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I think people are underestimating the effect losing Robin had on Axl


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GNR has seen so much turnover that the fans become numb to losing another guitar player. But Robin was the guitar player Axl wanted to relaunch GNR and had worked with him since '97. As long as he had Robin Axl felt like he had a partner to go and conquer the world with. Robin was the one person since the originals that had enough charisma on stage to hold his own without Axl. Now when Axl leaves the stage he takes all the charisma with him.

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Completely disagree....never really saw any amazing chemistry between Axl & Robin onstage and the guy was a bit short of a charismatic character imo...

I believe DJ has a much greater impact on stage (maybe due to his similarities with Slash...) and Axl loves the guy and interacts a lot with him - definitely more than with Robin or whoever else before/after Slash.


Edited by trqster
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I think Robin was an invaluable part of Axl's new vision for GNR, and while Bucket is amazing and an integral part of GNR's history, just listen to the album and watch any of the shows from '02, Bucket was almost nonexistant. Literally half of the songs he would just stand there and not even play anything, which to me is kind of strange because Ron, his "replacement" is playing like a madman everytime you see him. But anyway. I think Robin was a catalyst for helping Axl bring Guns into a new generation, and I think it was great how, in the process, Robin went from a very generic rock/industrial guy to essentially being one of the top blues rock guitarists in music (I know opinions of him are divisive, but being the lead guitarist in GNR is a HUGE deal). Robin is the single most charismatic, expressive guy I've ever witnessed play an instrument, and it was hard for me to take my eyes off of him. I listen to his guitar in 'Better', 'Street of Dreams', and 'TWAT', and his intonation and phrasing are so harmonious, it's literally like the guitar is singing along with Axl. His solos almost seem like another verse to the song to me. I like DJ a lot, though I question his musical talents, and to be honest, he gets nowhere near the flack that Robin gets when he would miss a note and flub a bend...

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Completely agree, Robin was Axl's last hope of reinventing GN'R. After Bucket left, Axl never lost a step relaunching the band back in 2006, with Robin being the centre piece and main attraction. Robin could hold his own onstage, and never showboating for the sake of it, he was himself 100% of the time.

Robin took a central role in Guns N' Roses from 2006-2007, and the band was succesful because of it... and I still think this would of been the PERFECT time to drop Chinese Democracy. GN'R's first appearance after Fincks departure was in Tapei, where DJ played his first show with the band in 2009, and Axl was unrecognisable. He had lost alot of his muscle, and was wearing his bandana again, in an attempt to be more "rock n' roll" but it all seemed to be wearing thin.

The last time in my book that Axl cared, was in 2006... after that he started to not give a shit about messing up lyrics, or missing a line in a song... where as in 2006, he would make the band stop and play that part again.

So I think with the loss of Robin in GN'R, Axl also lost abit of himself in the process, in terms of having the desire.

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Speaking purely retrospectively, Robin was a vital part of the "new vision." All his stuff that made it onto CD, I really enjoy. The guy was a mess live, though, with the classic Guns songs. It wouldn't have worked from that perspective. At least now when naysaying fans go out to see Axl and his group, they can't deny how fucking good it sounds live. Finck/Bucket were a better lineup from the standpoint of forging a new path. The current lineup is better in mimicking the classic lineup, ie being a really good cover act.

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Speaking purely retrospectively, Robin was a vital part of the "new vision." All his stuff that made it onto CD, I really enjoy. The guy was a mess live, though, with the classic Guns songs. It wouldn't have worked from that perspective. At least now when naysaying fans go out to see Axl and his group, they can't deny how fucking good it sounds live. Finck/Bucket were a better lineup from the standpoint of forging a new path. The current lineup is better in mimicking the classic lineup, ie being a really good cover act.

And when 80% of the show is still (and will always be imo...) about covering the good ol'classics, Robin would never really succeed in that way...

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Completely agree, Robin was Axl's last hope of reinventing GN'R. After Bucket left, Axl never lost a step relaunching the band back in 2006, with Robin being the centre piece and main attraction. Robin could hold his own onstage, and never showboating for the sake of it, he was himself 100% of the time.

Robin took a central role in Guns N' Roses from 2006-2007, and the band was succesful because of it... and I still think this would of been the PERFECT time to drop Chinese Democracy. GN'R's first appearance after Fincks departure was in Tapei, where DJ played his first show with the band in 2009, and Axl was unrecognisable. He had lost alot of his muscle, and was wearing his bandana again, in an attempt to be more "rock n' roll" but it all seemed to be wearing thin.

The last time in my book that Axl cared, was in 2006... after that he started to not give a shit about messing up lyrics, or missing a line in a song... where as in 2006, he would make the band stop and play that part again.

So I think with the loss of Robin in GN'R, Axl also lost abit of himself in the process, in terms of having the desire.


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DJ has much more charisma then Robin. Robin was never that charismatic...but he can be really good at writing guitar parts and lyrics.

I disagree with this. Robin had a ton of weird, captivating unique charisma. DJ has really well thought out, pandering, generic rock star look at me I'm cool kind of charisma. They're completely different types of charismatic and Robin's was way more interesting. I say this as someone who has zero issues with DJ and I enjoy him in the band, but to say he's more charismatic than Robin makes me think we have vastly different definitions of the word.

Actually, I felt like DJ was the least charismatic when I saw them. Ron and Richard were much more captivating and interesting. DJ's just flashier.

Edited by Stro
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I feel Bucket was a much larger piece of the puzzle, but Robin was very important indeed. Axl spoke highly of Bucket even years after he left:

I have no issues with Bucket. It's hard to tell what was real or not in things we were told by Merck. He's more than welcome to tour with us in some form or other provided we're both interested at the time and come to some type of reasonable terms. Personally I have a blast w/Bucket on tour and get a big kick out of the guy. A lot of feelings were hurt on this side of the fence in how things went down and unfortunately others used our silence and the public's not knowing for their own purposes at both Bucket's and our expense.


It's ridiculous how much talent they brought to the lineup. That was really the only lineup that I thought could revive Guns N' Roses. Of course this is just my opinion. Imagine 2006 Axl w/ the 2002 lineup. That would have been absolutely amazing.

Oh I forgot to add, that would have been essentially Rock AM Ring 2006 w/ Bucket. RAR 2006 is considered one of the best performances along with many others. No coincidence it was with the 2002 lineup -Bucket.

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Robin wrote ONE song in CD. Don't really think Axl saw him as his partner.

That's not true. The credits information in the booklet is wrong. Robin was a part of the writing process of 7 released songs. That's half an album, and we don't even know how many unreleased songs he wrote that just didn't make it on Chinese.

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I would have loved to read/hear Robin's reasoning on why leave the ship so soon before release of CD.

In Robin you have guy who had spend his entire career stuck between two different super ego control freak frontmen both struggling with writer's blocks of varying scale. Most people only ever saw him as a live musican completely overshadowed by his frontmen and those who composed music he is playing. Then, finally, a studio album he heavily contributed on is about to get released. At last he gets a change to stand behind his own music, so to speak. Change to live through the whole release-of-a-huge-album experience as an actual contributor. What does he do? Escapes with Trent:p Truly man who follows his heart. That alone earns him and Bucket more credit than the spineless retards Axl has found to replace the replacements could ever dream of. According to my own pure guess work of a theory he got to take one good look at CD's credit sheet, got pissed and left the room. Perhaps he did so assuming Nin tour would be long over by the time GNR finally gets CD out and on the road anyway.

..What the fuck happened with CD credit sheets anyway I wonder. Why are they so inaccurate?

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Robin wrote ONE song in CD. Don't really think Axl saw him as his partner.

That's not true. The credits information in the booklet is wrong. Robin was a part of the writing process of 7 released songs. That's half an album, and we don't even know how many unreleased songs he wrote that just didn't make it on Chinese.

How do we know if the credits info are wrong?

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Completely disagree....never really saw any amazing chemistry between Axl & Robin onstage and the guy was a bit short of a charismatic character imo...

I believe DJ has a much greater impact on stage (maybe due to his similarities with Slash...) and Axl loves the guy and interacts a lot with him - definitely more than with Robin or whoever else before/after Slash.


Sorry but, DJ's similarities with Slash are, AT MOST, reason for jokes.
Nevertheless, we just can't underestimate the effect on Axl losing Robin (I felt a lot), because we didn't have any official word on it.
Edited by Todo Poderoso Timão
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Robin wrote ONE song in CD. Don't really think Axl saw him as his partner.

That's not true. The credits information in the booklet is wrong. Robin was a part of the writing process of 7 released songs. That's half an album, and we don't even know how many unreleased songs he wrote that just didn't make it on Chinese.

How do we know if the credits info are wrong?


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