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Dexter: The Final Season Discussion [Spoilers]

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Once Dexter started to have feelings for people it went all downhill from there. lol

The whole reason Dexter was fascinating was that he didn't care about people except maybe for Harry and Deb, but not to the point where it was interfering in his killing ritual.

Ever since marrying Rita and having Harrison and now that Deb knows about him, he just got too distracted about what he's really supposed to be doing and that was killing worthless jerks.

Killing Dexter now would be so stupid because it's like he's lost who he is, so he's not really the Dexter we knew and loved.

Crying over Vogel was just too wimpy for me.

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Just got settled back from vacation. Since this season sucks, I'd read through this thread at the airport earlier today. When I put Dexter on and the treadmill scene started, I just fast forwarded through the whole thing based on how awful you all said it was haha.

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Oh, dear...you guys weren't kidding. It's like a parody, and a ruthless one at that. It never made the Great Show pantheon with Deadwood/Sopranos/Wire/Breaking Bad etc, but it deserved better than this.

Edited by Angelica
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Another loony episode tonight.

"Daddy! I cut my hair!" :lol:

The show has two episodes left, right? And they're still giving us goofy Masuka jokes ("Hooker and blow, but it ain't the '80s"), inept cop cliches from Angel ("The press would have a field day with this one!" - he literally says this!!!!) and bad subplots involving tertiary characters (Masuka's daughter still roaming around the police station running errands for her father).

Abysmal stuff.

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Wow, I forgot this was even on tonight, that's how bad it is at this point. Or, maybe that's just how good Breaking Bad is?

I watched BrBa, The Newsroom and then Dexter. I really should have waited a day or two to watch Dexter. It was bad in the first place but watching it right after an amazing BrBa and an excellent season finale for The Newsroom made it all the worse.

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I watched like 20 minutes of the episode and turned it off, should I even bother with the rest?

There's one episode left, dude. Might as well finish the series.

What Lithium said. I came very close to turning it off as well but thought the same thing; might as well finish it out now.

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OMG! Dexter lets Saxon go and he kills again and shoots Deb! WTF is wrong with Dexter? Why does think feeling love will help him survive?

When all his friends told him they would miss him when he left and how he was always family to them, I was like, oh boy, if/when they find out he is a serial killer and Deb killed their LT, the shit will hit the fan.

I want Deb to be with the other cop and I wanted Dexter to leave the country with Hannah, but from the last scenes I saw it looks like Dexter might die because Harrison is being carried by a cop and has blood on him. If Dexter dies and his son Harrison is sitting by him, it's karma for sure!

When Dexter let Saxon live and let Deb arrest him, I just knew something was going to get fucked up for sure!

They are screwing up a very amazing show. I was screaming so loud at my tv last night, that I will probably be clapping if Dexter gets killed or arrested, because the "real" Dexter is gone for good and he ain't coming back.

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