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What are you watching? a.k.a. Film Thread v 2.0

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Guest Len B'stard

Angel On My Shoulder - Paul Muni, Anne Baxter, A gangster gets killed by his partner upon release from jail, goes to hell, meets Satan who makes a deal with him that arranges his soul to take over the body of a high court judge that happens to be a body double for the gangster that Paul Muni was when he was alive, who agrees to this so he can go about getting revenge on the guy that killed him BUT whilst busy faking being the judge he kind of falls in love with the judges life/wife etc and things get complicated. Directed by Archie Mayo, responsible for classics like Petrified Forrest and Black Legion etc.

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The Outlaw Josey Wales

Clint's greatest western outside Leone.

The Man Who Knew Too Much

Doris Day and Jimmy Stewart Hitchcock masterpiece. I had Said's orientalism in my head while watching it. Doris Day and Jimmy play a couple who are apple pie american - they could not be more american if they tried. Day is wholesome and has American teeth. Stewart is the everyman american who makes a hash at, strange foreign customs, but then follows through with a witty line. This couple, and their archetypical American 50s brat, are placed in the corrupt debauched asiatic world of North Africa. Or maybe I am reading too much into this? It is just I was forced to read Said at Uni so I always spot Orientalism whenever I see it.

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Guest Len B'stard

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Clint's greatest western outside Leone.

Josey: You a bounty hunter?

Man: Mans got to do somethin for a livin'

Josey: Dyin' ain't much of livin', boy..

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Guest Len B'stard

Joe Kidd is another pretty good one. High Plains Drifter, thats gotta be a good challenger for the title of 'best post Leone western' by Clint, Josey Wales probably edges it cuz it's more profound thematically where High Plains Drifter is kind of a blood and guts film.

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Guest Len B'stard

American Me - movie about a bunch of Mexican lads that end up in jail and like, through being in jail find themselves unwittingly placed in the centre of gang culture, they sort of fashion a niche for Mexicans and become embroiled in this life and eventually it swallows them up, great movie, seen it before, has everything really, murder, death, guns, overdoses, violent prison buttsex, everything a growing boy needs :lol: Seen it before more around the time it came out, gave it a re-watch.

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Recent watches for me:


The Perfect Host

The Hebrew Hammer

Thoroughly enjoyed all three. I've put off The Hebrew Hammer for the longest time since it looked like just another lame Pootie Tang/Undercover Brother-esque comedy, but it was a riot.

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Guest Len B'stard


Blood In Blood Out - a really epic three hour long movie based around three young latino lads in East LA whoose lives kinda go in different directions from their harsh upbringings, it's a really epic film with so much going on it's difficult to condense into a brief synopsis but its variously a prison movie, a cop movie, a coming of age movie, a getting old movie, it's lots of things. Pretty fuckin' violent too.

Ricochet - Denzel Washington, John Lithgow and Ice T, basically Cape Fear, funnily enough it was released about 5 weeks before Cape Fear too (the Scorsese one that is), Denzel plays this copper who nicks this assasin guy and kind of makes his name on the back of it and becomes assistant district attourney but this fellas got the hump with him (as i imagine he would) and he escapes, fakes his own death then goes about ruining Denzels life.

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Guest Len B'stard

Anuvahood - Quite a motley little collection of English actors, Adam Deacons in there, Paul Kaye, Jaime Winstone, Linda Robson, Richard Blackwood, Ashley Walters, it's kinda like The In-Betweeners meets Friday in a South London council estate, it was fuckin' hilairious really, gotta be seen, I can see why a lot of people would be turned off immediately because he don't really like seeing 'chavs' represented on stage or screen, even if the piss is being taken out of them wildly as it is in this case which is a shame cuz it's actually a really funny film.

Started watching Harsh Times too, Christian Bale, pretty good so far :)

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Guest Len B'stard

Broken Arrow, the Jimmy Stewart western that is and not the Travolta cackfest.

ABSOLUTE BELTER of a film! Love Jimmy Stewart, seen every single one of his films, he's a total hero of mine that fella. Debra Paget is in that, her out of The Ten Commandments. Shes an example of someone whoose career the studios destroyed, she was all set to be massive.

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It was years ahead of its time in its depiction of the Apache nation.

Stewart is the every man americana. I think of him and I think of white picket fences and apple pie. He would easily make my top five list of, best actors ever. Fuckin great guy. He even found time to launch 20 bombing missions over Nazi Germany!

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Guest Len B'stard

Yeah he was a high decorated fighter pilot, weren't he? I think he's definitely top 5 of the classic American stars, really love his films, theres a wonderful cosyness to them, have you ever seen Northside 777? Winchester 73? Anatomy of Murder?

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It was years ahead of its time in its depiction of the Apache nation.

Stewart is the every man americana. I think of him and I think of white picket fences and apple pie. He would easily make my top five list of, best actors ever. Fuckin great guy. He even found time to launch 20 bombing missions over Nazi Germany!

of course, now you have to make that list

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A bomber - he was in the US 6th Air force. A modest man - he was interviewed on the World At War and they just introduced him as 'James Stewart, name and rank', i.e. no mention that he is an actor and an incredibly famous actor at that. Yes, seen them all. Also, Hitch's favourite male lead (alongside Cary Grant).

It was years ahead of its time in its depiction of the Apache nation.

Stewart is the every man americana. I think of him and I think of white picket fences and apple pie. He would easily make my top five list of, best actors ever. Fuckin great guy. He even found time to launch 20 bombing missions over Nazi Germany!

of course, now you have to make that list






Something like that. I always have Mifune top. Love his acting - he is mad.

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Guest Len B'stard

What i like about Jimmy Stewart is that he was of that era of stars where they weren't really actors actors in the Brando sense of the world, they kinda played themselves, they were images that people were drawn to, him, Bogie, John Wayne etc but he's one that can be cited as among that class of actor, who took his particular archetype and was capable of inserting it in different kinda films. I mean he has this fuckin' hyuk hyuk image but the guy did really quite a wide range of stuff, Westerns with Anthony Mann etc, then kinda detective movies like Northside then kinda weighty courtroom drama like Anatomy of Murder with Otto Preminger, then pull off something like Rope with Hitchcock and then all the way on the other side of the spectrum like Shop Around the Corner and then like, self aware parody type fluff movies like Take Her, She's Mine...thats some fuckin' range.

Despite not really escaping Jimmy Stewart and being immediately identifiable as Jimmy Stewart onscreen he really took Jimmy Stewart places and explored and pushed himself. There this really great baseball film he did too, the name of which i cant remember, he plays a ball player that ends up crippled, I mean he really explored the human condition, despite being subject to what we would consider nowadays as a handicap (i.e. a character it's difficult to escape).

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Guest Len B'stard

Lee Marvin totally steals the show from Stewart and Wayne in Liberty Valance eh? :) Love Philedelphia Story and Bell, Book and Candle too.

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