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Tommy Stinson wants the current band to all write and release an album

Guest Gunns

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People are excited based on stuff members, friends and acquaintances of the band have said about 'em.

I'm not denying that the prospect of new music is exciting, and I'm as pumped about it as anyone, but people literally talk about these tracks like they know what they're going to sound like. It's different than Chinese Democracy where we'd hear about a third of the album either live or through leaks by 2006, and over half of it by 2008.

I mean, what do we know. Bumblefoot has described one song ("Goin' Down" I think) as "earthy" and mentioned that it was written by Tommy, and also mentioned that he had recorded a guitar solo for "The General." That's really about it...

Take a look at "Sorry," one of the few songs from Chinese Democracy we did not hear until the album was released. Sebastian Bach mentioned that sounded like "doom metal" and had a "grinding riff" and immediately the boards went nuts and everyone wanted to hear "Sorry." Now I frequently see it listed as many board members' least favorite tracks and most frequently pointed to as a track the band should abandon live.

Haha, exactly! Everytime I see people asking for the general or goin' down I'm like "nobody knows how they sound". Not denying that the general seems really good based on the intro they used on past tours, but how that will translate into a full song is a mystery.
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Why sit down and write music when you have material from 2001-2008 that's out there.

There is a point to this, especially considering the vast amounts of money, time and energy that went into those songs. And do we really think Axl would (or could) write like he use to? He seems to be enjoying himself nowadays and more content where with things are. Like many have commented on here before, he doesn't seem as hungry to prove himself or the band as he once was. For me, the band nowadays represents a soulless money making machine than a true artistic statement (hard to argue with this when 80-85 percent of recent setlists are either covers or material that really only Axl is wholly or partially responsible for). Would Axl really have the drive for another album or capable of pouring his whole self into anything that's written and produced after Chinese Democracy? Not quite sure but who on here really knows. All based on observations with where the band exists today.

On the other hand, if the next album is monopolized by material that has Finck and Bumblefoot's fingerprints all over it, how enthused are Ron and DJ going to be to tour behind another album that neither had much to do with?

I'm of the opinion that the next album (or any album) should have the best material regardless of author. So if Ron and DJ can come up with songs that are equal or better than what came before and can get Axl's best on them then it makes more sense to use newer material. Barring that, I think you go with the best songs you have to work with. If certain band members aren't happy about that, well, they can always write better songs (if they're able to).

What a great post.

That's how bands usually do it (from what I've read). They go to the studio. Some members bring in songs they've been working on. The band adds a few old songs that didn't make the last album (You Could Be Mine, Don't Cry, etc). In the studio, they work on the old songs, the new songs the band members brought, and then they also create new music while they are there. Midway through, the take those 20-30 songs and figure out the 15 best ones...........and they fine-tune and create their final product.

Bring the remaining CD songs..............bring in the songs BBF and Ashba and Axl and the whomever else has written over the past couple years............and then have the band spend time together and create a few songs..............pick the best 15 songs from those three groups and put out an album. Then go tour for years. Beta.........you reading?

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Why sit down and write music when you have material from 2001-2008 that's out there.

There is a point to this, especially considering the vast amounts of money, time and energy that went into those songs. And do we really think Axl would (or could) write like he use to? He seems to be enjoying himself nowadays and more content where with things are. Like many have commented on here before, he doesn't seem as hungry to prove himself or the band as he once was. For me, the band nowadays represents a soulless money making machine than a true artistic statement (hard to argue with this when 80-85 percent of recent setlists are either covers or material that really only Axl is wholly or partially responsible for). Would Axl really have the drive for another album or capable of pouring his whole self into anything that's written and produced after Chinese Democracy? Not quite sure but who on here really knows. All based on observations with where the band exists today.

On the other hand, if the next album is monopolized by material that has Finck and Bumblefoot's fingerprints all over it, how enthused are Ron and DJ going to be to tour behind another album that neither had much to do with?

I'm of the opinion that the next album (or any album) should have the best material regardless of author. So if Ron and DJ can come up with songs that are equal or better than what came before and can get Axl's best on them then it makes more sense to use newer material. Barring that, I think you go with the best songs you have to work with. If certain band members aren't happy about that, well, they can always write better songs (if they're able to).

What a great post.

That's how bands usually do it (from what I've read). They go to the studio. Some members bring in songs they've been working on. The band adds a few old songs that didn't make the last album (You Could Be Mine, Don't Cry, etc). In the studio, they work on the old songs, the new songs the band members brought, and then they also create new music while they are there. Midway through, the take those 20-30 songs and figure out the 15 best ones...........and they fine-tune and create their final product.

Bring the remaining CD songs..............bring in the songs BBF and Ashba and Axl and the whomever else has written over the past couple years............and then have the band spend time together and create a few songs..............pick the best 15 songs from those three groups and put out an album. Then go tour for years. Beta.........you reading?

They know all this! Axl just doesnt want to release new music.

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Why sit down and write music when you have material from 2001-2008 that's out there.

There is a point to this, especially considering the vast amounts of money, time and energy that went into those songs. And do we really think Axl would (or could) write like he use to? He seems to be enjoying himself nowadays and more content where with things are. Like many have commented on here before, he doesn't seem as hungry to prove himself or the band as he once was. For me, the band nowadays represents a soulless money making machine than a true artistic statement (hard to argue with this when 80-85 percent of recent setlists are either covers or material that really only Axl is wholly or partially responsible for). Would Axl really have the drive for another album or capable of pouring his whole self into anything that's written and produced after Chinese Democracy? Not quite sure but who on here really knows. All based on observations with where the band exists today.

On the other hand, if the next album is monopolized by material that has Finck and Bumblefoot's fingerprints all over it, how enthused are Ron and DJ going to be to tour behind another album that neither had much to do with?

I'm of the opinion that the next album (or any album) should have the best material regardless of author. So if Ron and DJ can come up with songs that are equal or better than what came before and can get Axl's best on them then it makes more sense to use newer material. Barring that, I think you go with the best songs you have to work with. If certain band members aren't happy about that, well, they can always write better songs (if they're able to).

What a great post.

That's how bands usually do it (from what I've read). They go to the studio. Some members bring in songs they've been working on. The band adds a few old songs that didn't make the last album (You Could Be Mine, Don't Cry, etc). In the studio, they work on the old songs, the new songs the band members brought, and then they also create new music while they are there. Midway through, the take those 20-30 songs and figure out the 15 best ones...........and they fine-tune and create their final product.

Bring the remaining CD songs..............bring in the songs BBF and Ashba and Axl and the whomever else has written over the past couple years............and then have the band spend time together and create a few songs..............pick the best 15 songs from those three groups and put out an album. Then go tour for years. Beta.........you reading?

They know all this! Axl just doesnt want to release new music.

Actually Axl wanted to release a self titled album in 2010 but the label declined do to there not being enough time. People keep blaming Axl for not releasing material when there's a lot more than meets the eye.

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Why sit down and write music when you have material from 2001-2008 that's out there.

There is a point to this, especially considering the vast amounts of money, time and energy that went into those songs. And do we really think Axl would (or could) write like he use to? He seems to be enjoying himself nowadays and more content where with things are. Like many have commented on here before, he doesn't seem as hungry to prove himself or the band as he once was. For me, the band nowadays represents a soulless money making machine than a true artistic statement (hard to argue with this when 80-85 percent of recent setlists are either covers or material that really only Axl is wholly or partially responsible for). Would Axl really have the drive for another album or capable of pouring his whole self into anything that's written and produced after Chinese Democracy? Not quite sure but who on here really knows. All based on observations with where the band exists today.

On the other hand, if the next album is monopolized by material that has Finck and Bumblefoot's fingerprints all over it, how enthused are Ron and DJ going to be to tour behind another album that neither had much to do with?

I'm of the opinion that the next album (or any album) should have the best material regardless of author. So if Ron and DJ can come up with songs that are equal or better than what came before and can get Axl's best on them then it makes more sense to use newer material. Barring that, I think you go with the best songs you have to work with. If certain band members aren't happy about that, well, they can always write better songs (if they're able to).

What a great post.

That's how bands usually do it (from what I've read). They go to the studio. Some members bring in songs they've been working on. The band adds a few old songs that didn't make the last album (You Could Be Mine, Don't Cry, etc). In the studio, they work on the old songs, the new songs the band members brought, and then they also create new music while they are there. Midway through, the take those 20-30 songs and figure out the 15 best ones...........and they fine-tune and create their final product.

Bring the remaining CD songs..............bring in the songs BBF and Ashba and Axl and the whomever else has written over the past couple years............and then have the band spend time together and create a few songs..............pick the best 15 songs from those three groups and put out an album. Then go tour for years. Beta.........you reading?

They know all this! Axl just doesnt want to release new music.

Actually Axl wanted to release a self titled album in 2010 but the label declined do to there not being enough time. People keep blaming Axl for not releasing material when there's a lot more than meets the eye.

Where are you getting that from? There were numerous rumors about a 2010/2011 release but I don't recall any actual statement from Axl that this was the way he wanted to go. Moreover, even if there are statements from Axl expressing his interest in releasing a self-titled album, can we really be sure that it was the label who killed it? Axl has repeatedly expressed interest in many things that never happen (2002 release, 2007 release, back-to-back release in 2009 and 2010, Better video, the countless times he's said the band would return a year later and it never happens, Round 2?).

Not enough time? Not enough time for what? A 2010 Christmas release? What was wrong with a 2011 (or 2012) Christmas release then? Plus how would it make any sense to release another album in 2010 if they were focused on touring Chinese Democracy. There were at least seven or eight tracks off of Chinese Democracy that had never been played live - now you want to go ahead and muddy the waters by releasing another album. How long is that show going to be? Five hours?

Record labels are so hurting for money they'll bend over backward to publish something that sells. A GNR album will easily sell a million units worldwide even if it sucks (and think of the numbers if it actually has a hit). So few releases actually make money for labels that they need blue chip bands like GNR to subsidize their losses. This notion that the label is holding up releases is nonsense. The only issue which could slow things down from a label perspective is contract issues with the band. If GNR and/or Geffen/Universal/Interscope need to negotiate over something, it can take a long time to hash out the details. It's the nature of the beast - you can't blame either party because the process is inherently fickle and timely.

I defended your points earlier dude, but I think you're speaking out of your ass on this one.

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