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What are you watching? a.k.a. Film Thread v 2.0

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Guest Len B'stard

Original Psycho = belter, flawless.

Psycho II - Reasonably good watchable movie with a pretty decent plot, barring the shit twist at the ending

Psycho III - bit of a fucking joke really, the ending is hilairious 'Goddammit Norman, y'done it agin!' :lol: That mad Nun and Jeff Fahey are hilairious, especially Jeff Fahey, Perkins directed this one.

Psycho IV - just plain hilairious, most of it is in flashback to Normans youth and him killing his Mum, the kid out of ET plays Norman then it flashes back to modern day Norman whoose lookin' to knock off his missus cuz she's pregnant and he don't want his 'evil gene' to spread.

There's actually a sequel to the book too, Psycho II the book, which is completely unrelated to the film, i read it as a kid, can't really remember fuck all about it except that he escapes from the mental institution and at some point rapes a dead nun in the back of a van.

There's a further film called Bates Motel that was meant to be the lead up to a series based on Bates Motel where Budd Cort plays a friend of Normans who inherits the place.

Edited by sugaraylen
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Original Psycho = belter, flawless.

Psycho II - Reasonably good watchable movie with a pretty decent plot, barring the shit twist at the ending

Psycho III - bit of a fucking joke really, the ending is hilairious 'Goddammit Norman, y'done it agin!' :lol: That mad Nun and Jeff Fahey are hilairious, especially Jeff Fahey, Perkins directed this one.

Psycho IV - just plain hilairious, most of it is in flashback to Normans youth and him killing his Mum, the kid out of ET plays Norman then it flashes back to modern day Norman whoose lookin' to knock off his missus cuz she's pregnant and he don't want his 'evil gene' to spread.

There's actually a sequel to the book too, Psycho II the book, which is completely unrelated to the film, i read it as a kid, can't really remember fuck all about it except that he escapes from the mental institution and at some point rapes a dead nun in the back of a van.

There's a further film called Bates Motel that was meant to be the lead up to a series based on Bates Motel where Budd Cort plays a friend of Normans who inherits the place.

On point.

The original Psycho scared the shit out of me as a kid. It is the most perfect horror film ever made and untouchable compared to any of the others in the series, let alone most other horror movies, period. The first sequel was unnecessary and kind of gratuitous in a manner that the original wasn't - a very different kind of horror film - but for what it was, essentially an '80s slasher take on the series, it was pretty unnerving from what I recall. I remember it really creeped me out.

The others are naff.

Ender's Game is the most boring movie I have ever seen. Ford, what happened to you? lol

I put Ford in the same category as De Niro, a once highly respected actor who made pretty much any movie worth watching, now worth avoiding. Whenever I see his name attached to a project I just assume it's going to be a complete piece of shit.

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Guest Len B'stard
The original Psycho scared the shit out of me as a kid.

EVERYTIME i say this to people they laugh at me but Psycho is the only film in the world that I can honestly say actually really scared me. No other movie since has had that effect or even come close to it. Bear in mind i was about 9 or 10 yrs old when i saw it but still, I've since seen umpteen horror movies, among the worst and scariest and fucked up out there but none of em had an effect like Psycho did. I think its something to do with the fact that Psycho is acutely psychological, it's right in your head for 90 minutes and thats where the scariest shit takes place. You're WITH Marion in that car, you hear those voices in her head like she hears em, you feel her panic when she brakes hard and sees her boss crossing the street, you feel the rain lashing the windscreen and the lights in her eyes and the discomfort of the conversation with the bike cop and the unease of the situation with the second hand car guy...then you go with her to Bates Motel and...you're never really with Norman or in Normans head or following Normans POV, always the victims. After Marion it's the cop Arbogast whoose POV takes over, you're willing this bastard not to go up those steps into the house, then you're with Vera Miles and you're stuck with her right up until the last moment where Normans caught as Mum with the big butcher knife and then for those last dying seconds you get this little glimpse into where Norman was at, through mother, and then the films gone.

It's like you're constantly peering out from the perspective of the victims of the piece, it engenders this fear and paranoia, there's something so human about it, yeah, scared the be-JAYYYYYYYYYYYZUSS outta me as a kid.

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i completely agree.

what took me by surprise was that, i recall renting it when i was maybe 10 or 11...and i thought it was odd that a movie from 1960 was rated R (i think it was rated R when it was re-released in the '80s or '90s).

I really didn't think a black and white 40-year-old movie would scare me, but I couldn't take a shower alone for weeks afterward. I would have my younger sister stand outside the bathroom door when I showered and I would literally be so frightened that someone was going to come in and knife me. :lol:

That movie is absolutely brilliant. To this day I think Hitchcock may be my favourite film director of all time, closely followed perhaps by Scorsese. When it comes to horror no one can really deliver like Hitch and Roman Polanski. I'll take those psychological horror films over the '80s slasher flicks any day.

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Guest Len B'stard

It's funny that when you think about The Exorcist and the early appraisals of it and what scared people it was never Reagan and the puking and crucifix and all that shit, it was always the little beginning bit in Iraq, the theme tune, those steps, the digging up of that artefact...the real unnerving shit is what gets you on a psychological level, it's kinda like eroticism, you get like a flash and a peep and it's infinitely more awakening to the senses than just seeing the full blown thing.

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What really got me with Psycho, because I was prepared for the shower scene (and had seen it out of context), was Norman as Mother coming after Vera Miles in the basement. That image of him in the Mother drag, holding the knife up...I shrieked. :lol: It's a perfect film. The tension is almost unbearable. Marian is a fully drawn character, we care about her, which makes her fate more potent.

Edited by Angelica
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Guest Len B'stard

What really got me with Psycho, because I was prepared for the shower scene (and had seen it out of context), was Norman as Mother coming after Vera Miles in the basement. That image of him in the Mother drag, holding the knife up...I shrieked. :lol:

Me too, exactly that! Only i don't shriek but that exact fuckin' thing, especially when you're young too, it's a fuckin' indelible image. It's not even just him with the drag and the blade, his face appears paralysed in this massive grin. And that fuckin' 'why she wouldn't even harm a flyyyyy' bit :lol: I feel semi ridiculous saying this at my age but i know yous know what i mean too!

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Ender's Game is the most boring movie I have ever seen. Ford, what happened to you? lol

I put Ford in the same category as De Niro, a once highly respected actor who made pretty much any movie worth watching, now worth avoiding. Whenever I see his name attached to a project I just assume it's going to be a complete piece of shit.

Couldn't agree more. De Niro is going the same route, which is sad.

Ender's Game was horrible, with or without Ford, but I can honestly say that I have not been more annoyed in my life than I was when Ford was on screen, terrible terrible acting.

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to be fair to DeNiro, Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Duvall, etc....they are all old dudes, some near 80....the only roles that are seemingly written for that generation are old, crusty, cantankerous guys or it's a guy losing his memory....if their were better written roles, these guys could still knock it out of the park...bruce dern does it in Nebraska....but the roles are few and far between

Edited by axl666axl666
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to be fair to DeNiro, Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Duvall, etc....they are all old dudes, some near 80....the only roles that are seemingly written for that generation are old, crusty, cantankerous guys....if their were better written roles, these guys could still knock it out of the park...bruce dern does it in Nebraska....but the roles are few and far between

Pacino, Hoffman and Duvall all occasionally turn in some solid work. Hoffman certainly does some absolute shit but he was never considered to be as consistent as De Niro in his prime, so it doesn't stand out. And he occasionally does a film that's quite good, so all is forgiven. Duvall has been doing tons of great character work in recent years (Get Low for example). There ARE still roles written for older guys that they could do well with... De Niro and Ford are simply lazy, and greedy. Ford turned down Indy 4 for years and years until he had a huge string of flops and studios were questioning whether he was worth $20 mil a picture anymore -- then suddenly he jumps on board Indy 4 to inflate his price tag again. That's sadly part of the reason he's probably so eager about Star Wars (or seems to at least not be dismissive of it). Easy money, coasting on his laurels. You'll never see him challenge himself as an actor ever again.

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I don't think Ford was ever an elite actor. Sure, he's made some classics but he's not on the level of his contemporaries.

Speaking of Hoffman, in his prime, I'd rank him right at the top. Above Pacino for sure. Hoffman from The Graduate thru Death of a Salesman, he was damn near untouchable, with the exception of Deniro's run from Mean Streets thru The King of Comedy.

Pacino is the single most overrated so called elite actor of all time.

The Graduate, John And Mary, Midnight Cowboy, Little Big Man, Straw Dogs, Papillon, Lenny, All The President's Men, Marathon Man, Straight Time, Agatha, Kramer vs Kramer, Tootsie, Death Of A Salesman

That is one goddamn incredible run showing amazing range.

Pacino-the most overrated

Hoffman-the most underrated

And I wouldn't call DeNiro lazy. He did 7 films last year. Can't be lazy by working that much.

Edited by axl666axl666
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We'd rather that he did 3 great films than 7 shit ones, though.

that's not always the actor's fault though...that lies with the writing and the directing more than anything else

he was in american hustle, that's 1 "not shit"

and not sold that the other 6 are shit..sure they aren't raging bull, but what is

it's unfair to compare his work of 35-40 years ago to now...as it is with anyone

but fuck deniro, the lazy no talent cunt

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He can pick and choose who he works with and he can pick projects based on the scripts. He can also put a bit more effort into his acting, the way that lots of great actors of his age (and older) manage to do, film in and film out.


The Big Wedding costarred Diane Keaton, Robin Williams, Susan Sarandon, Amanda Seyfried. Pretty good cast. Great finished product? I don't know. Did all of them conspire to just "mail it in" and cash a paycheck? Possibly, but I think they all want to do good work

Killing season costarred John Travolta. I saw this. I will say this was shit.

The Family costarred Michelle Pfeiffer, Tommy Lee Jones directed by Luc Besson

Last Vegas costarred Kevin Kline, Morgan Freeman, Michael Douglas

Grudge Match was with Stallone

American Hustle is one of the best pics of the year

Motel looks to be a straight to DVD thing but costars John Cusack

all in all, he surrounded himself with great acting talent (for the most part) so I think he picked fine...whether the finished product(s) lived up to his or any of the cast or producers expectations or audience for that matter, is another thing altogether.

Not everybody picks or gets to do stellar work time and time again. Everybody has and does "shit" from time to time, regardless of reputation or talent. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is.

And he was recently Oscar nominated for Silver Linings Playbook and that actually wasn't his best performance of that year. Being Flynn was.

So, my long point, convoluted as it is, is that he does do quality work. Does he take roles just for the money? He admits he does but who doesn't? That doesn't necessarily mean he's not trying his best. His best in that particular film may fall short of what he or the director intended

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As much as it's true that you can never tell exactly how a project is going to turn out...if the script is shit, then the finished product is pretty much guaranteed to be shit and De Niro accepts a lot of shitty, pay check scripts. Unless they re-wrote the Big Wedding screenplay five minutes before they started filming, none of those guys (except maybe Katherine Heigl) were under the delusion they were in a decent film. I'll give Keaton and Sarandon a pass because pickings are slimmer for actresses in their age group.

Hoffman is incredibly underrated, I will take him (and Duvall, and Hackman for that matter) over Pacino any day of the godamn week.

What really got me with Psycho, because I was prepared for the shower scene (and had seen it out of context), was Norman as Mother coming after Vera Miles in the basement. That image of him in the Mother drag, holding the knife up...I shrieked. :lol:

Me too, exactly that! Only i don't shriek but that exact fuckin' thing, especially when you're young too, it's a fuckin' indelible image. It's not even just him with the drag and the blade, his face appears paralysed in this massive grin. And that fuckin' 'why she wouldn't even harm a flyyyyy' bit :lol: I feel semi ridiculous saying this at my age but i know yous know what i mean too!

It's that fucking maniacal grin!! It makes it scarier somehow :lol:

Edited by Angelica
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I'm with you on Duvall and Hackman. Their long filmographies speak for themselves...

Hackman's retired though. Good for him though in getting out before he embarrassed himself.

And again, Pacino is so amazingly overrated. Scarface is literally one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Never ever understood the appeal

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