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Dizzy Reed: 'This is the real Guns N' Roses'

Guest NGOG

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Well as Estranged Reality pointed out, insulting forum members, even in the attitude section is against the rules. Given that you've made it your mission to do precisely that, and bragged about it, then you can't blame other forum members for getting sick of your behaviour.

A lot of forum members are sick of your behavior as well, my friend. I should know, I was one of them. Now that I see you all for the jokes that you really are, you're just mad that you don't get to me.

Keep crying though, it's entertaining. If you want to discuss this farther, I'll be back in Attitude. I'll leave this thread for people to whine about me in peace.

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Duff to my mind supports the current guys. Izzy too. They understand the pitfalls. We kind of just see a reunion or the classic line up with rose tinted glasses.

As of July last year, Duff apparently isn't on good terms since Axl holds a grudge against Bach for being on good terms with Duff.

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Ok but its not over the current line up. Its related but more to do with the Hall no show.

It's all about his terms with Axl. I don't see how Duff being on good terms with Axl ever meant that he supported the nugnr lineup. Just as you would say that being on bad terms with Axl doesn't mean he has a problem with the lineup.

TBH, I don't think Duff gives a shit about any of it.

Edited by Rustycage
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i dont think he would play with them if he was againgst it. But maybe its the only way to hangout with axl.

If he doesnt care why is he on bad terms with axl just cos he didnt go to the hall of hof.

I don't know why he may be pissed at Axl. Maybe he isn't and Axl is just pissed at him? It's anybody's guess.

I can't say I would blame him for being pissed at Axl over the hof, though. A great honor became just another circus of pissing and moaning.

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He is such a leech. It was so lame how Dizzy was going to attend the HoF and then Axl announced he wasn't and Reed followed suit. Has the guy got no backbone?

Can't say I disagree. Funny that he can talk loud when it comes to diminishing the old band's history and glorifying the current line up but when asked about any of the internal mechanics of the band, new songs or plans(like basic band knowledge) he goes quiet.

Edited by Young_Gun
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Funny that he can talk loud when it comes to diminishing the old band's history and glorifying the current line up but when asked about any of the internal mechanics of the band, new songs or plans(like basic band knowledge) he goes quite.

Word to my wristwatch.

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Like Dizzy would say otherwise.. The dude basically owes his whole adult life to Axl. I love the old band and all the post-Slash incarnations(2001 especially) but it's not about 'living in the past' it's about having an opinion about something. Just because you do not embrace the current line up doesn't mean you are living in the past. He sounds like a tool here I'm sorry. So because people haven't warmed to the new band he automatically has to be derogative. The fact that the old band has the best selling debut album to date and were responsible for timeless hits that are played and enjoyed to this day by people that were infants at the time of release is why people do consider this band the same as the 1985 band. It was a totally different line up just under the same name. There aren't two "Guns N' Roses" bands but this one is certainly not the one the most people know the band for.


Dizzy is a drone.

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I love how people on HTGtH are like: You tell em Dizzy! Idiots.

Yea, I don't get that either. They have this whole war where the ex-members are out to get Axl all built up in their heads.

It's a pure example of how hangers-on can fuck up a band. The world laughs at their collective asses when they try to claim supremacy with the current lineup.

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And just like moths to a flame, all the people living in the past come out in droves to discredit Dizzy, insult him, and talk shit. Axl owns them all. Haha.

but yet this NEW version of the band plays 85-90% of songs FROM THE PAST which really have no connection to this version exept for Axl? HMMMMMM

Edited by fabrph5
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Even the "new" songs are a tribute to ex-nugnr members. Someone tell Dizzy that this current group would have to write and release some material together before even having a shred of logic to call this "real" GNR. DJ is just along for the ride right now.

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Jesus Christ! This forum aint even worth lurking anymore. How the hell can you people come here and regurgitate the same fucking insults in every fucking topic every fucking day? Slasholes and nutswingers, you suck equally and now I'll go find some other place more worthy of my lurking.

God day, assholes.

Topic: well that's nice.

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What else is Dizzy gonna say? He's gotta kiss Lord Axl's ass. He's been sucking off Axl's teet ($$) for 20+ years.

Exactly. I like Dizzy but even Bumblefoot doesn't say Bullshit like that.

This band is guns n roses by contract.

Holy shit!

Dizzy turned out to be an idiot like brainless saber or lolcano...

I'm sure his paycheck will be bigger because of this interview

I know, saddens me. It really does

Duff to my mind supports the current guys. Izzy too. They understand the pitfalls. We kind of just see a reunion or the classic line up with rose tinted glasses.

They do. I mean, were izzy and axl really even speaking in 2001?
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How can the current line up be classed as the Real Guns N'Roses, when the latest hired-hand-lead-guitarist has yet to record and release any Guns N'Roses material?

It's laugh-able, At best, all Dizzy can be classed as, is the original hired-hand - lol!

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