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Can anyone explain why he needs more oxygen? Is it because he used to smoke a lot? People with normal lungs shouldn't really need extra oxygen

Was wondering the exact same? Can someone elaborate?

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Never saw that video before. Thanks for posting.

Not sure what the people towards the end were saying, and it was stupid how they dubbed the live audio with the studio audio and tried to make it sound live, but overall a neat video.

I wonder if the gym equipment still gets set up.

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Can anyone explain why he needs more oxygen? Is it because he used to smoke a lot? People with normal lungs shouldn't really need extra oxygen

Was wondering the exact same? Can someone elaborate?

It's definitely not normal to inhale oxygen before shows and between songs. There's got to be a reason. Could be emphysema and all the smoking.

At least now we know, Axl is not fat. He is just blown up like a balloon..

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Here goes: bout oxygen tent..

singers/vocalists routinely do breathing Retraining via professionals/coaches/self reprogrammed etc....

you swap from chest breathing to abdominal breathing, and over time, considering that most professional vocalists sing 4 four r more hours a day, it permanently alters ur basal breathing Pattern.

Hyperventilation usually occurs during singing, and this leads to reduced O2, this n turn leads to Low O2 in body tissues, and O2 is crucial in functions of nerve cells..also leads to an imbalance of Co2 which can lead to spontaneous n' erratic firing of neurons.

Also, diminished Co2 *can* cause probs w/ panic, anxiety, sleep, mood swings blah...blah.

Some research suggests that constant O2, and the resultant Co2 imbalance can actually be a cause for a great deal of psychological, neurological disorders. ;)

nod, nod, wink, wink.

In short, the O2 tent/tank/mask is an attempt to reduce the amount of hours of hyperventilation damage/imbalances that occur to the body, does it help? Yes..is it a cure, no.

Edited by sailaway
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Hyperventilation usually occurs during singing, and this leads to reduced O2, this n turn leads to Low O2 in body tissues

No this is wrong. Hyperventilation is breathing fast - which means you breath in more oxygen than needed (not dangerous, you won't even notice this). But hyperventilation also means you lose more CO2 than needed when breathing out, which will eventually change your bloods pH (this will give you symptoms such as tingling in your fingers/feet).

In other words, when hyperventilating you will not need more O2.

For the record, it's normal to breath a lot faster when you're running around, singing and your adrenalin is pumping. This is not hyperventilation. Your heart pumps faster, and you breath faster because your body needs more oxygen. If you didn't breath faster it would be called hypoventilation - and this is when you want to use an O2 mask.

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Ask any pro vox, chronic, habitual hyperventilation causes O2 n' Co2 levels to be imbalanced.

hang tight ill find a more level headed, Legible article, I tend to ramble when ive been awake this long.

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Ask any pro vox, chronic, habitual hyperventilation causes O2 n' Co2 levels to be imbalanced.

This is exactly what I said, but you still got it wrong. Hyperventilation means you breath in more O2 than needed and you lose more CO2 than needed = imbalanced levels of O2 and CO2.

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Ask any pro vox, chronic, habitual hyperventilation causes O2 n' Co2 levels to be imbalanced.

This is exactly what I said, but you still got it wrong. Hyperventilation means you breath in more O2 than needed and you lose more CO2 than needed = imbalanced levels of O2 and CO2.

Here's a happy little article:


"Why singers die early"

Also google breathing exercises, if u r'nt familiar with different techniques (and other masochistic practices)

Most vocalists are taught to sing with abdominal breathing techniques in order to boost vocal quality (no, not talkin bout head voice vs. chest voice- another animal there) chest breathing reduces O2 & singing requires more air flow.

Not here to argue asinine and meaningless semantics with some anonymous internet warrior, so if I unintentionally flipflopped my terminology it aint a crime, just a insignificant misdemeanor ;)

Nybody interested can do further research on the O2 tank, Jagger uses O2 as well, all God's chillun gots 2 breathe.

The scientific research regarding hyperventilation long term effects r inneresting, where is my friend Soul Monster? He is the scientist and could xplain it much better.

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Not here to argue asinine and meaningless semantics with some anonymous internet warrior, so if I unintentionally flipflopped my terminology it aint a crime, just a insignificant misdemeanor ;)

I'm not discussing breathing techniques. What I'm saying is hyperventilation means breathing too fast or too deep, this causes you to breath out more CO2 than you should which will affect yours bloods pH. This is not when you want to use an oxygen mask.

Have you ever seen someone breath in to a plastic bag? You do this when hyperventilating to inhale more CO2. In other words, what you need is CO2 - NOT O2! Get it?

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Never saw that video before. Thanks for posting.

Not sure what the people towards the end were saying, and it was stupid how they dubbed the live audio with the studio audio and tried to make it sound live, but overall a neat video.

I wonder if the gym equipment still gets set up.

It was basically some mixed reviews. One saying Axl sounded surprisingly good, others asking for Slash, while a girl moaned about the late entrance. The last guy said they sounded better than ever.

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Basically this. Oh my f'king Gawd I may have typed someting wrong in my haste, shoot me.puhleeze. :lol:

Not here to argue some asinine Point, I even refuse to read what I typed, s'called stream of thought and obviously I dont proofread.

can we please discuss the video of the mysteries that lie backstage now?

If anyone wants to discuss vocal techniques exclusively make a topic about it.

Eating green M & Ms, thinkin bout insane riders. :popcorn:

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Basically this. Oh my f'king Gawd I may have typed someting wrong in my haste, shoot me.puhleeze. :lol:

Not here to argue some asinine Point, I even refuse to read what I typed, s'called stream of thought and obviously I dont proofread.

can we please discuss the video of the mysteries that lie backstage now?

If anyone wants to discuss vocal techniques exclusively make a topic about it.

Eating green M & Ms, thinkin bout insane riders. :popcorn:

You were the one who started talking about all this stuff; breathing techniques etc when you clearly had no idea what you were talking about. No one mentioned it before you did. I was merely responding to you as I happen to be a doctor who work at a thoracic department.

I bet arguing on the internet and insulting people makes you feel better though.

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Basically this. Oh my f'king Gawd I may have typed someting wrong in my haste, shoot me.puhleeze. :lol:

Not here to argue some asinine Point, I even refuse to read what I typed, s'called stream of thought and obviously I dont proofread.

can we please discuss the video of the mysteries that lie backstage now?

If anyone wants to discuss vocal techniques exclusively make a topic about it.

Eating green M & Ms, thinkin bout insane riders. :popcorn:

You were the one who started talking about all this stuff; breathing techniques etc when you clearly had no idea what you were talking about. No one mentioned it before you did. I was merely responding to you as I happen to be a doctor who work at a thoracic department.

I bet arguing on the internet and insulting people makes you feel better though.

Haven't insulted anyone, although I think I have read one of ur books "Dr." :lol:

'Im actually an gynecologist/astronaut in real life, point being nobody else is enjoying this inanely irrelevant point.

Drop it and educate the uneducated about your "intricate knowledge of vocal techniques" elsewhere, make your.own thread to discuss it :rolleyes:

Many vocalists employ oxygen therapy, So it's not abnormal.

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Haven't insulted anyone, although I think I have read one of ur books "Dr." :lol:

'Im actually an gynecologist/astronaut in real life, point being nobody else is enjoying this inanely irrelevant point.

Drop it and educate the uneducated about your "intricate knowledge of vocal techniques" elsewhere, make your.own thread to discuss it :rolleyes:

Many vocalists employ oxygen therapy, So it's not abnormal.

Wow, you're something else...

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