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Axl Rose - The Extended Interview (Aussie)


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He's not the most open person, but when he chooses to speak he tends to put actual effort into what he says/writes.

Again, part of the reason I love the guy. I don't remotely relate, on any level, to any of the blokes in Metallica, they have absolutely nothing to say about almost anything, period. I watched that terrible documentary they did about making St Anger and thought 'I'd rather watch a bunch of sad old blokes down the pub putting the world to rights.' Axl has more imagination in his little finger and a lot more interesting stuff to say if only he'd take a chance and do more proper interviews and talk about everything that's happened properly.

I completely agree. Axl is something more than just a good musician. If only he did a couple more of those!

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What I would like to know is

When they first started out,opening for other bands say like Aerosmith,The Stones,etc. Was there ever issues with getting on stage on time?I just don't see those bands putting up with that.

As far as his answers as to being late. Any fan/artist of any kind of music with any brain knows

When you schedule a show,you don't wait until the last minute to psyche yourself up. First of all,you should be passionate enough and psyched enough,that you shouldn't have to work yourself up in order to get your ass on stage. It should be second nature.

Two you know said given date. You are given a start time. And anybody with a brain knows there are more than likely curfews/transportation schedules.

I mean get for real Axl,how long have you been in this business?Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out some of that kind shit.

Is he pissed cause old members talked about sniffing vibes and shit back in the day?And how bad vibes affected shows and where they played and why Axl was late?Hells bells.Kinda sound like he denies that kind of stuff happening. And that's why he is or was pissed at old members for calling him out on his bullshit.

And if shit gets in his way of doing a show or whatever why in the world did he ever become a musician?I mean he should have known that he would have to perform and whatnot. And follow rules to an extent. Now I can understand if its a legitimate safety issue. But I have a feeling the majority of the times it is not.

Kinda makes me wonder that it's not the decline of fans at shows in the US. It's US promoters tired of this kinda crap.

Edited by SweetRose
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I think on that tour that keeps coming up that Axl shouldn't have been on, Slash and Duff were probably also a mess. Is it the tour Axl found out about his abuse, he was in therapy at some point going from couch to stage. From what I can make out, Axl feels he was forced out on that tour and it was worse, I don't think he's saying he's not late on other occasions, but that tour is where it became a disaster and Axl got branded as late.

You get the idea though, that these shows are stressful and if there's disharmony in a band it will get exposed. From no ones book do I get the impression they were enjoying it. Only Matt seemed to be having a blast. The rest were blasted.

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Duff mentions a Stones concert in his book where Axl showed up with minutes to go and even Mick was getting his freak on about it.

It seems like he started off early in his career cutting it fine then descended into all out lateness once he was top dog.

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I think on that tour that keeps coming up that Axl shouldn't have been on, Slash and Duff were probably also a mess. Is it the tour Axl found out about his abuse, he was in therapy at some point going from couch to stage. From what I can make out, Axl feels he was forced out on that tour and it was worse, I don't think he's saying he's not late on other occasions, but that tour is where it became a disaster and Axl got branded as late.

You get the idea though, that these shows are stressful and if there's disharmony in a band it will get exposed. From no ones book do I get the impression they were enjoying it. Only Matt seemed to be having a blast. The rest were blasted.

I agree, I think it's taking it too far though to think that Slash was trying to break his mind. It's not unreasonable to think that Slash wasn't sympathetic enough to how Axl was feeling, the guy was a junkie at this point but I doubt it was deliberate, just thoughtless or selfish maybe.

But hasn't he worked past or gotten thru or has dealt with,found a way to cope with those issues?

So why is he late now?

Because he can get away with it? I can't think of another plausible reason that doesn't stray into the realms of mental health issues.

Edited by alfierose
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Axl was forced on tour, then when it went wrong nobody said oh, maybe we shouldn't have done that. Slash has said being late was for no good reason. If Axl was in therapy, or say he was on the same drugs they were for example to get them on stage (he wasnt but its an example). It wasnt for no good reason, he had issues or some kind of problem around that time. Ok, they made a mistake, but they could have said sorry later. OR at least tried to help him out. but it's more like here's a bus, oh here's another coming along, oh and another. I don't really understand that.

Axl seems like he has to be in top shape and well prepared to do his job, but you can be high and play guitar or hungover.

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It seems more occasionally late now. Whereas that tour there was a purple patch maybe after St Louis and that's where the stigma comes from. It's played out over the years. Maybe he does need to be in the stadium high fiving the promoter. but he's a rock star he back at the hotel getting blown by models. there's a lifestyle to up hold, he cant be hanging around in a carpark 4 hours be for showtime. Like at Leeds he was late but when the bus came round the back of the stage and whole crowd sees it, and you knows it's coming and it's electric, it's definitely worth it. but yeah it could go wrong.

Edited by wasted
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Axl was forced on tour, then when it went wrong nobody said oh, maybe we shouldn't have done that. Slash has said being late was for no good reason. If Axl was in therapy, or say he was on the same drugs they were for example to get them on stage (he wasnt but its an example). It wasnt for no good reason, he had issues or some kind of problem around that time. Ok, they made a mistake, but they could have said sorry later. OR at least tried to help him out. but it's more like here's a bus, oh here's another coming along, oh and another. I don't really understand that.

Axl seems like he has to be in top shape and well prepared to do his job, but you can be high and play guitar or hungover.

I think in his book Slash did acknowledge that being the front guy is a particular kind of pressure and Duff has often said that he understood Axl had his own ways of dealing with pressure in the same way he used alcohol. I think they did understand to some extent but when you are at the helm of a multi million pound business which Guns was at that time then the show must go on.It's ruthless but then I guess that industry is.

There are many reasons why things went wrong at that point but to lay the blame at Slash's door is as bonkers as blaming only Axl, just my opinion but I think it would be healthier if he could take a more balanced view of things which I think would lead to better band/business decisions in the long term.

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He seems to have moved past alot of the issues he had regarding old line up. And his reasoning behind not going back for a reunion seems to be less stuborn, resentful or out of hate as it may have once been and is now more about him associating the old lineup with a shit time in his life. Seems to have compartmentalised that era and put it to one side.

Despite how narcissistic his traits are at least he's aware of certain issues and acknowledges he's working on them e.g time keeping. Thought that was quite insightful.

As always when we get this kind of random interview, it always proves a good read.

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They understand and at some point talked about it. But over the years it became the reason why they quit, and it was based on that tour really. It's not really about blame, it's just being honest in the longer term. They could say yes we let that happen because of such and such, but they still stipulate that as one of the barriers to reunion, that Axl goes on late. And for no reason that anyone can tell. Which seems to not be the case. It's like Billy Costigan talking to that shrink, "Do you lie? You do don't you?", "Yes, but to keep a steady ship." In their case the steady ship is not getting tainted by the same brush as Axl. They don't have the name, so why say oh, we knew we just didn't give a shit. But there's no blame, they quit, it was too much for them but they had a great run. It's just the stuff after is in poor taste.

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He is right about not considering a reunion at this point, it would be a horrid thing to do to the current band who have worked hard to build on something. I don't get why people would think a reunion would be a good option. I agree with Axl that they are usually subpar. Old Guns was a moment in time that captured something, a zeitgeist that can't be repeated.

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And in regard to you comparing me to MSL, the last I knew he was still putting on his facade of 'super-fan', with the hope that it will lead to him acquiring more of the band's unreleased / copyrighted material from hoarders.

I have made no attempt whatsoever since February of 2011 to acquire unreleased GNR recordings. You continue to suggest otherwise and continue to falsely accuse me of illegal activity. If you're able to back up any of your claims, I am willing to pay you $35,000 as well as donate $3,000 to the charity of your choice. However, in the event that you're unable to back up your claims, you must agree to leave the forum forever.


:lol: - Like a broken record.

Funny how an Adelaide newspaper gets the story when Adelaide isn't even on the tour. Well done Team Brazil, well done.

:lol: That's some funny shit. The Adelaide fans will read this in the paper thinking GNR are coming to town and then get pissed when they find out they're not :lol: Edited by TheDiceMan
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CA: That tour marked 25 years since Appetite was released - which is something to be proud of... you must notice how that record is discovered by new ears each year?

AR: Happy New Ears! Yes we've been very fortunate in that regard. Also surprising and equally rewarding has been how many fans around the world enjoy and sing along with our newer material live.

Axl's way of staying "stop talking about AFD and focus on CD".

Don't get me wrong, I like that he's doing interviews. Good thing! Keep that up! But his answers are a little frustrating to me at times. It's talking without actually saying anything. Not what people are hoping for imo. It's just on certain specific subjects though. Mostly a new album and what does the future hold. His answers just don't show much ambition to move on and be productive. Which is a shame. :(

CA: Your brilliant open letter declining your induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame predicted fallout from your decision

Suckup :rolleyes:

AR: But Guns is my life, not someone else's. For me there hasn't been a way to make any type of reunion work regardless of money (either talk or legitimate) without jeopardizing what I feel is the well-being and best interests of nearly everyone I'm involved with in the GNR camp (including myself). People here have big investments of their lives in what we're doing. We've worked hard for what we have here now and continue to do so. I know what I went thru then. I know what I and all of us have gone thru since. People enjoyed the product and the entertainment our lives gave them back in the day, but they weren't the ones actually living those lives together. It's not somewhere I'd go back to or would want to go again. Life's too short.

I do very much understand this statement really! It'd probably hurt the current band and what they're doing a lot to be bulldozed by the demand for more "original gnr" tours, gigs, whatever. I very much understand why he wouldn't go for it. I think it would have been ok for a one-off (like R&R HOF), but anything other than that is suicide.

I'm not sure about his stuff on being late either. Why shouldn't he be on tour in 1991 and what weren't people considering? I'm not even attacking Axl there, but it's weird he sort of mentions it but doesn't explain. I'd like to know. He talks a lot, but he never really says WHY he was late so often. A lot of talk, but not really saying that much (again). To me it's still way too vague.

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I find that odd too. I'd guess break up with a chick or being in therapy while on tour. If I remember right Axl didn't sleep much in those days. Point being there was a problem, that was ignored. It back fired. Slash and Duff are good guys but they were fucked up. Sometimes it feels like Axl is wary of lawsuits.

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when talking about being late he always hints there's more to it that we know but never says what witch is understandable if it's about his mental state. i think he means that the old band knew about this but said otherwise later and i dont blame them axl probably doesn't understand it either. That's why they call these things mental problem. But they could've handled it better. Like atleast confront the to guy go on time instead of just complaining about it.

That tour was probably a power struggle between the two and axl wasn't prepared for (remember he just had a divorce and started therapy.) and i think the others too since that was when they addictions got worse but slash made him. so slash got the better of him.

Slash said in his book something about how axl never does or says anything without a meaning. :rofl-lol:​ So i guess they both have that problem about each other. Or maybe axl is really that way so he thinks that's how other people act too. :shrugs:

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What I would like to know is

When they first started out,opening for other bands say like Aerosmith,The Stones,etc. Was there ever issues with getting on stage on time?I just don't see those bands putting up with that.

"Axl [Rose] left some of the best of ‘em waiting. He left the Rolling Stones waiting for a sound check. In late ‘89, [Alan] Niven took Axl to do a pay-per-view show in Atlantic City and he kept banging on Axl’s door. Axl said, ‘The longer you pound, the longer I’m gonna take.’ Two hours later, Axl walks onstage and Mick Jagger is staring at him. And Keith Richards says, ‘I slept in a chandelier last night. What’s your excuse?’"

Doug Goldstein, in I Want My MTV: The Uncensored Story of the Music Video Revolution


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I find that odd too. I'd guess break up with a chick or being in therapy while on tour. If I remember right Axl didn't sleep much in those days. Point being there was a problem, that was ignored. It back fired. Slash and Duff are good guys but they were fucked up. Sometimes it feels like Axl is wary of lawsuits.

I was looking at Live in Paris 92 the other day.. Axl seems so sad, angry and not healthy. Still great performance.

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Multiple choice:

A. I go out when I feel ready to go out

B. Sometimes it's the setup/breakdown delaying it

C. I'm oblivious to time, I have things on my mind that get in the way of me performing.


D. I didn't get my square watermelon so I won't come out until it's hand delivered to me in my dressing room.

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