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Guns N' Roses Live at the O2 in London Discussion Thread


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I think it was cringe worthy for the most part

Man, Izzy sounds bad on 14 Years. Much worse than Axl. He forgot probably half the lyrics and he was barely intelligible for the other half.

Listened to bits and pieces while driving around today. Really cool rendition of Dead Flowers :D

it sounds like you guys didn't even hear the same show lol

Edited by Gunns
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This is where things get stupid. If you don't say each thing Axl does is the greatest thing ever, you get labeled "butthurt."

You sound butthurt.

Not to mention stupid.

So if you don't say Axl's latest inferior performance is the greatest thing ever, you get labeled both "butthurt" and "stupid"

Thanks guys. Real mature.


Who's saying that, exactly? Me? Point to where I did precisely with a quote. Give examples. Not just your fantasized bullshit about the fans of the new band. I think both are great performances, the better? That's splitting hairs. Probably the 2010 one but I haven't watched it.

You will be labelled butthurt and stupid when you label someone as an ass kisser, just cause they said a song from a particular show is *Gasp* "better than ever."

Edited by ColdHeartBreaker
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This is where things get stupid. If you don't say each thing Axl does is the greatest thing ever, you get labeled "butthurt."

You sound butthurt.

Not to mention stupid.

So if you don't say Axl's latest inferior performance is the greatest thing ever, you get labeled both "butthurt" and "stupid"

Thanks guys. Real mature.


Who's saying that, exactly? Me? Point to where I did precisely with a quote. Give examples. Not just your fantasized bullshit about the fans of the new band. I think both are great performances, the better? That's splitting hairs. Probably the 2010 one but I haven't watched it.

You will be labelled butthurt and stupid when you label someone as an ass kisser, just cause they said a song from a particular show is *Gasp* "better than ever."

It's amazing. You call people names and then accuse others, who did no such thing, of calling you names.

Fuck it. Best show evar!!! Most epic Hogan ears DJ has done to date!

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Original Torrent,


Not sure if you can download now or not. I'm going to try it later. After I download with MEGA for a while I get an error.

download this one here, VERY well seeded


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CD songs sounded great, it's like Axl put in extra effort for those songs. This I Love sounded better than ever


That's a great performance of This I Love, too. So?

I think some people believe so strongly in their opinion that they forget it is just an opinion, not a matter of right and wrong, correct or incorrect.


Gosh...how can anyone say that this video is good? Axl sounds awful. It wasn't all good in 2010, far from it. Axl is always hit and miss and that's also what keep things interesting.

Get your ears fixed yo.

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I'm still not done with torrenting the thing, but am watching on Youtube, just done with Sorry, IMHO not that great compared to the studio version. JMO.

Sorry REALLY needs rasp on some parts... The only decent performance from 2012 is on the Philly show.

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