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The SOCCER Thread 2013/2014

The Sandman

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Spurs, the "best target" wasn't aimed at you, merely those fans that are contradicting themselves by suggesting their first choice is the second best target.

What do you think f AVB's stance about Bale now?

He seems resigned to losing Bale, but just 2 weeks ago he seemed ever so confident that Bale would stay. It's been a big change for me.

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Sandy, your attitude on the transfer window in particular United?

The targets you've missed out on and how Moyes has handled himself?

Personally I think hes come across as inexperienced in the dealings and that has carried over in failing to get his best targets like Thiago and Cesc. I also think he is out of line saying Everton are holding back Baines and Fellani.

Just curious as to why United haven't gone for Willian or Lamela.

Chris I don't think his stance has changed too much, the resignation that he will leave is there now but I've always thought he would leave. We just denied it to keep our transfer prices down, if a club knows we have £80m to spend it will obviously artificially inflate the prices to get a better deal. If we do all our business before we sell Bale we can't get ripped off in that manner. Would I love him to stay? Sure I would but I think if we continue to invest the money wisely we will be a far more balanced team because at times last year we were entirely reliant on him.

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Sandy, your attitude on the transfer window in particular United?

The targets you've missed out on and how Moyes has handled himself?

Personally I think hes come across as inexperienced in the dealings and that has carried over in failing to get his best targets like Thiago and Cesc. I also think he is out of line saying Everton are holding back Baines and Fellani.

Just curious as to why United haven't gone for Willian or Lamela.

Chris I don't think his stance has changed too much, the resignation that he will leave is there now but I've always thought he would leave. We just denied it to keep our transfer prices down, if a club knows we have £80m to spend it will obviously artificially inflate the prices to get a better deal. If we do all our business before we sell Bale we can't get ripped off in that manner. Would I love him to stay? Sure I would but I think if we continue to invest the money wisely we will be a far more balanced team because at times last year we were entirely reliant on him.

I did wonder what exactly Moyes was playing at with that comment about Baines and Feillani. Yes, I'm sure that will really make Everton look kindly on any further bids.

Fabregas was a strange one as I never thought we were realistically going to get him.

Edited by ADPT
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that was Moyes way with Arteta, he thought it was better for the player to go to Arsenal, he let him. There's no point in keeping a player who doesnt want to be there. That's why Bale went, why Rooney should go, and Baines and Fellaini join utd.

I think the idea that Fabregas would join utd was naive. he said at beginning he'd never join utd.

I think Mourniho is partly bidding for Rooney bcos he knows it will unsettle them and significantly weaken them if he leaves, somewhere in the season they'll think shit we sold one of our best players. maybe Chelsea do need a striker tho. Torres doesn't fill you with confidence.

Why Everton need Baines as they have Evra or Fellaini.

Maybe Mata would be better for utd really.

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In terms of reflecting on our transfer business (or lack thereof), I'm pleased that we've brought in Varela and Zaha - two for the future. Gives us cover in key areas (although appreciate deals were probably pre-Moyes).

I know we've been linked with quite a few people, and as much as I would've very much liked Fabregas and Thiago, I agree that perhaps it was unrealistic. Felliani and Baines... I'd rather have the latter of the two - just seems like a step backwards really.

I'd like at least one midifielder to sign before the deadline - but might be asking too much :lol:

Still truthfully believe we've got a squad to compete at the highest level.

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You have the squad but do you have the manager?

Moyes'll be judged if we lose tonight - but the point was continuity, and to build for the future. He has some European experience, but will grow into the role.

Would rather have him there for ten... twenty years - and success for that time, than a short term fix by bringing in say a Mourinho or whatever. It's what is best for the club long-term.

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I wouldn't judge Moyes on this season at all. He has made no mark on this squad, the current situation is no different from when Avram Grant took Mourinho's Chelsea to the Champs League final.

Next season is where Moyes will show he is a great manager.

Lets also not forget that Fergie failed in the Champions League a few times and didn't even manage the booby prize of going into the UEFA Cup one season after they were bottom of their group.

Tonight means nothing in the rating of Moyes or Mourinho as managers, but means everything to the title - this is a chance to go 3 points clear of Man City in Uniteds case, or 6 for Chelsea.

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Rumour is United have put £100m plus Hernandez on the table which I would take.

Realist in my thinks it is bullshit, AVB confirmed yesterday that Bale was told to go on holiday for a couple of days and Marbella is his favourite destination and that he would be back in training tomorrow with all the players so he can continue his recovery. I think it is Sky Sports trying to get more money on Skybet by inventing "other interest" based on the fact he is coming back to England when he was always due to.

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I dont think utd need anyone desperately. Somehow thwy do well with what they have. But they need to keep rooney to give them options and experience.

Thing is Welbeck compliments van p pretty well. Giggs is playing behind vanp or on left. I really dont see where Fellaini fits in.

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Wenger talking about how it is unfair to name transfer targets and how Arsenal want to be discrete. Very fair of them placing a bid for Cabeye the day of their game with City and unsettling him.

Or their +£1 bid for Suarez.

If he can't buy them, he can at least unsettle them.

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