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should axl re-record AFD with the present line-up too?


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I think he only did that to get the band to sync up and be ready to play the songs live. The new line up has already played it to death and recorded it in rehearsals. The only point would be to get Axl up to par with the rest of the band but it would be a huge waste of time seeing as they can't even get in the studio as it is. Rumor has it, Team Brazil won't pay the 'employees' to record new material in the studio.

If they record anything in the studio it should be as a live band. Fuck that cut and paste bullshit it ruined CD. The Blues always sounded better live than in does on the CD.

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Why did he do that? I don't see the point other than to redirect royalties but I'm sure most people would still buy the original, even new fans.

It was to get those guys up to the standard to play live. Also it has a mind game element. I dont think they ever consider releasing it. Figaro!

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you guys speculate that he didn't really intend to release any of it, in spite of the fact that he released one song and tried to release others. except that nobody wanted to license nugnr covering old gnr songs.

sure, axl likes to explain away this crazy choice by saying it was to get the band ready or to rehearse the old songs... but that's bullshit. just like it was bullshit when he claimed oh my god was a demo that somehow got released to a movie soundtrack. if axl wanted to rehearse playing the old songs live, he'd have just done that. recording an album is a completely different process. and if it was necessary to rerecord albums in order to learn how to play songs, then how come he hasn't done it again with this line up? how come other bands don't do that too?

axl went to great lengths to try and fuck those he thought had fucked him. he learned the hardway that there was little demand for nugnr. and even less demand for nugnr rerecording old gnr tunes.

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you guys speculate that he didn't really intend to release any of it, in spite of the fact that he released one song and tried to release others. except that nobody wanted to license nugnr covering old gnr songs.

sure, axl likes to explain away this crazy choice by saying it was to get the band ready or to rehearse the old songs... but that's bullshit. just like it was bullshit when he claimed oh my god was a demo that somehow got released to a movie soundtrack. if axl wanted to rehearse playing the old songs live, he'd have just done that. recording an album is a completely different process. and if it was necessary to rerecord albums in order to learn how to play songs, then how come he hasn't done it again with this line up? how come other bands don't do that too?

axl went to great lengths to try and fuck those he thought had fucked him. he learned the hardway that there was little demand for nugnr. and even less demand for nugnr rerecording old gnr tunes.

Exactly, I've been saying that forever. It's a buncha cop outs to help ease the major backlashes. I can't believe how gullible some can be.

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yeah man, you can not argue that axl intended to keep these recordings in the band because one of the tracks was successfully licensed. how the hell would that have happened? someone from the production of big daddy got inside information that a nu line up of gnr had re-recorded sweet child o' mine, and somehow convinced axl to license it to them in spite of the fact that he had absolutely no desire to do so? he tried to license the nuband's welcome to the jungle too. it's not a secret.

but i guess that's how cognitive dissonance works.

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"boooooooooooooooo-hoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" - Roush's vagina, upon hearing people joke about Axl Rose

Don't be silly. You couldn't possibly know what a vagina sounds like.

Haters are only capable of two sounds:

"Reunion", and "Uh-Howwk!" when they cough up Slash's whiskey-coated pubic hairs.

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The bucket line up did slightly more modern sounding versions. This band seems to do more faithful covers.

I think Axl was feeling more pressire so wanted to prepare. The new guys come into a working band.

Thats not to say Axl didnt want to release it. Hopefully we get to hear it.

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"boooooooooooooooo-hoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" - Roush's vagina, upon hearing people joke about Axl Rose

Don't be silly. You couldn't possibly know what a vagina sounds like.

Haters are only capable of two sounds:

"Reunion", and "Uh-Howwk!" when they cough up Slash's whiskey-coated pubic hairs.

Are both of you in on the joke? Or is one not?

This band and this forum have so many levels of parody and irony, I get confused sometimes.

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The Big Daddy scom thing was not that crazy of an idea. After all, Slash did something similar:


Axl's reason for re-recording Appetite actually made sense to me: He wanted the musicians in his band at the time to capture the right energy of the material, learning the songs the way they were meant to be played.

When I want to learn a cover, I record my guitar playing so I can hear if it's good enough. The new version of scom was not completely new, it represented both the old era and the new, as it contained not only the new band, but also the old in the first half of it if I'm not mistaken.

Axl probably wanted the new band to be represented, so the new scom version was a compromise between the old and the new.

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Didn't Axl deny Old School and Black Hawk Down from using the old guns material instead pushing for a new version. I think this was in Slashs lawsuit basically saying shit or get off the pot. Old school with WTTJ woulda been awesome

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Surely he re-recorded the album with the new band so none of the old members would get royalties if Appitite songs were used commercially i.e tv, film etc.

Def Leppard have started to re-record their old tracks as a way of taking ownership away from a bad deal with the record label. By re-recording it gives Axl the opportunity to make more money and stick it to former members.

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Surely he re-recorded the album with the new band so none of the old members would get royalties if Appitite songs were used commercially i.e tv, film etc.

Def Leppard have started to re-record their old tracks as a way of taking ownership away from a bad deal with the record label. By re-recording it gives Axl the opportunity to make more money and stick it to former members.

Def Leppard is a great example and I read their story. It makes perfect sense why they did it.

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Is that why Love/Hate rerecorded most of their songs? i was a bit annoyed when i got the gh.

Anyway this is the bitterest feud in rock history, VH seems crazier but GNR is the most petty and nasty. Cancer and Hacks the GNR reunjon tour.

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