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Axl and Slash should meet on World Peace Day (September 21st)


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The International Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as World Peace Day, is observed annually on 21 September. It is dedicated to peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence, such as might be occasioned by a temporary ceasefire in a combat zone for humanitarian aid access. The day was first celebrated in 1982, and is kept by many nations, political groups, military groups, and peoples. In 2013, for the first time, the Day has been dedicated to peace education, ie by the key preventive mean to reduce war sustainably.

This would be the perfect opportunity for Axl and Slash to meet up, in the interest of goodwill, to demonstrate that peace is important throughout the world.

Hell, have both guys put up $1 million dollars/each and then donate the money to charity.

We don't want a reunion, we want a truce.

Who's with me?

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I'm not with you.

I'm unaware of Axl and Slash being behind any wars. They are peaceful apart and can choose to affiliate themselves with each other or not at their own will.

If they donate $1 million, awesome, but that's a shit ton of money. I mean, I do believe they are both wealthy, but even for someone like them, I think that's probably an awful lot of money.

I have no interest in them getting together for the sake of truce or to rekindle friendship or to be on speaking terms. Why would I give a shit? I see nobody urging me to reconnect and make amends with people I've had relationship-ending disputes with. And I'm not asking any of you to do that either. Why should I want to have Slash and Axl do it? Again, if they want to, they will.

The only thing I give a shit about them being together is if they are putting out new music together or doing a tour. I'll buy an album or a ticket. Otherwise I don't care. I'm interested in them as musicians and performers, not as people.

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Axl reconnected with former members because he wanted to. They live within an hour of each other, they can call each other up and go out to dinner if they wanted.

That's the saddest part - for sure Axl has crossed Slash's path a couple of times in the last 17 years or so, but as Axl's stated before: "There's zero possibility of me having anything to do with Slash other than by ambush, and that wouldn't be pretty" :no:

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That'd be pretty funny actually. Meet up, play Civil War, then to home and never see each other again or say anything of the incident ever again.

Edited by Flayer
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What part of "not in this lifetime" do people not understand? Move on and enjoy your lives FFS!

Oh my god, all these years I completely forgot to enjoy my life. You have certainly opened my eyes sir, where can I build a statue dedicated to you my true savior!?

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What part of "not in this lifetime" do people not understand? Move on and enjoy your lives FFS!

Oh my god, all these years I completely forgot to enjoy my life. You have certainly opened my eyes sir, where can I build a statue dedicated to you my true savior!?

You can build it in Perth of course. While you are saving your allowance to be able to afford it, probably not in this lifetime either, carry on hoping for a reunion in the meantime.

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What part of "not in this lifetime" do people not understand? Move on and enjoy your lives FFS!

Oh my god, all these years I completely forgot to enjoy my life. You have certainly opened my eyes sir, where can I build a statue dedicated to you my true savior!?

You can build it in Perth of course. While you are saving your allowance to be able to afford it, probably not in this lifetime either, carry on hoping for a reunion in the meantime.


This year alone I've been to Marocco, London, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos with Greece and Berlin still to come. Why bother visiting a shitty place like Perth?

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What part of "not in this lifetime" do people not understand? Move on and enjoy your lives FFS!

Oh my god, all these years I completely forgot to enjoy my life. You have certainly opened my eyes sir, where can I build a statue dedicated to you my true savior!?

You can build it in Perth of course. While you are saving your allowance to be able to afford it, probably not in this lifetime either, carry on hoping for a reunion in the meantime.


This year alone I've been to Marocco, London, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos with Greece and Berlin still to come. Why bother visiting a shitty place like Perth?

Baha you think I care about your make believe adventures and international flights of fantasy? You cant even spell Morocco so I highly doubt you've been there. Tell me more, please I'm on the edge of my seat. Edited by PerthGNR
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The International Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as World Peace Day, is observed annually on 21 September. It is dedicated to peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence, such as might be occasioned by a temporary ceasefire in a combat zone for humanitarian aid access. The day was first celebrated in 1982, and is kept by many nations, political groups, military groups, and peoples. In 2013, for the first time, the Day has been dedicated to peace education, ie by the key preventive mean to reduce war sustainably.

This would be the perfect opportunity for Axl and Slash to meet up, in the interest of goodwill, to demonstrate that peace is important throughout the world.

Hell, have both guys put up $1 million dollars/each and then donate the money to charity.

We don't want a reunion, we want a truce.

Who's with me?

you just want them to make out

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