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UYI Gn'R lineup reunites (kind of...)


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So wait, NuGnr gets the rap of being a cover band, and when Slash does it, it's a reunion? Please.

are you stupid?

how is "slash doing it"?


Edited by maynard
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I saw that SCOM video and I have to say this ...

This band is playing with no passion ... Matt is almost sleeping on the drums .... and the others are just ... well, playing?

It's amazing how these guys, who were part of the biggest tour in the history of rock, can play this music with less passion than a bunch of axl's hired arms.

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Why the facepalm though?

Because he's a diluted axl nutswinger who thinks Chinese democracy is gods gift to music.

Plus he has dj ashba posters all over his walls. Shirtless, with a jacket, holding a shotgun, surrounded by crows.

Now THAT'S badass..

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That was incredible playing. I can't get on with Myles singing it though, I would have rather listened to Axl on his poorest night fronting it. Doesn't matter really though, that performance was about Slash and he totally nailed it. The bits where he was playing and the crowd were singing along were great.

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Sounds very bland. I now understand why GNR uses 3 guitarists live.

Slash definitely owns GnRs sound.

But not the name ;)

Did you think that GnR sounded bland during the 1987-1994 era?

GN'R had a vocalist that covered up any blandness in 87-94. :shrugs:

Yeah, Axl was omnipresent back in the day.

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Lol at the Nutters.

I guess DJ doing hulk hogan ears is the real form of "true energy" and passion on stage.

Though I admit that Myles sounds horrible on GnR songs. There is a youtube video of him doing civil war that is literally painful to the ears.

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I think Axl's use of cancer as a description of Slash was specifically to call him something that had to be removed for his own survival. I don't think he'd care what Bach or anyone else had to do with him, he just wouldn't tolerate having Slash around himself ever again.

But I could be wrong.

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