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Dizzy Reed: 'This is the real Guns N' Roses'

Guest NGOG

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The only real fools on this message board are the ones who take all of this personally

don't think i need to further explain who they are....

I don't take any of it personally. Although when I was goofing on Slash in the attitude, a lot of your ilk took it VERY personally. Interesting double standard: ok to talk shit about Axl, but not Slash.

Keep telling yourself you're not a complete and utter fool for obsessively hating on Axl. Keep telling yourself that. lol!

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The only real fools on this message board are the ones who take all of this personally

don't think i need to further explain who they are....

I don't take any of it personally. Although when I was goofing on Slash in the attitude, a lot of your ilk took it VERY personally. Interesting double standard: ok to talk shit about Axl, but not Slash.

Keep telling yourself you're not a complete and utter fool for obsessively hating on Axl. Keep telling yourself that. lol!

I don't obsessively hate Axl at all... he's easily my all time favorite frontman and lead singer, I just call bullshit when I see it. To you apparently that means I obessively hate the guy, lol, far from it.

...when have I ever taken anything personally about Slash? These guys are old rock stars, I idolized them when I was 15.. but now I'm just another aging fan whose interested in what they're up to these days. I don't have all that much vested in them as it seems you do, I think you interpret my stance as a whole lot more passionate than it really is. Its a fucking guitar player and a singer for christ sake... its not like I'm rabidly responding to every anti Slash post on the forum like you do for your precious Axl

Edited by sweetness
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Guest bellastar2355

And just like moths to a flame, all the people living in the past come out in droves to discredit Dizzy, insult him, and talk shit. Axl owns them all. Haha.

Right because Axl doesn't own Dizzy's ass..tha man was jobless and on the verge of being homeless and when Axl hired him...What the fuck else do you expect him to say as Axl is his meal ticket....Axl cultists blind loyalty never ceases to amaze me..........

Doesn't change the fact that you and all your little clones are living in the past. That's the difference between you and me. I've accepted reality. You're desperately clinging to some fantasy delusion of yesteryear. Good luck with that.

You accept Axl's reality of things without question mate which is quite different from the real world.......makes you no better than a cult member........

and I have never once said I am waiting for a reunion as I seen the real thing back in 1987 and 1988 so no clinging on the past here...........

Gee that's funny, I thought we were talking about Dizzy. I don't accept "Axl's reality." I accept reality. Axl has said, repeatedly, in no uncertain terms: no reunion, going to continue to use the name, no hugging it out with Slash. That's not "Axl's reality." That's just he reality of what he has said. Unlike you and some others around here, I can deal with lineup changes: I'm a fan of several bands who have had significant lineup changes: Deep Purple, Van Halen, Black Sabbath, among others. And I like the various incarnations of each of those bands (except for David Coverdale Deep Purple, /jk). It is what it is. I've accepted the reality, nothing more. Hell, I was pissed off when Matt joined the band. I hated him and his sound and his look. But even at 12 years old, I learned to accept him as part of the band's evolution. Lineups change. Shit happens.

Talking shit about Axl on the internet won't accomplish anything, other than to cupcake people who have moved on and are simply enjoying Guns n Roses in its current incarnation. We get it. No really we do. lol

Never thought I'd agree with Brainsaber, but he's right... it is what it is....

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See,the thing is brainsaber, you and your ilk (volcano, damnsmooth) deem even the slightest criticism of Axl as "hating" and you then berate that poster all over the forum combined with your stock tactic of then started cupcake threads and replies about Slash in an effort to annoy that poster. You also tell that poster off as a cupcake, tell them to stop posting, tell them to leave the forum and insult them every chance you get.

You dish it out and people are fed up with your shit and forum police attitude designed to silence anyone that doesn't worship Axl and all the bullshit that surrounds him.

Then you get your panties in a knot when you receive a dose of your own medicine.

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Well if I look to my guns n roses cds, which are AFD, Lies, UYI 1 and UYI 2, I can clearly see that the band who made that timeless music is not the band I see today, so I don't know what the hell Dizzy "I play bongos" Reed is talking about. It's not a matter of living in the past, it's just common sense.

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its not like I'm rabidly responding to every anti Slash post on the forum like you do for your precious Axl

I'm sure you actually believe that too. The reality is I only target certain posters whose posting histories seem to indicate they have no other purpose here than to talk shit about Axl. Sorry, I must've confused you with those people. Carry on with your "I don't really care, I just talk shit about Axl all the time for shits n giggles" modus operandi. By all means. lol

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See,the thing is brainsaber, you and your ilk (volcano, damnsmooth) deem even the slightest criticism of Axl as "hating" and you then berate that poster all over the forum combined with your stock tactic of then started cupcake threads and replies about Slash in an effort to annoy that poster. You also tell that poster off as a cupcake, tell them to stop posting, tell them to leave the forum and insult them every chance you get.

You dish it out and people are fed up with your shit and forum police attitude designed to silence anyone that doesn't worship Axl and all the bullshit that surrounds him.

Then you get your panties in a knot when you receive a dose of your own medicine.

U mad bro?

The slightest criticism? Jesus Christ you really the biggest exaggerating drama queen I've ever met. There's actually only a handful of people I call out for being assholes. Unfortunately for you, your posting history is one click away, and people can see that you are, in fact, an unhappy human being whose sole purpose on this board is not to discuss the band, but rather to take potshots at Axl. Ohh... so sorry.

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its not like I'm rabidly responding to every anti Slash post on the forum like you do for your precious Axl

I'm sure you actually believe that too. The reality is I only target certain posters whose posting histories seem to indicate they have no other purpose here than to talk shit about Axl. Sorry, I must've confused you with those people. Carry on with your "I don't really care, I just talk shit about Axl all the time for shits n giggles" modus operandi. By all means. lol

I'm a fan just like you are, excuse me for calling it like I see it, aren't you Axl worshipers obsessed with integrity? You should appreciate that. If you were paying as close attention as you claim to be you would probably notice when I call Slash out on his shit plus all the nice things I say about Axl and his band, but you don't come here for actual discussion, you come here to brown nose your idol and get in pissing contests all day. suit yourself

Continue your crusade against "shit talkers" though, I'm glad you have enough time on your hands to "fight the good fight" amongst internet message board posters in the name of the great Axl Rose. Somebody has to be his white knight, maybe if you're lucky he'll name drop you in an on stage rant!

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On the contrary brainsaber, you are the one that sounds butthurt. It's not my fault that my posting history reveals the trainwreck that has been the past few years. I live in the real world, that evil place outside this forum where Axl Rose is a joke and always good for a laugh (at his latest hissy fit or fuckup) :lol:

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you can now see a member from "the real Guns N' Roses" when he tours bars around the US as "Hookers & Blow"

most dangerous band in the fucking world

honestly, the only people living in the past are those who act like Guns N' Roses is still together


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It is funny how mad the Axl worshippers get anytime somebody says something negative about their God. Could it be because no matter how much they worship Axl's every move, and no matter how many times they insult Slash and Duff, at the end of the day, keeping the GnR name and all it's weight and power and financial benefit hasn't really helped that much , Axl will NEVER be as succesful with the GnR name as he was when the evil Slash and Duff were in the band. I think that is why they get so angry and defensive and lash out at anybody who dares says something negative about their God.

Some of the posts on here are ridiculous.

First off, everything in this topic is totally speculative. None of us know what happened and who is to blame. So some of you need to take a step off your high horse and STOP acting like your opinion is fact. Your hatred and anger towards Slash and Duff is laughable and just shows your Axl bias. And again, at the end of the day, those two guys that you keep insulting? Guess what? Axl and GnR was 100 times more successful when they were in the band compared to when they weren't!!!!!! And the band that you idolize so much today is making a living playing songs that Slash/Duff helped created. And as long as Axl and Team Brazil refuse to release music created by the new guys, then they will continue sucking the hind tit of Slash/Duff and making a living off of their material.

With Slash/Duff. Four albums in five years. Best selling debut album of all time. Two other albums that sold over 7 million copies apiece. Record breaking tours. Number one videos. Considered one of the top rock bands alive and destined to top the Stones and Aerosmith.

Minus Slash/Duff?????? One album in 20 years that didn't sell a million copies in the US and only sold 3 million world wide. They are now playing weddings, playing Vegas shows (like Motley Crue and Def Leppard) and unless it is a special event, GnR is playing to 5,000 people a night in arenas they used to sell out.

How exatly has Axl "won"??????????????

I also like how the worshippers leave out all the negative parts that Axl contributed to the classic band's demise. They leave out that Axl turned into a dictator, removed himself from the rest of the band, the shows he started HOURS late or the shows where he didn't even SHOW UP at all and they had to be cancelled.

The breakup wasn't just because of Slash/Duff's addiction problems. That played a major role, as did Axl's primma donna behavior. Axl was JUST as much at fault as everybody else.

And let us not forget why Axl's best buddy Izzy quit as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He got tired of Axl's act and quit the band.

Look at quotes from the other major bands that were around during GnR's hey day. I'm not talking about lower level bands that were part of the GnR system (bach, hoon). Bands that were at the same level as GnR - Metallica, Nirvana, Bon Jovi.......they all thought Axl was a joke.

Duff put out several albums and is semi-retired, just enjoying his life.

Slash has put out several albums, plays with everybody and their brother, tours and appears to be enjoying his life.

Axl? One album in 20 years, still fighting with the press and fans and random people, still suing people, and still holding a grudge against half the people in the music world.

Sure. Sounds like Axl has "won" and the other guys have "lost."


Axl Rose is my favorite rock singer of all time.

Appetite is my favorite rock album of all time.

I think CD is the best rock album of the last decade.

I would prefer a new album from the current band tomorrow over a reunion.

Dizzy is right. Technically, this is the real Guns n Roses. Axl owns the name, and the current band members are Guns n Roses. But until they put out material that stands beside the old band's material.....a lot of people are not going to accept them as equals.

But those of you who blindly worship his every move and who bash everything that Slash/Duff does and actually think that Slash/Duff were the reasons that the band broke-up and Axl had no fault in it............are simply delusional and give the rest of GnR fans a bad name.

Edited by Groghan
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