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Amount of ballads on the next record


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Why don't we do this instead:

Atlas Shrugged - nov rain meets glam rock


Down By The Ocean - izzy song

Light My Fire

The General - sequel to estranged


Jackie Chan - checkmate no ballad

Oh My God - no

Silkworms - no

Soul Monster - no

Cuban Skies



Going Down - no tommy


Blood in the Water - kind of not a song

Out of all of this possible songs, which ones sound like ballads to you, judging by song titles:


Atlas Shrugged, Seven, Going Down, Cuban Skies, Blood in the water, Thyme and Soul Monster to me all sound like titles of ballads. But it's just speculation...

Atlas and the general seem likes ballads.
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Ballads are what Axl does best. Or at least the mid-temp songs like Catcher and Twat. SCOM. Estranged. Yesterdays.

CD didn't really have any tradition rock type songs. Maybe CD, but that songs really sucks.

At Axl's age and stage in life, we could be done with the angry rock type songs like Jungle and YCBM.

I would like 3 ballads and 5 songs in the vein of Catcher and the group mentioned above.

If so, I'd might lose a lot of my interest.

Mid-tempo songs often suck. SCOM is one of the worst GNR songs, so is Catcher.

It's obvious how much anger Axl still has inside of him, he should make the best out of it and rip out some mean hard songs.

Would be cool with a couple of great mid-tempoish songs but we need something else now, since that's what we got with CD.

Just out of curiosity, what makes you believe it's obvious Axl still has anger inside him? I mean, he's rich, gets all the girls he can handle, does whatever he wants whenever he wants, answers to absolutely nobody, and gives the middle finger to anyone who doesn't like it. What is there to be mad about? There's no way in hell he's ever going to recapture the angst of his youth. He hasn't been a struggling artist in 25 years. I just don't see it, his anger that is. I mean yeah, he's going to freak out every once in a while when he doesn't like something, but that's a far cry from the guy who wrote WTTJ, YBM, or anything like it. I expect most of it to be line with CITR, SOD, and Better. I just don't think you can expect a 51 year old millionaire to be all that angry about anything, and at the very least expect he's gonna write songs that will reciprocate his youth.

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Axl has anger, because Slash made it without him, whereas he failed without Slash. That is his main thing.

I'll agree to disagree here. Axl hasn't failed anymore or less without Slash, than Slash has succeeding without Axl. Just because Slash is seen more doesn't necessarily make him more successful. Pretty sure if Axl agreed to do every interview he's asked to do, every guest appearance he's asked to make and every guest appearance on any random artists record hes been requested to do, Axl would be out there in the everyday scene like Slash is. But if all your comparing is CD sales to Slash's solo efforts, I think you have to consider the money made by touring as well, and my guess would be that both have done just fine without the other. Although, without question, they both would have been much more successful had they staid together, but, shit happens. And by all appearances, this is what they both want at this point in time. Edited by ll_tj1
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I think they'll be 2 or 3, but I expect this album to be mostly hard rock.

Why? Because most of the people in this band now are more rockers.

Thanks for the answer CheapJon. It is nice to have a discussion on here, even a small disagreement, that doesn't turn into a big fight filled with personal insults! (Groghan is a suck up) So thanks for that! And just for the record, I think Civil War is GnR's best song of all time. And over the last couple years, especially after hearing it live and in person, I think Shacklers is the real underdog of the album. Just a really great song, especially cranked up loud.

I would love to see a double album.

One album would be a Bucket/Robin type collaboration. Filled with songs like Shacklers, OMG, Silkworms, Better, Rhiad and even Scraped. Songs that push Axl out of his comfort zone a bit.

Album two would be by the current band, and would be the album you would imagine Axl and DJ making. Full of classic rock type songs. Along with Axl's love of the estranged, Nov Rain type stuff.

How about an angsty-song to compliment T.W.A.T. called C.*.N.T. ?

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Ballads are what Axl does best. Or at least the mid-temp songs like Catcher and Twat. SCOM. Estranged. Yesterdays.

CD didn't really have any tradition rock type songs. Maybe CD, but that songs really sucks.

At Axl's age and stage in life, we could be done with the angry rock type songs like Jungle and YCBM.

I would like 3 ballads and 5 songs in the vein of Catcher and the group mentioned above.

If so, I'd might lose a lot of my interest.

Mid-tempo songs often suck. SCOM is one of the worst GNR songs, so is Catcher.

It's obvious how much anger Axl still has inside of him, he should make the best out of it and rip out some mean hard songs.

Would be cool with a couple of great mid-tempoish songs but we need something else now, since that's what we got with CD.

Just out of curiosity, what makes you believe it's obvious Axl still has anger inside him? I mean, he's rich, gets all the girls he can handle, does whatever he wants whenever he wants, answers to absolutely nobody, and gives the middle finger to anyone who doesn't like it. What is there to be mad about? There's no way in hell he's ever going to recapture the angst of his youth. He hasn't been a struggling artist in 25 years. I just don't see it, his anger that is. I mean yeah, he's going to freak out every once in a while when he doesn't like something, but that's a far cry from the guy who wrote WTTJ, YBM, or anything like it. I expect most of it to be line with CITR, SOD, and Better. I just don't think you can expect a 51 year old millionaire to be all that angry about anything, and at the very least expect he's gonna write songs that will reciprocate his youth.

I totally agree. I guess there's very little anger left inside of him. Still, one ballad is enough for me, maybe 2. But quite honestly I'm really fed up with the ballads by now.

I'd love to hear OMG and Silkworms as long as they're not overproduced. A few mid-tempo songs would do fine. And for the rest I'd love to hear some good, swampy hard rock. Please, don't kill me. It's just a matter of taste. :) Can't help myself, I still love AFD and UYI. 12.gif

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CD II hopefully will have a ballad of This I Love caliber in there. If so and properly promoted it could be a popular single.

Yes love that song!

CDII should be a some ballads (love gnr ballads) and mostly hard rock songs. There were enough mid-tempo songs on CD. But i think the lyrics are going to be the same as the last one. What else does he have to talk about? Witch is a shame cause CD lyrics are not nowhere as good as UYI. :no: And i really hope it's not actually called CDII.

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Erm well I'd say probably around 40% probably given that CD had probably a few too many.

So if we were to say 14 tracks on a new record (assuming a single album) that would be about 6 tracks.

So if we say number of tracks (6) multiplied by number of new records (0) we have a grand total of ......... errr none.

No new ballads because there's no new tracks and no new fucking record! :rolleyes:

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Ballads are what Axl does best. Or at least the mid-temp songs like Catcher and Twat. SCOM. Estranged. Yesterdays.

CD didn't really have any tradition rock type songs. Maybe CD, but that songs really sucks.

At Axl's age and stage in life, we could be done with the angry rock type songs like Jungle and YCBM.

I would like 3 ballads and 5 songs in the vein of Catcher and the group mentioned above.

If so, I'd might lose a lot of my interest.

Mid-tempo songs often suck. SCOM is one of the worst GNR songs, so is Catcher.

It's obvious how much anger Axl still has inside of him, he should make the best out of it and rip out some mean hard songs.

Would be cool with a couple of great mid-tempoish songs but we need something else now, since that's what we got with CD.

Just out of curiosity, what makes you believe it's obvious Axl still has anger inside him? I mean, he's rich, gets all the girls he can handle, does whatever he wants whenever he wants, answers to absolutely nobody, and gives the middle finger to anyone who doesn't like it. What is there to be mad about? There's no way in hell he's ever going to recapture the angst of his youth. He hasn't been a struggling artist in 25 years. I just don't see it, his anger that is. I mean yeah, he's going to freak out every once in a while when he doesn't like something, but that's a far cry from the guy who wrote WTTJ, YBM, or anything like it. I expect most of it to be line with CITR, SOD, and Better. I just don't think you can expect a 51 year old millionaire to be all that angry about anything, and at the very least expect he's gonna write songs that will reciprocate his youth.

What a shallow world you live in if you think girls and money solves every man's problems.

He answers to nobody? probably depends on how you look at it, but EVERYBODY wants something from him, that's frustrating.

It's funny how you go from "giving the middle finger" to asking what there is to be mad about, I'm thinking that if you're giving the finger to something, well then you're probably mad at it.

He hasn't been a struggling artist in 25 years? What about those years when he didn't know what to write about since all he did was being sued or suing someone? That's a struggling artist.

There is or has been frustrations with the label, managers, producers, current/former band members, the press and some "fans" etc.

You think all is good and easy for Axl Rose? Walk a mile in his shoes.

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Don't Let It Bring You Down could be Axl's Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

CD II hopefully will have a ballad of This I Love caliber in there. If so and properly promoted it could be a popular single.

Atlas is meant to be Nov Rain meets glam rock according to Zutaut?

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Axl has anger, because Slash made it without him, whereas he failed without Slash. That is his main thing.

I'll agree to disagree here. Axl hasn't failed anymore or less without Slash, than Slash has succeeding without Axl. Just because Slash is seen more doesn't necessarily make him more successful. Pretty sure if Axl agreed to do every interview he's asked to do, every guest appearance he's asked to make and every guest appearance on any random artists record hes been requested to do, Axl would be out there in the everyday scene like Slash is. But if all your comparing is CD sales to Slash's solo efforts, I think you have to consider the money made by touring as well, and my guess would be that both have done just fine without the other. Although, without question, they both would have been much more successful had they staid together, but, shit happens. And by all appearances, this is what they both want at this point in time.

Ballads are what Axl does best. Or at least the mid-temp songs like Catcher and Twat. SCOM. Estranged. Yesterdays.

CD didn't really have any tradition rock type songs. Maybe CD, but that songs really sucks.

At Axl's age and stage in life, we could be done with the angry rock type songs like Jungle and YCBM.

I would like 3 ballads and 5 songs in the vein of Catcher and the group mentioned above.

If so, I'd might lose a lot of my interest.

Mid-tempo songs often suck. SCOM is one of the worst GNR songs, so is Catcher.

It's obvious how much anger Axl still has inside of him, he should make the best out of it and rip out some mean hard songs.

Would be cool with a couple of great mid-tempoish songs but we need something else now, since that's what we got with CD.

Just out of curiosity, what makes you believe it's obvious Axl still has anger inside him? I mean, he's rich, gets all the girls he can handle, does whatever he wants whenever he wants, answers to absolutely nobody, and gives the middle finger to anyone who doesn't like it. What is there to be mad about? There's no way in hell he's ever going to recapture the angst of his youth. He hasn't been a struggling artist in 25 years. I just don't see it, his anger that is. I mean yeah, he's going to freak out every once in a while when he doesn't like something, but that's a far cry from the guy who wrote WTTJ, YBM, or anything like it. I expect most of it to be line with CITR, SOD, and Better. I just don't think you can expect a 51 year old millionaire to be all that angry about anything, and at the very least expect he's gonna write songs that will reciprocate his youth.
What a shallow world you live in if you think girls and money solves every man's problems.

He answers to nobody? probably depends on how you look at it, but EVERYBODY wants something from him, that's frustrating.

It's funny how you go from "giving the middle finger" to asking what there is to be mad about, I'm thinking that if you're giving the finger to something, well then you're probably mad at it.

He hasn't been a struggling artist in 25 years? What about those years when he didn't know what to write about since all he did was being sued or suing someone? That's a struggling artist.

There is or has been frustrations with the label, managers, producers, current/former band members, the press and some "fans" etc.

You think all is good and easy for Axl Rose? Walk a mile in his shoes.

First of all, how shallow are you that your first statement needs to be of the name calling variety. And don't blow a comment made into your own personal Axl Rose manifesto. You show me where I ever said money and girls solves every problem. You can't cause that's not what I said. I'll repeat it for you, money is not an issue for him, woman are not an issue for him. Period. That's all I said, never did I say this solves everything. As far as being frustrated that people want things from him, very true, but aren't equally important things wanted from you or I from our wives, girlfriends, children, employers friends and family? Maybe not on as such a grandiose stage as Axl, but things are wanted and needed none the less. My kids wanting food on the table, power and heat to be on, and an opportunity to go to college are every bit as important to them than what anyone wants from Axl. What does anyone want from Axl that's anymore important than what is wanted and needed from any self respecting man around his age? Now, on to the middle figure comment. I guess this is open to perception since neither of us actually knows the man, but I don't see an angry man giving the world the middle finger because he's pissed about former band members, record labels r ex girlfriends, but I do agree this was Axl Rose from the late 90's to his beginnings. I see a guy who does whatever he wants because he can. I see a guy who in all likelihood laughs about all the crazy shit he's done. He doesn't care about the band members waiting and waiting to go on stage, not the fan who showed up to the concert 2 hours late only to wait an additional 3 hours for Axl to take the stage. Not to the record company he agreed to produce new material from, and certainly not from anyone else who doesn't fall into any of these broad categories. As far as the struggling artist thing, Axl CHOSE this. Nobody forced him into exile, nobody voted him off the island. He left on his private Lear jet, all by himself. Then made another choice. Stay in seclusion. For 17 years. At least based on musical production. And I completely believe everything I've read about what he had to go through to get CD released. But again, he made his own choices. Sure there were easy work a rounds to cut through red tape to get his music to the masses. But he CHOSE not to. And hey, I for one think its pretty bad ass they way he held his own and never backed down. But make no mistake. It was a choice. Edited by ll_tj1
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Don't Let It Bring You Down could be Axl's Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

CD II hopefully will have a ballad of This I Love caliber in there. If so and properly promoted it could be a popular single.

Atlas is meant to be Nov Rain meets glam rock according to Zutaut?

Ballads are what Axl does best. Or at least the mid-temp songs like Catcher and Twat. SCOM. Estranged. Yesterdays.

CD didn't really have any tradition rock type songs. Maybe CD, but that songs really sucks.

At Axl's age and stage in life, we could be done with the angry rock type songs like Jungle and YCBM.

I would like 3 ballads and 5 songs in the vein of Catcher and the group mentioned above.

If so, I'd might lose a lot of my interest.

Mid-tempo songs often suck. SCOM is one of the worst GNR songs, so is Catcher.

It's obvious how much anger Axl still has inside of him, he should make the best out of it and rip out some mean hard songs.

Would be cool with a couple of great mid-tempoish songs but we need something else now, since that's what we got with CD.

Just out of curiosity, what makes you believe it's obvious Axl still has anger inside him? I mean, he's rich, gets all the girls he can handle, does whatever he wants whenever he wants, answers to absolutely nobody, and gives the middle finger to anyone who doesn't like it. What is there to be mad about? There's no way in hell he's ever going to recapture the angst of his youth. He hasn't been a struggling artist in 25 years. I just don't see it, his anger that is. I mean yeah, he's going to freak out every once in a while when he doesn't like something, but that's a far cry from the guy who wrote WTTJ, YBM, or anything like it. I expect most of it to be line with CITR, SOD, and Better. I just don't think you can expect a 51 year old millionaire to be all that angry about anything, and at the very least expect he's gonna write songs that will reciprocate his youth.

What a shallow world you live in if you think girls and money solves every man's problems.

He answers to nobody? probably depends on how you look at it, but EVERYBODY wants something from him, that's frustrating.

It's funny how you go from "giving the middle finger" to asking what there is to be mad about, I'm thinking that if you're giving the finger to something, well then you're probably mad at it.

He hasn't been a struggling artist in 25 years? What about those years when he didn't know what to write about since all he did was being sued or suing someone? That's a struggling artist.

There is or has been frustrations with the label, managers, producers, current/former band members, the press and some "fans" etc.

You think all is good and easy for Axl Rose? Walk a mile in his shoes.

Good points, heard in a song that "money can buy u love, the almighty dollar can't buy peace of mind or happiness either - money isn't the be-all fix-all, cure-all except in the imaginations of the people without money. Having more than enough to live comfortably and pay your bills is no safeguard against aggravation, annoyances and problems of varying sizes.

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