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Does anyone else hate superhero movies?

arnold layne

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I like super hero movies.

Me too.

I still haven't seen The Avengers but I love the first Iron Man and Thor was unexpectedly awesome.

Oh, and the Hulk with Norton was enjoyable as well. They're just movies, I can usually turn off any expectations and sit back and enjoy.

Your last sentence nailed it.

We need movies like that. Sometimes, after a hard stressful week at work, it is nice to go watch some mindless action movie where the good guy overcomes evil to save the world. Pop, popcorn, candy and be entertained for two hours.

I would hate to be the type of person who has to analyze every aspect of a movie. Who the director is, who the writer is, who the actors are.. and them break down every scene and every line of dialog.

And don't we need super hero movies, as well as dumb teen comedies, cheesy horror flicks, sappy love stories to go along with all the "real" stories and movies?

I love rib eye steaks, lobster and prawns, asparagus, and chocolate pie for dessert.......but I don't want to eat it 3 times a day, 7 days a week. Sometimes it is OK to sneak in an In and Out Burger or Subway sandwich.

Same thing with movies. And music. Not every movie or song has to be an epic life changing work of art. Sometimes it is OK to root for the crocodile to eat the topless swimming cheerleader.

With that said. Yes, it does seem like we are getting hammered with super hero movies. This is how ridiculous it is. I paid $4 to pay per view the new Abe Lincoln movie.........quickly searching for something to watch after everybody else went to bed. Ya. It wasn't the Hollywood funded movie I thought, but instead, a movie with a $19,000 production budget about Abe Lincoln fighting zombies.

Movie makers don't just copy the good ideas. They literally copy EVERY idea.

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Guest Satanisk_Slakt

I agree, Arnold. I'm so sick of them. I like the X-men films, but that's because of nostalgia from the cartoon when I was a kid. Batman, Superman and what else of crappy shit superhero film there are are just generally terrible. I can't see the appeal at all.

Edit: Also, they're the most predictable films ever. I'm surprised every time I hear that anyone that isn't a male under the age of 17 likes them.

Edited by Satanisk_Slakt
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Arnold Layne. Hates everything people like. Likes everything people hate. :popcorn:

It's a reliable ages-old tried and true forum gimmick

I'm really beginning to think it is...

Yeah because everyone likes superhero movies. :rolleyes:

Get over yourself. Not everyone shares your bland, easily amused personality.

Edited by arnold layne
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Arnold Layne. Hates everything people like. Likes everything people hate. :popcorn:

It's a reliable ages-old tried and true forum gimmick

I'm really beginning to think it is...

Yeah because everyone likes superhero movies. :rolleyes:

Get over yourself. Not everyone shares your bland, easily amused personality.

I don't have a bland, easily amused personality, thank you very much :lol:

Don't mind me, make another thread to show us how special and unique your personal taste is. :thumbsup:

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I like movies that are original, meaning that they are unique in a sense that the move wasn't a book, wasn't a remake, but written specifically for the movie.

Name some of your favs?

Inception, Little Miss Sunshine, Big Lebowski etc.

you realize that the big lebowski is the coen brothers' ode to/semi-parody of old film noirs, right? it basically copies the plot of the big sleep.

i don't hate any film on principle. i don't say i'm not gonna watch something just because it's a comic book movie. good comic book movies are good, and bad comic book movies are bad. happens with any genre. problem is, comic book movies are exceptionally popular with international audiences right now, so a lot more of them are being made than in the past. the flipside is that a lot of them actually draw talent now and are of quality.

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I like movies that are original, meaning that they are unique in a sense that the move wasn't a book, wasn't a remake, but written specifically for the movie.

Name some of your favs?

Inception, Little Miss Sunshine, Big Lebowski etc.

you realize that the big lebowski is the coen brothers' ode to/semi-parody of old film noirs, right? it basically copies the plot of the big sleep.

i don't hate any film on principle. i don't say i'm not gonna watch something just because it's a comic book movie. good comic book movies are good, and bad comic book movies are bad. happens with any genre. problem is, comic book movies are exceptionally popular with international audiences right now, so a lot more of them are being made than in the past. the flipside is that a lot of them actually draw talent now and are of quality.

I just disagree.

I liked Spiderman with Maguire when I was twelve. Then I grew up.

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I like movies that are original, meaning that they are unique in a sense that the move wasn't a book, wasn't a remake, but written specifically for the movie.

Your profile picture is from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas :rolleyes:

Hahhahahhahha! Awwwwww, fuckin' snap!!!! :lol:

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Guest Len B'stard

I agree with Arnold, they're fuckin' boring uninspired and the results of focus groups and pandering to certain audiences and as such they come out looking very flash but almost always lacking in substance. Last superhero movie i saw was Batman Returns back when it was big in the 90s. Always disliked em really. Well, tell a lie, liked Superman and that as a kid but kids are kids.

And that whole fuckin' nerd hysteria over them just fuckin' make my nuts shrivel.

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I agree with Arnold, they're fuckin' boring uninspired and the results of focus groups and pandering to certain audiences and as such they come out looking very flash but almost always lacking in substance. Last superhero movie i saw was Batman Returns back when it was big in the 90s. Always disliked em really. Well, tell a lie, liked Superman and that as a kid but kids are kids.

And that whole fuckin' nerd hysteria over them just fuckin' make my nuts shrivel.

The Avengers was fuckin' mint man!

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Guest Len B'stard

I agree with Arnold, they're fuckin' boring uninspired and the results of focus groups and pandering to certain audiences and as such they come out looking very flash but almost always lacking in substance. Last superhero movie i saw was Batman Returns back when it was big in the 90s. Always disliked em really. Well, tell a lie, liked Superman and that as a kid but kids are kids.

And that whole fuckin' nerd hysteria over them just fuckin' make my nuts shrivel.

The Avengers was fuckin' mint man!

I seen the TV show if it counts, my old man loves all that, Avengers, Mission Impossible, Department S, The Persuaders...not the film though. And also like, fuckin' come on, thats like, iconic stuff man, whats his face, Steed and Emma Peel (that was her name in it, weren't it?), you can't really...replicate it, it'd be like watching the great escape and have like, Michael Barrymore on the bike jumping the fence instead of Steve McQueen, it just wouldn't be right :lol: TOP MIDDLE OR BOTTOM, TOP MIDDLE OR BOTTOM!!! *shrieks like a woman*

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I agree with Arnold, they're fuckin' boring uninspired and the results of focus groups and pandering to certain audiences and as such they come out looking very flash but almost always lacking in substance. Last superhero movie i saw was Batman Returns back when it was big in the 90s. Always disliked em really. Well, tell a lie, liked Superman and that as a kid but kids are kids.

And that whole fuckin' nerd hysteria over them just fuckin' make my nuts shrivel.

The Avengers was fuckin' mint man!

I seen the TV show if it counts, my old man loves all that, Avengers, Mission Impossible, Department S, The Persuaders...not the film though. And also like, fuckin' come on, thats like, iconic stuff man, whats his face, Steed and Emma Peel (that was her name in it, weren't it?), you can't really...replicate it, it'd be like watching the great escape and have like, Michael Barrymore on the bike jumping the fence instead of Steve McQueen, it just wouldn't be right :lol: TOP MIDDLE OR BOTTOM, TOP MIDDLE OR BOTTOM!!! *shrieks like a woman*

TOP, MIDDLE OR BOTTOM? I'm guessing it'd be bottom every time in his case! :lol: "Oi Barrymore, put that fuckin' broom down and get him out of the pool!!!" :lol:

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Guest Len B'stard

I enjoy them for what they are, guess that means I'm an idiot and there's something wrong with me :jerkoff:

Dont get me wrong i weren't tryna slag no one off, there's lotsa stuff i watch thats like...pretty puerile. I watch The A Team for crying out loud, not tryna come off snotty or anything, they're just not my kinda puerile :lol:

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That sounded terrible, but basically I look for something more than that. I just don't understand how people can enjoy those movies. There is no twists, suspense, or originality in any of them. I want something different.

What movies do you feel have delivered the qualities you seek?

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