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The SOCCER Thread 2013/2014

The Sandman

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Beckham was still getting grief over that years later, no matter what else he did. I remember that ridiculous effigy hanged outside a pub in London. It's that kind of thing that makes England so hard to really get behind.

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Len please there is no way he "lost us the world cup", assuming we had won we would have had to play Holland, Brazil and France and there is no way we would have beaten any of those teams.

As i remember that game he was feeding the ball in to Owen and we were getting chances, once he saw Red that was it, it was a pathetic petulant thing to do and he proved himself as not worthy of the responsibility he was given.

As far as would we have won anyway, well at least we'd've been in with a shot, 11 men vs 11 men end of the day, i'm a supporter, that means i sit watching their games with the hope that they're gonna win, this whole 'ahhhh, we wouldnt've won it anyway' thing is whats wrong with some football supporters, fuck me, you needn't bother watching if you all know the results already, im always fiercely optimistic for England, you've got to be or else whats the point in being a supporter at all?

I'm optimistic just not deluded, like how in 2010 loads of England fans said we had a chance because of Crouch and he proceeds to give away freekicks the entire tournament. Football is simple, its 11v11 for 90 minutes and at the end the Germans win on penalties :lol:

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Guest Len B'stard

And your non-deluded optimism is reflected in a total lack of belief in the team you supports chances at ever achieving anything, in the past, present or future? Sod that for a lark. Don't get me wrong, i get what you're saying and it's not like we've exactly been world beaters since 66 but come on man, fuckssake, meant to back your team, i know i'm fiercely optimistic but some of yous lot are the total opposite, i hate this expect nothing mentality. Don't you have pride in and love for your game and your players and...look, i'm a fuckin' second generation immigrant and lord knows i'm the least nationalistic person on earth but fuckin' hell, this is our country, we drink its water and eat it's fuckin' food, if we don't support it then no fuckin' sod else is gonna.

Yeah Wayne Rooneys a bald headed pikey cunt and such and such is a primmadonna but he's OUR pikey cunt and they're OUR primadonnas :lol: You don't get all this bullshit from the Germans or the Spanish or the Brazilians or the French or the Dutch or any other country except us lot.

Edited by sugaraylen
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I back my team until they got onto the pitch and I see that they are inferior to the opposition, at club level I am an optimist but when it comes to the National side it is hard when the players seem like they're disinterested and out entire football system from grassroots up seems to be stuck in the dark ages.

England have a set formula. We qualify for a tournament and do ok usually going out in the quarters, we continue picking players who are too old/ past their best or do not perform rather than bringing youngsters through and thus struggle to qualify for a tournament. When we finally get to that tournament we bring a few youngers who have no experience with the older players and they flop more often than not.

If i got my way players like Stevie G, Rooney, Lampard and Rio would not have been picked after Euro 2012 and give the youngsters a shot to develop and mesh as a unit without fear of being dropped. There is certainly an overreliance on the "old guard" in English football to such an extent that when the young players come through they get criticised if they don't perform right away as the media will take any chance they get to defend their darlings who can't do any wrong.

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Guest Len B'stard

And if they slung all the youngsters out there you'd all be like 'where's etc etc etc'. Seriously, leave people like Wayne Rooney, Stevie Gerrard and Lampard at home, can you imagine the fuckin' stick the manager'd get? There should be a fair balance and a mixture, there is something to what you say but end of the day, y'know, in these tournaments, of all the teams playing only one actually wins. Getting to the quarters is only two steps from the finals y'know, we ain't fuckin' Montenegro here :lol:

I suppose we could argue this all day long and I honestly do see your point and that but at the same time....fuck that, England!!! :D

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But look at how Germany and Spain do things, they have a team of under 21s and then they all come through into the Senior side at a similar time to give the team a sense of continuity where as we struggle to find players so we call up any promising players who are in the U21s rushing it through.

I see what you mean about how the quarters are only two steps from the final, well you would hope we would have gotten to more than two semi finals in 23 years (1990 and 1996).

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Guest Len B'stard

We got a few months before we can tie up this little barney anyway...

As for more pressing matters...Fernabache :lol: Whatcha reckon Spuds? :)

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We got a few months before we can tie up this little barney anyway...

As for more pressing matters...Fernabache :lol: Whatcha reckon Spuds? :)

A lot being made of Istanbul being very intimidating place to go but i remember a few years back Arsenal went there and thumped Galatasaray 6-0 or so with mostly second string players

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Saw part of the press conference Wenger did before the game tonight, he was calling for the transfer window to be closed once the season starts as prices get inflated once matches start. Nice to see he is following his advice and getting business done early!

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Guest Len B'stard

Turns out goab all of what you been telling me about our team has come to pass and all my optimism was...well, a load of bollocks. Your predictions for the last three years have been pretty spot on.

Edited by sugaraylen
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The half-witted Dicky Law went to Spain and offered £5m for a player with a £25m buy out clause, was it actually his fucking money?!

My beloved is being turned into a laughing stock and all we get is "trust me", guess what you four eyed frog cunt, I don't. You and Stan and Ivan the fucking terrible can all get fucked. You have taken my childhood sweetheart and violated her for profit. They feelings of certain groups are going to get very unpleasant boys, buckle up because you are going to witness some carnage at games this season.

Could be worse, could be a Liverpool fan :P

Not possible mate, I don't have the persecution complex required to be a hub cap stealing tinker.

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Guest Len B'stard

Not possible mate, I don't have the persecution complex required to be a hub cap stealing tinker.

I wish you'd post more often :lol:

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Oh Holden.

I love how the Scottish football fans come in here and post updates, almost for the benefit of themselves, everyone else just continues discussing the EPL like nothing's happened :P.

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Guest Len B'stard

As long as they win mate they could play like blind benders on sniff of pussy for all i care.

United look the weakest of the three strong teams this season, those being United, City and Chelsea. Judging at this very like...early stage of it i reckon it'll be a battle between Chelsea and City, with United coming third. City look to come on strong but Chelsea under Mou are gonna play a very sober and deliberate game soooo...yeah, interesting season up ahead i reckon :)

Fucking united haters we have played 1 game away from home might i add ....

Although i am an avowed and incorrgible United hater i wasn't being one with that particular comment, when i am its a lot clearer than that :lol:

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