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Will Axl ever rant on stage again?

Vincent Vega

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In the 80s and 90s and 2002, a fixture of GN'R's stage show was at least one rant about something from Axl, either a short little thing or a full on diatribe. I miss those. Do you think he'll ever rant again on stage?

Rants may no longer be a staple of a GNR show but there have been instances in more recent touring where Axl has ranted about something albeit more briefly.

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Axl seems so detached from the audience now, the connection he once shared with the crowd is long gone. That was a huge part of what made him such a great frontman back in the day. It's what set him apart from so many others. Now, besides band introductions, we're lucky to get a sentence or two. There's been the brief exception here and there, but for the most part, it feels as if he's simply going thru the motions. And if you're going thru the motions, you simply don't give enough of a shit to rant about anything.

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Axl seems so detached from the audience now, the connection he once shared with the crowd is long gone. That was a huge part of what made him such a great frontman back in the day. It's what set him apart from so many others. Now, besides band introductions, we're lucky to get a sentence or two. There's been the brief exception here and there, but for the most part, it feels as if he's simply going thru the motions. And if you're going thru the motions, you simply don't give enough of a shit to rant about anything.

I kind of agree, but at the same time, how much flak would Axl get if he were whinging on stage all the time? I feel like he purposely stopped ranting because he got tired of receiving shit about it. He clearly reads the forums, we know this (just rewatch that Puerto Rico rant above!), I think if anything he sometimes takes the online stuff too seriously but not in the way that he should be (dwelling on the negative, namely) -- so I can't quite fault him for not ranting anymore. I just don't think it's 'cool' for a 50-year-old to be doing that anymore.

But here's the problem. Charismatic performers like Mick Jagger, Steven Tyler, et al - their on-stage charisma was always kinda tied to their interaction with the audience, but those guys never really were known for ranting or anything. If you think about what made Axl such a dynamic and charismatic frontman, a lot of it was the intensity, anger, the ranting, the stuff he really isn't capable of doing anymore. Tyler can still crack jokes and do his trademark moves, but Axl's stage persona was always a little different imo; I think his only real trademark move was the snakedance, and the rest of his energy on stage was very much tied to how electric he was as a performer. Maybe just because he's getting older and whatnot, but he doesn't really have that boundless energy anymore, and couple that with the lack of ranting etc., and yeah, sometimes it feels a bit like you're watching a different guy on stage.

At the same time though, he remains a pretty electrifying performer for me. I acknowledge your points about him going thru the motions but I still really enjoy watching when he gets into a song emotionally, for example I loved the Dublin 10 videos (the ones everyone seems to hate on) because I could tell he was pissed off and giving the songs his all sort of to spite the audience. Like, Fine, I won't dance and run around stage for you, but as a result he unintentionally perhaps gave one of his best vocal performances in years, because he channeled all the rage he was probably feeling into screaming those lyrics.

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He said in Nijmegen in 2006, something among the lines of; "people ask why I don't rant anymore, it's because I'm to damn happy."

that`s it. That`s the problem. He`s just happy and fine. always thought the rasp needs anger, when he is pissed of = rasp. It`s like Axl is some brainwashed robot these days, nothing to say, nothing to prove.....just happy, after show partys and all., money coming in, people telling how awesome you still are, looking great, sounding better than ever......as long as money is coming in.....

I miss Axl Rose, and hes rants.

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In 2009-Canada 2010 he would talk a lot to the crowd, telling stories (whether they related to the next song or not), joking around... No real rants, but it was still great that he interacted that much. In Calgary he told a story after CD before they started Jungle, told multiple stories throughout the show, even dedicated KOHD to his dog that had recently died....

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He still talks to the audience fairly regularly, just not full on rants. When I saw him in Atlanta he was joking around multiple times about the time he was arrested there in 1987. I suppose it could, theoretically, be him not caring or "drugged" into mediocrity, but more than likely I'd guess he's just more comfortable with this lineup now that it has been around for some time.

Another thing I think is worth bringing up is that I have read interviews with many musicians who have brought up how ranting and/or joking can be such a nightmare in the Internet age when videos are constantly posted online and things have the opportunity to be taken so out of context. I recently read an interview with Billy Corgan (another musician and band leader famous for rants on stage) who said that he has pretty much given up with open communication with the crowd since it's bit him in the ass so much.

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good that someone made this thread! it might come true! who knows?

he might had read the thread about us wondering if its cool to see him and steven tyler in a pic, then he manage to do it.

he might also do the same here

Think Positive :thumbsup:

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Axl is older and hopefully wiser.

When I saw them in Las Vegas, some jerk threw a whole cup of water or some liquor on Tommy's head and it went from his head down the front of his shirt and on his bass. It was during the first verse of Better. Axl had just passed him by and saw it happen and turned around and stopped the music. He told the jerk that if he wanted to do this shit there were hundreds of other shows in Vegas he could do it in, but if it happened again, the band would leave. Axl didn't rant, he didn't scream, but told the jerk very sternly and got his message across. Axl said something about the guy leaving and the fans started chanting to throw him out and security threw his ass out. Then we all clapped and Axl and the band continued where they left off and the rest of the show went okay.

When you get older, you realize you can get your point or message across with words and not rants or throwing yourself on the person. Years ago, I'm sure Axl would have jumped on the guy and left the show, but I'm glad he's found another way to get his point across and the fans supported him.

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