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Dizzy Reed: 'This is the real Guns N' Roses'

Guest NGOG

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if you ever find yourself having to argue in the press that your band hasn't lost legitimacy, your band has lost legitimacy.


i dont think he would play with them if he was againgst it. But maybe its the only way to hangout with axl.

If he doesnt care why is he on bad terms with axl just cos he didnt go to the hall of hof.

I don't know why he may be pissed at Axl. Maybe he isn't and Axl is just pissed at him? It's anybody's guess.

I can't say I would blame him for being pissed at Axl over the hof, though. A great honor became just another circus of pissing and moaning.

a great honor?

You wouldn't see being inducted into the HOF as a great honor?

Funny thing is, Axl supporters would be praising HOF if Axl had attended. That's how delusional they are :lol:

True. They're a worrying lot - proper sheep types. If Axl's next record was a cover of a nursery rhyme, they'd lap it up, and search for deep meaning, and bring Slash into it :D

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It's funny how Axl's crazy attracts other crazies.

This. Us folk that primarily support Slash do it for a reason. He was right when he left and what Axl did/Slash accused him of, he continues to do to this day.

Let's assume you are right (you're not but let's pretend).

Slash quits GnR because Axl is evil.

Slash is on the right side you say, right?

Then why did Slash talk smack about Axl in various interviews through the years?

Why did Slash try to attend the 2000 Vegas show?

Why did Slash show up at Axl's house all drunk with Perla wanting his old job back ... while still in VR with Scott Weiland?

Why did Slash continue to talk about Chinese Democracy in interviews like he had the inside scoop?

And why did Slash refuse to help Axl with 4 songs on CD?

How come all the musicians who have come and gone from the CD era lineup never talk smack about Axl? In fact, they all say great things about Axl.

Even the guy that used Axl to get record deal and then ups and leaves - Buckethead - says nothing when asked about GnR (ie. no comment). Perhaps because Axl bent over backwards to build him a chicken coup and got him a record deal? If not, perhaps he has some professionalism to not talk smack about former band members?

On top all this, if Slash is the good guy, how come he had so many issues in VR?

Here's is what Slash says in regards to VR:

I always support whatever group I’m playing with – I’ll never say anything bad about them while I’m in it. But FAWKIN Velvet Revolver – that was the toughest five years, dealing with that band, just because of the obvious [Weiland] and really, really bad management. Joke management for the entire time.

“For some reason in that entire five years I could never be happy. I could never get comfortable and happy with it because it was such a fucking mess. That last tour in the UK was the first time I ever had any fun in that band – because I knew that Scott was leaving and it was a huge relief.

“But, all things considered, Scott to me is now like George Bush – y’know, I like him now that he’s not here. I have nothing bad to say about Scott, but he doesn’t work well with others in a group situation. So towards the end I had written a bunch of music and there were a lot of restrictions because of him writing in Velvet and a lot of stuff that I wanted to do was just sort of squelched.

Y’know Slither happened and Fall To Pieces and a couple of other songs I wrote, but it didn’t have the direction that the group – especially before Scott came into it – really set off in. Especially on that last record – which I still think is a good record, but was a lot mellower than [i would have liked].

“Anyway, so I was writing a lot of material and on that last UK tour I started taping a lot of stuff and when I got home I was like, ‘I need to get away from this group situation – I just need to be in control of something and do things my own way’. So it was a relief. And we’ll see – it’s not really about trying to make the biggest record in the world, but I will support it. I’ll go out there and do what I have to do to make sure that people go out there and listen to it cos I think it’s a cool record.”

Source: http://www.classicro...¦â€/

Wow! Sounds similar to GnR, don't it? This time, instead of quitting VR, he fired Scott because it was his band.

I love recording like this. During Appetite..., Lies and Use Your... I had to put up with Izzy the whole time. I never liked playing with him. It was wonderful to escape him on this record. It sounds tighter and so much cooler than anything we've done before. I always got irritated over Izzy's way of playing. It didn't sound right. Before "Spaghetti", we erased his guitar and Gilby put on a new one. It sounded perfect!

See http://hem.passagen....-199311-OK.html

So really ... who are the crazies with their blind devotion???

And people say that there is no such thing as an Axl Nutter.

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“Those people [that make accusations] obviously haven’t seen the band and I think people who do feel that way, when they come see the band will definitely change their tune.”

Dizzy's wrong. I've seen them and I did not, in fact, change my tune.

Agree with this, I paid a lot of money in travel and tickets to the 2006 show only to listen to Beautiful by Christina Aguilera. They won't be getting my money again without an album, and a fucking good album at that.

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