magicians are.

The rich people's donation would hopefully hit our goal of a billion dollars. Taylor Swift a couple hundred million dollars last year - she can afford to donate ten mill. Zuckerman. Gates. Ten mill is chump change.

The telethon would raise a couple hundred million from people's donations.

I would then take that 1.2 billion dollars and divide it into chunks for all 50 states. The bigger states would get more than smaller ones.

I would have a list of maybe 10 categories where the money would be distrusted. College scholarships. People who couldn't afford medical procedures. Putting up playgrounds. A program that donates jackets/boots/backpacks to elementary schools. Make A Wish Foundation. Donations to hospitals. Food shelters. Etc.

So if Texas received 50 million, it would be broken up to 5 million per category.

Why would celebs do it? Most are narcissistic. The third part is what draws them in.

An album of the 15 donated songs. Attached to a book that features little stories on who donated the most money - as well as stories on cool things the money was spent on.

So page three might feature a story about how Kim and Kayne donated 15 million dollars. Would have their picture and a story about them.

Page four would show how the money was used in their state for 100 college scholarships, sent twenty kids with cancer to Disneyland, bought 10,000 jackets for school kids, etc. Plus a big story on the heart transplant for the 8 year old girl that the donations paid for.

The book would feature the top donators. Plus highlight the things the money bought in each state. PLUS have a CD featuring brand new songs from major musicians.

The money raised from that album and book would then be donated to a specific cause. We've had the pink ribbon and the ice bucket challenge. So we would pick a different cause or maybe for disaster relief. Something really needed.


TL/DR - I would use my money to help raise more money to help those less fortunate than the rest of us.

Yesterday we posted on Facebook that we had toys for kids that we wanted to donate to families that were having a tough time this year.

In less than an hour we hooked up with five families. Half the stuff we gave them were clothes and toys my kids had outgrown. Then we spent maybe $500 on food and household items, clothes and some new toys.

For a mere $500 bucks and donating things we already owned, we changes the lives of five families. And yes, almost all the moms cried when we dropped the items off.

Now imagine the change you would make in the world if you could do that times a million!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I would set up a show/concert/cd/book that would raise over a billion dollars for charities.

I would donate ten million dollars and then contact every major celebrity, athlete, business men and just random rich people and get them to match my amount. Or as much as they could.

I would get a few major players involved. Kayne. Tom Brady. Eddie Murphy. Adele. Once guy got a few big names then it would snowball.

We would put on a televised show - ala the old jerry Lee Lewis telethon. But with mainstream popular acts, the most popular acts in the world.

The 15 most popular would donate one song for us to release on an album with a book / more on that later.

GnR. U2. Stones. Adele. Taylor Swift. Metallica. Coldplay. Whoever the most popular comedians and magicians are.

The rich people's donation would hopefully hit our goal of a billion dollars. Taylor Swift a couple hundred million dollars last year - she can afford to donate ten mill. Zuckerman. Gates. Ten mill is chump change.

The telethon would raise a couple hundred million from people's donations.

I would then take that 1.2 billion dollars and divide it into chunks for all 50 states. The bigger states would get more than smaller ones.

I would have a list of maybe 10 categories where the money would be distrusted. College scholarships. People who couldn't afford medical procedures. Putting up playgrounds. A program that donates jackets/boots/backpacks to elementary schools. Make A Wish Foundation. Donations to hospitals. Food shelters. Etc.

So if Texas received 50 million, it would be broken up to 5 million per category.

Why would celebs do it? Most are narcissistic. The third part is what draws them in.

An album of the 15 donated songs. Attached to a book that features little stories on who donated the most money - as well as stories on cool things the money was spent on.

So page three might feature a story about how Kim and Kayne donated 15 million dollars. Would have their picture and a story about them.

Page four would show how the money was used in their state for 100 college scholarships, sent twenty kids with cancer to Disneyland, bought 10,000 jackets for school kids, etc. Plus a big story on the heart transplant for the 8 year old girl that the donations paid for.

The book would feature the top donators. Plus highlight the things the money bought in each state. PLUS have a CD featuring brand new songs from major musicians.

The money raised from that album and book would then be donated to a specific cause. We've had the pink ribbon and the ice bucket challenge. So we would pick a different cause or maybe for disaster relief. Something really needed.


TL/DR - I would use my money to help raise more money to help those less fortunate than the rest of us.

Yesterday we posted on Facebook that we had toys for kids that we wanted to donate to families that were having a tough time this year.

In less than an hour we hooked up with five families. Half the stuff we gave them were clothes and toys my kids had outgrown. Then we spent maybe $500 on food and household items, clothes and some new toys.

For a mere $500 bucks and donating things we already owned, we changes the lives of five families. And yes, almost all the moms cried when we dropped the items off.

Now imagine the change you would make in the world if you could do that times a million!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice plan but it wouldn't work because basically your just asking famous people for ten million dollars :lol: why would they decide to do that if they haven't already. Not just because you'd do it first because otherwise they'd all be following Bill Gates lead when he gives away loads.

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I'd buy an island and grow my own weed and purchase a 1959 Les Paul Standard cause I'm worth it. Learn how to build my own guitars or attempt to. Build an expensive as shit recording studio and BBQ next to the pool. Rare cats, perhaps a dog.

Learn how to fly planes and I'll own one. Purchase the golden guns Cage used in Face Off.

Edited by Rovim
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I would set up a show/concert/cd/book that would raise over a billion dollars for charities.

I would donate ten million dollars and then contact every major celebrity, athlete, business men and just random rich people and get them to match my amount. Or as much as they could.

I would get a few major players involved. Kayne. Tom Brady. Eddie Murphy. Adele. Once guy got a few big names then it would snowball.

We would put on a televised show - ala the old jerry Lee Lewis telethon. But with mainstream popular acts, the most popular acts in the world.

The 15 most popular would donate one song for us to release on an album with a book / more on that later.

GnR. U2. Stones. Adele. Taylor Swift. Metallica. Coldplay. Whoever the most popular comedians and magicians are.

The rich people's donation would hopefully hit our goal of a billion dollars. Taylor Swift a couple hundred million dollars last year - she can afford to donate ten mill. Zuckerman. Gates. Ten mill is chump change.

The telethon would raise a couple hundred million from people's donations.

I would then take that 1.2 billion dollars and divide it into chunks for all 50 states. The bigger states would get more than smaller ones.

I would have a list of maybe 10 categories where the money would be distrusted. College scholarships. People who couldn't afford medical procedures. Putting up playgrounds. A program that donates jackets/boots/backpacks to elementary schools. Make A Wish Foundation. Donations to hospitals. Food shelters. Etc.

So if Texas received 50 million, it would be broken up to 5 million per category.

Why would celebs do it? Most are narcissistic. The third part is what draws them in.

An album of the 15 donated songs. Attached to a book that features little stories on who donated the most money - as well as stories on cool things the money was spent on.

So page three might feature a story about how Kim and Kayne donated 15 million dollars. Would have their picture and a story about them.

Page four would show how the money was used in their state for 100 college scholarships, sent twenty kids with cancer to Disneyland, bought 10,000 jackets for school kids, etc. Plus a big story on the heart transplant for the 8 year old girl that the donations paid for.

The book would feature the top donators. Plus highlight the things the money bought in each state. PLUS have a CD featuring brand new songs from major musicians.

The money raised from that album and book would then be donated to a specific cause. We've had the pink ribbon and the ice bucket challenge. So we would pick a different cause or maybe for disaster relief. Something really needed.


TL/DR - I would use my money to help raise more money to help those less fortunate than the rest of us.

Yesterday we posted on Facebook that we had toys for kids that we wanted to donate to families that were having a tough time this year.

In less than an hour we hooked up with five families. Half the stuff we gave them were clothes and toys my kids had outgrown. Then we spent maybe $500 on food and household items, clothes and some new toys.

For a mere $500 bucks and donating things we already owned, we changes the lives of five families. And yes, almost all the moms cried when we dropped the items off.

Now imagine the change you would make in the world if you could do that times a million!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice plan but it wouldn't work because basically your just asking famous people for ten million dollars :lol: why would they decide to do that if they haven't already. Not just because you'd do it first because otherwise they'd all be following Bill Gates lead when he gives away loads.

Sometimes people just need to be asked!

And look at the ice water challenge. People already knew about ALS - but the publicity of the ice water thing made it go viral and an additional 100 million dollars was raised.

Gates is donating most of his fortune. Zuckerman followed suit. That's why you get one Celeb on board. If Kayne donates you don't think puff and Jay-Z and Russell Simmons aren't going to match it or donate more? Celebs are almost all narcissistic and are going to want to beat each other and be part of it.

Especially to see themselves featured in the final book/album.

Most people have big hearts and want to help people. Especially if they get glory and credit for it.

I have faith in the human race!!!

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  • 7 months later...

set up a wonderful place for unwanted/abused/abandoned animals. some place safe for them to live. big grassy areas for the dogs to run and play. and same for kitties, but with something set up so they could not wander away; safe from being run over, attacked by animals and mean people etc. best medical care, tons of true animals lovers to play with, cuddle and love them... it would be so big i couldn't do it all myself :)

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1 minute ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

set up a wonderful place for unwanted/abused/abandoned animals. some place safe for them to live. big grassy areas for the dogs to run and play. and same for kitties, but with something set up so they could not wander away; safe from being run over, attacked by animals and mean people etc. best medical care, tons of true animals lovers to play with, cuddle and love them... it would be so big i couldn't do it all myself :)

Thats really nice of you, you have a big heart, many times people think about themselves (like me lol), but you really have a good thinking. 

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I know I posted in this last December. But now if I had lots of money, I'd definitely invest it in my business. I'd like some advertising/marketing, to hire someone to sell ad space in the magazines full time, an extra external hard drive, a professional We Transfer account and an office space of my own. Some of that isn't very expensive but living costs come first.

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