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Why are Guns N' Roses forums so active?


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The reason the online fan community for GNR is so much stronger than that of Aerosmith, Metallica, Van Halen, Sabbath, Led Zep etc is simple: Guns N Roses are a better band than all of the above.

I actually love all the aforementioned bands to varying degrees (bar Led Zeppelin), but the difference between each of those bands and Guns N Roses is, they've all put out a lot of shitty material and below-par albums throughout their careers. Guns might not be the most prolific band in the world, but they've never put out a bad album.

Even the NuGuns haters would surely concede that Chinese Democracy is in a different league to albums like Music From Another Dimension, Death Magnetic, A Different Kind Of Truth etc.

Edited by Towelie
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The reason the online fan community for GNR is so much stronger than that of Aerosmith, Metallica, Van Halen, Sabbath, Led Zep etc is simple: Guns N Roses are a better band than all of the above.

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You could literally write a sociology essay on MyGNR. I think when you deprive somebody of something; it only makes them want it more, even if it isn’t necessarily worth it. I use the analogy of someone you’re attracted to. If you like them and want more, but they rebuff your affection, it has the effect of you wanting them even more, even if they aren’t that big a deal. It’s a flaw in the human psychology. Whereas you look at another girl or boy, and they completely reciprocate your interest, possibly too much, it’s weirdly offputting even though in reality, more rewarding.

Good insightful post, Best way to provoke people into demanding something is to outlaw it, (ie: prohibition) or to deny their desire to possess it (my prescioussss)

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GNR has always been a love/hate kind of thing. It doesn´t matter which side of the fence you are in, at the end of the day we are all still here because of GNR and even though the debate can reach a heated tone it is that interaction and variety of opinions what adds the flavour to the forums.

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Guest NGOG

Of course they stopped posting here. The Dexter Chats were supposed to be an on going thing, but 90% of the posters here are brainless idiots that don't understand what the word respect means.

Stop reposting what MSL says as fact. You've literally plucked that statement from MSL. It was said at the time, by Axl, that it could become a regular thing, but nowhere did management or Axl indicate that Axl was definitely going to frequent MyGNR on the basis that we treated him with a degree of respect.

Axl actually signed off on a really cool note back in late 08, at no point did he allow the negativity of others deter the fun the community were having.

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Of course they stopped posting here. The Dexter Chats were supposed to be an on going thing, but 90% of the posters here are brainless idiots that don't understand what the word respect means.

Stop reposting what MSL says as fact. You've literally plucked that statement from MSL. It was said at the time, by Axl, that it could become a regular thing, but nowhere did management or Axl indicate that Axl was definitely going to frequent MyGNR on the basis that we treated him with a degree of respect.

Axl actually signed off on a really cool note back in late 08, at no point did he allow the negativity of others deter the fun the community were having.

This thing about blaming the posters on here for the band's lack of activity is really, really silly. The Axl Nutters just try way tooooo hard to cause tension and drama.

Does Axl, or any member of Axl/Fernando's band, post at HTGTH???? That site doesn't allow anything negative to be posted about Axl and the band. LOL, they even banned Warchild/Sailway, who is obsessed with Axl.

If the band doesn't post there, then it is ridiculous to say they don't post on this forum because of a few posters.

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I don't understand why when Jarmo is an inner circle member worthy of an onstage happy birthday sing a long, the band members don't post there or do exclusive content. He obviously works hard to create positive publicity for GNR, it would have been easy to make htgth the official forum or incorporate it into the NightTrain site but instead they created this paradisecity thing. I am sure I read about another band that made a fansite their official site. Am I missing something? Does Axl not like htgth?

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it's never Axl's fault Groghan. Looks like people are repeating MSL words as facts now. And not to my surprise, it's Manets, the generic south american nutter fan.

isn't it amazing that after what MSL tried to do to the band, and as much negativity as he causes here, a few posters still look up to him.

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Of course they stopped posting here. The Dexter Chats were supposed to be an on going thing, but 90% of the posters here are brainless idiots that don't understand what the word respect means.

Stop reposting what MSL says as fact. You've literally plucked that statement from MSL. It was said at the time, by Axl, that it could become a regular thing, but nowhere did management or Axl indicate that Axl was definitely going to frequent MyGNR on the basis that we treated him with a degree of respect.

Axl actually signed off on a really cool note back in late 08, at no point did he allow the negativity of others deter the fun the community were having.


Have noticed you make some damn fine points, well stated :thumbsup:

Edited by sailaway
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Of course they stopped posting here. The Dexter Chats were supposed to be an on going thing, but 90% of the posters here are brainless idiots that don't understand what the word respect means.

Stop reposting what MSL says as fact. You've literally plucked that statement from MSL. It was said at the time, by Axl, that it could become a regular thing, but nowhere did management or Axl indicate that Axl was definitely going to frequent MyGNR on the basis that we treated him with a degree of respect.

Axl actually signed off on a really cool note back in late 08, at no point did he allow the negativity of others deter the fun the community were having.

This thing about blaming the posters on here for the band's lack of activity is really, really silly. The Axl Nutters just try way tooooo hard to cause tension and drama.

Does Axl, or any member of Axl/Fernando's band, post at HTGTH???? That site doesn't allow anything negative to be posted about Axl and the band. LOL, they even banned Warchild/Sailway, who is obsessed with Axl.

If the band doesn't post there, then it is ridiculous to say they don't post on this forum because of a few posters.

Now Miss Fussy britches, u rly dont have all the fine details, dont post half truths, Ah knows u likes to say mah name, so flattered :blink:

Let's stay focused here, you think us fanatical ones are leaping off the deep end when alls we is doing is "Finding what we love and allowing it to kill us"

Good quote by C.Bukowski.

it's never Axl's fault Groghan. Looks like people are repeating MSL words as facts now. And not to my surprise, it's Manets, the generic south american nutter fan.

isn't it amazing that after what MSL tried to do to the band, and as much negativity as he causes here, a few posters still look up to him.

I don't appreciate his past actions, any of them, and have stated such directly. :shrugs:

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we are all masochists

The reason the online fan community for GNR is so much stronger than that of Aerosmith, Metallica, Van Halen, Sabbath, Led Zep etc is simple: Guns N Roses are a better band than all of the above.

I actually love all the aforementioned bands to varying degrees (bar Led Zeppelin), but the difference between each of those bands and Guns N Roses is, they've all put out a lot of shitty material and below-par albums throughout their careers. Guns might not be the most prolific band in the world, but they've never put out a bad album.

Even the NuGuns haters would surely concede that Chinese Democracy is in a different league to albums like Music From Another Dimension, Death Magnetic, A Different Kind Of Truth etc.

Honestly: NO! no way. Not even when they are on top of the world.... Maybe better than VH, but the other example bands are faaar more influential and better than GNR (old or new)

, but they've never put out a bad album.

some people thinks CD was a big pile of shit (this is not my opinion, just the general concensus...) not because the album lacks of the classic members or the standard rock music SOUND, but bad mixing, overproducing etc.

And your theory was fallen, because CD took 14 years....

Edited by Crash Diet
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Umm is that true? I suspected so tbh. Cuz Guns N' Roses is the greatest band bar none, and so many more aren't worth talking about. It makes me proud that the Guns boards are the most active. One day Guns might rule the world again.

Guns are a band people care about. Guns wrote many perfect rock songs, their the reason we are here.

This current version of guns didn't write shit; never mind many perfect rock songs, and the Democracy lineup didn't write any real rock songs.

The band that wrote a bunch of perfect rock songs died along time ago and the name sahould have died with them.

To be honest, while they keep Jarmo sweet, he seems to be a bit of a long running internal joke.

He seems like a fucking mascot to me; either that or a gay cheerleader

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In comparison to GNR, Bon Jovi are boring as fuck and always have been. I'm sorry, you can laud them for their professionalism until the cows come home but you couldn't pay me to go and see one of their shows, I find nothing remotely interesting about their music because it just doesn't seem genuine. It's like rock n' roll written by people who've never experienced what they're singing about.

GNR's music, despite the expansion of scope from Live Like a Suicide bluesy rock to the techno-orchestra-MPC2000-Rock monstrosity that was CD, has always been from the heart, it's always said a lot about what was going on in Axl's (or the other guys') lives at the time, and it might be flawed (Get in the Ring was quite petty, I'm sure a lot of CD dislays a strong persecution complex) but it's human, it's real, it's ugly and it's beautiful... That's what brings me back to GNR time and time again because even though Slash and co. are gone I still get the same vibe off CD. The live show has been incredible every time I've seen it as well; as in, the best live show I've seen (and I've seen hundreds of bands).

Although it can be incredibly frustrating, the fact is that when GNR get it right it's so much better than what any of these other bands mentioned can do that it's worth sticking around with your fingers crossed.

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It is mostly about the Cult of Waiting. Being able to share this experience of Waiting for a product Y in Internet together with other fans has always made and will always make very big, active and vibrant communities. When Waiting, you get to form this big juicy fat pile of likely minded fans/haters with whom to discuss about how awesome/bad the next album will be. As long as the album remains un-released, your imagination, hopes and dreams are in no way fucked over by stuff like facts or boring realities. People waited for CD for over a decade. That is more than enough time to form rather big, strong communities. Once community is formed, people tend to stick around even if they don't get to masturbate on the next big Waiting game. However, such epic wait masturbation being over and done immediately caused many GNR communities to die. HTGTH began turning into bit of a ghost town the moment people were over and done with CD.

..Well, that and I sincerely believe it simply requires a good amount of very profound, thorough discussion to reach a full understanding on just how fucking retarded dj ashba is.

Edited by LTD
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Among the bands that still exist, Guns N' Roses is one of the most if not the most inactive and with less (useful) communication with the fans.

Bon Jovi, for example. They release one album every two or three years, and have an amazing website, and their communication with the fans should be an example to every band. Last week I went on the biggest Bon Jovi forum there is to check on the rumors of Richie Sambora leaving the band, and I must say that, alhtough there's always something going on with the band, the forum didn't have half the activity this one has. Why is that? I really don't understand.

The reason is thanGnr have the biggest real fan base..I was on gnr show (there was 15000people), and i was on bon jovi , acdc, u2 big stadium shows and gnr had more real fans that those bands...those bands are more popular than gnr in mainstream world and have bigger shows with casual fans

Have a look around the forum - half the people here are socially retarded nerds.

If they weren't here they'd be over at some Star Wars forum. Or some mental health forum.

you are very stupid man...and your iq probably is -5
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Among the bands that still exist, Guns N' Roses is one of the most if not the most inactive and with less (useful) communication with the fans.

Bon Jovi, for example. They release one album every two or three years, and have an amazing website, and their communication with the fans should be an example to every band. Last week I went on the biggest Bon Jovi forum there is to check on the rumors of Richie Sambora leaving the band, and I must say that, alhtough there's always something going on with the band, the forum didn't have half the activity this one has. Why is that? I really don't understand.

The reason is thanGnr have the biggest real fan base..I was on gnr show (there was 15000people), and i was on bon jovi , acdc, u2 big stadium shows and gnr had more real fans that those bands...those bands are more popular than gnr in mainstream world and have bigger shows with casual fans

Have a look around the forum - half the people here are socially retarded nerds.

If they weren't here they'd be over at some Star Wars forum. Or some mental health forum.

you are very stupid

man...and your iq probably is -5

That high? :blink::drool:

what is interesting is this forum is thriving, while others of the same genre are damn near devoid of activity,save for the concentrated efforts of the committed members trying to keep up a chatter..ie: GNRevolution etc....

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