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Best Axl vocal concert post 2010?


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I know that nearly everyone thinks Philidelphia 2012 is the best, but I'd like to just flag up a show that is very under rated, Denver 2011. I think it may even slightly edge Philly into 2nd place...

Maybe best New GNR Live and Let die, end scream is otherworldly!


Certainly best Civil War, 100% rasp:

Raspy Rocket Queen, probably only 2nd to Philly's version post 2010 versions


This I love + Street of Dreams:

Finally, I don't have all of it, but this is certainly a raspy first part of Paradise City:


So what do we think, Philly or Denver...its probably a close call...they are IMO the only two shows where Axl had his 2010 vocals for most of the show.

Edited by koldie123
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But any 2010 show is better than any 2011/12/13 show, that's a fact.

That's an opinion. Not every 2010 show was golden. Just look at Reading festival - he's raspy but that doesn't necessarily do him any favors. In 2011, by the end of the US stretch, I think (for about 75-80% of the songs) he'd found a pretty good balance between clean and raspy.

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Philly 2012 was simply an amazing show and the best from '11-'13 era.

Denver was also great on some songs as were other shows. The key (except from Philly) is inconsistency throughout the show.

For instance the best Paradise City vocal (with lots of rasp!) performance was from an otherwise generally pretty weak show at '12 Hellfest.

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But any 2010 show is better than any 2011/12/13 show, that's a fact.

That's an opinion. Not every 2010 show was golden. Just look at Reading festival - he's raspy but that doesn't necessarily do him any favors. In 2011, by the end of the US stretch, I think (for about 75-80% of the songs) he'd found a pretty good balance between clean and raspy.

I can't imagine Axl Rose in 2010 going from a raspy voice to a clean one in the same chorus for unknown reasons like 2011/12/13 versions. Even in the worst show of that year.

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Yeah that pro shot is pretty good...and actually talking about proshot, here is some proof of how Axl can sound very different to the pro shot, these are both from the same Las Vegas shows in 2011...the first is a fan, the second is the pro shot, notice how much more powerful and full Axl sounds in the fans video...sometimes the proshots will not capture the 'feel' of the place and what is actually coming out to the audience.

In the second chorus, Axl sounds clean more or less on the proshot....yet clearly you can hear an undercurrent rasp which is picked up on the fans camera recording much more clearly.

Edited by koldie123
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