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The SOCCER Thread 2013/2014

The Sandman

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Guest Len B'stard

As a Bristolian (oh the shame) and Rovers man I loved Ricky getting that goal.

Looks like you were spot on and all...both teams score, England win :)

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Och well... It wasn't that embarrassing, better than any of the performances we gave under Avril, given our need to recover from that and the diabolical state of our domestic game it bodes well for the future under Gordon. Loads of Scottish people bemoan the state of our game as irreparable, but there's always hope (it's what kills us)... With the rebuilding of the national squad and the (hopeful) return of Rangers to the top flight, things may improve soon. It's hard to imagine them getting much worse.

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Och well... It wasn't that embarrassing, better than any of the performances we gave under Avril, given our need to recover from that and the diabolical state of our domestic game it bodes well for the future under Gordon. Loads of Scottish people bemoan the state of our game as irreparable, but there's always hope (it's what kills us)... With the rebuilding of the national squad and the (hopeful) return of Rangers to the top flight, things may improve soon. It's hard to imagine them getting much worse.


There's still a pretty decent product out there if people actually went out and watched.

Sadly so many folk either sit on their arse in the house or go to the pub and watch fitba on tv instead of actually getting along to the game.

Yes it isn't cheap but when you consider the money that you pish away on shite lager in the pub, you could easilly get into the game.

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Aye, sooner Rangers return the better.

If only everyone else got over their hate of Rangers enough to realise that you're not going to make the game any better by taking one of the two teams in the country who were massive international institutions and getting rid of them. Congratulations, the SPL is no longer a two-horse race! It's now a one-horse race.

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Aye, sooner Rangers return the better.

If only everyone else got over their hate of Rangers enough to realise that you're not going to make the game any better by taking one of the two teams in the country who were massive international institutions and getting rid of them. Congratulations, the SPL is no longer a two-horse race! It's now a one-horse race.

Should've moved to England...

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If only everyone else got over their hate of Rangers enough to realise that you're not going to make the game any better by taking one of the two teams in the country who were massive international institutions and getting rid of them. Congratulations, the SPL is no longer a two-horse race! It's now a one-horse race.

Who cares about it being a whatever horse race.

The majority of all the teams in the league don't have a huge amount of difference between them in quality (except for Hibs due to Pat FenLOL) so the league is pretty competitive. All the teams are pushing for that 2nd spot and Europa league places.

Due to their massive financial advantage over everyone else, Celtic are merely an afterthought and an irrelevance. It's only enjoyable if they occasionally get pumped.

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Guest Len B'stard

I like to watch england to see if rooneys playing because he is so ugly inbred looking he reminds me of shrek. Is it true he once fucked a granny whore?

Certainly is. And then they say English footballers discriminate :lol:

Edited by sugaraylen
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Guest Len B'stard

£594...on a 170 layout. I had like a bonus thing from 365 of a 100 there so 170 of my own money add that 100 to make it 270 and i made 594 :) I knew they were gonna score cuz...look, the jocks were gonna come for blood, they got nothing to lose and a history with England and England are soft enough in the centre to let em through. And England had to score just based on being in Wembley, gearing up to the new season...plus the rivalry, everything was in place for it.

I'm glad i did bet on it too because out of all the other fixtures i was lookin to put it on Germany to beat Paraguay, which they didn't, Brazil to do the Swiss, which they also didn't.

England will come out and suprise you in friendlies against the teams they ain't meant to perform against like Spain and Brazil but stick em in with a team like Scotland who are a bit lacking in the flair department but make up for it in piss and vinegar and they'll cut it close every time.

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Guest Len B'stard

I would give so much to see England win the world cup, it means SOOOOO much to me, i would give sooooo much, theres so much i would do just to see that ONCE in my lifetime, I'd do anything.

Just to see the open top bus, people rejoicing in the street, everybody drinking and buzzing, to just look around in the middle of all the madness and see all the faces, to have the memories of almosts and blown semi's and missed penalties all erased, to have football FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY come home.

I think i would cry. It's just SOOO important to me, i love them so much, despite everything, no matter what happens, no matter how many people slag us off, no matter how many people criticise our players, nothing could make me waiver in my love for the England team, i just know we can do it, i fuckin know it.

We ain't lesser than nobody.

Edited by sugaraylen
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Man I would love to see England win the World Cup as well but lets face facts. Our players are not good enough, we are a quarter final side at best and that is where we usually get in tournaments. Our senior side is far inferior to Spain, Germany, Brazil and Italy and lets not even talk about the joke that is the U21s, face it man. Our national side is mediocre at best and nothing will change that for many years.

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Guest Len B'stard

If you're a quarter final team then you ain't inferior to no one, it means you're in there man.

An English team won the champions league the time after last. Not to mention Europa, i know theres a difference between that and what im chatting about but you cant say we ain't up there, on our day we'd take anyone to the fuckin wire.

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Not it doesn't, it means you are weaker than the teams that consistently get to semi finals and finals. The last highly ranked side England beat in a World Cup or Euro competition was Argentina in 2002 during the group stages and they were shocking that year. Every other top quality side we have played in a competitive tournament has beaten us.

2002 WC: Quarter Final loss to Brazil

2004 Euro: Quarter Final loss to Portugal

2006 WC: Quarter Final loss to Portugal

2008 Euros: Didn't qualify

2010 WC: Round of 16 loss to Germany

2012 Euro: Quarter Final loss to Italy

Our domestic teams may be up there but they are not as powerful or as successful as they were 5 years ago when all four teams in the Champions League would get to the quarters and we would have 2/3 teams in the semis.

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