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What are you watching? a.k.a. Film Thread v 2.0

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Requiem For A Dream....just watched it....heck of a movie...sad, bizarre and bothersome....all in one....

Love that film…doesn't give you an easy time at all, does it? If you like that you should also check out Last Exit to Brooklyn, it's an adaptation of a book by the same author as Requiem, Hubert Selby Jnr.

No...it really doesn't give you an easy time....the entire movie is a struggle....much like what the addicts themselves are going through....very well written, acted....thought out movie.

Will have to put Last Exit to Brooklyn on my list.... :thumbsup:

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Watching.... Inequality For All....new documentary on Netflix...it's about income inequality in the U.S....hosted by economist Robert Reich...who served in several U.S. presidential administrations. This guy is impressive....excellent documentary....he doesn't just point out the problems with the issue (alla Michael Moore)...he shares philosophies and solutions to the problems.

Highly recommended viewing...especially Downzy....this would be right up your alley. ;)

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Requiem For A Dream....just watched it....heck of a movie...sad, bizarre and bothersome....all in one....

I'd recommend Pi, the first movie of Requiem For A Dream's director Darren Aronofsky

It has the same qualities, but amplified

Will have to take a look at it, thanks!

Black Swan has more all American girl on girl action.
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The Pleasure Garden.

Hitch's debut. Curious sort of melodrama. It does not really have much of the Hitchcockian trademarks yet, but it is an enjoyable piece.

The Lodger

Simply a masterpiece, the first Hitchcock masterpiece nonetheless.

Red River

Monty Clift and Wayne Hawks western.

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Guest Len B'stard

Red River

Monty Clift and Wayne Hawks western.

One of Waynes best performances. And Monty is a lad whatever he's in. Wayne actually had to turn it on here though and he did it really quite well, I'd say among his top 5 best performances.

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Just saw Gravity in IMAX 3D (yes, I'm a few months late, but it was less than £5 here in Sofia!). Good film, only thing I found a bit distracting was the music, surprised it won the Oscar. I usually love that kind of music but I think it should have been spared for last 5-10 minutes.

Amazing special effects, really well done.

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Just saw Gravity in IMAX 3D (yes, I'm a few months late, but it was less than £5 here in Sofia!). Good film, only thing I found a bit distracting was the music, surprised it won the Oscar. I usually love that kind of music but I think it should have been spared for last 5-10 minutes.

Amazing special effects, really well done.

I thought Gravity was pretty good....a visual masterpiece....some scenes a little far fetched....but overall, entertaining.

Although when I think back of Sandra Bullock's character.....she was a mess.....she caused them to get hit by the debris because she didn't stop the operation when directed to....causing the loss of life of everyone but her and Clooney.....then she gets herself twirled out into space, causing Clooney to have to retrieve her....which in the end, costs him his life....then she single handedly burns down the international space station by starting a fire while she was bumping around in it...and finally, she also makes a mess of the Chinese space station, almost destroying that as well...talk about a liability! :lol:
Edited by Kasanova King
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Just saw Gravity in IMAX 3D (yes, I'm a few months late, but it was less than £5 here in Sofia!). Good film, only thing I found a bit distracting was the music, surprised it won the Oscar. I usually love that kind of music but I think it should have been spared for last 5-10 minutes.

Amazing special effects, really well done.

I thought Gravity was pretty good....a visual masterpiece....some scenes a little far fetched....but overall, entertaining.

Although when I think back of Sandra Bullock's character.....she was a mess.....she caused them to get hit by the debris because she didn't stop the operation when directed to....causing the loss of life of everyone but her and Clooney.....then she gets herself twirled out into space, causing Clooney to have to retrieve her....which in the end, costs him his life....then she single handedly burns down the international space station by starting a fire while she was bumping around in it...and finally, she also makes a mess of the Chinese space station, almost destroying that as well...talk about a liability! :lol:
The first accident, didn't she end up saving Clooney's life because of it? I thought the others died because they were in the spacecraft? And that other fire had already started when we see her enter, I think that was just bad luck :shrugs: And the Chinese space station was empty and gonna burn up in the atmosphere any way.
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The first accident, didn't she end up saving Clooney's life because of it? I thought the others died because they were in the spacecraft? And that other fire had already started when we see her enter, I think that was just bad luck :shrugs: And the Chinese space station was empty and gonna burn up in the atmosphere any way.
I was saying it (somewhat) tongue in cheek....but had she not twirled into outer space, Clooney wouldn't have had to use up his jetpack to go get her and they would have had a controlled landing at the space station....and yes, they died because they were in the spacecraft that could have been moved out of the debris' way had they acted sooner...and not been delayed by Bullock trying to finish her project....and I'm almost certain the fire started because she bumped into something....the camera panned to a flame that started after she bumped some wires, when she was fumbling through the space station... :shrugs: ...but like I said, I wasn't being that serious about it....just a light hearted observation.
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only thing I found a bit distracting was the music, surprised it won the Oscar.

When I first watched Gravity I loved the score and the sound overall. That, along with the visual effects are the best of the movie. When it ended I remember telling my girlfriend that they were going to take all the audio and visual awards. They sure did. :lol:

Funny how opinions and personal tastes are so different. This is a great example!

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Guest Len B'stard

The Trials of Muhammad Ali - fantastic new documentary about the greatest living man on this planet today, the one and only, the greatest of all times, the prettiest, the fastest, the baddest, the dancer, the poet, the magician, the alchemist of the ring, the three time world heavyweight champion and the prince of the black race, the one and only, the best ever, the most amazing fighter that ever lived, the true champ, if Muhammad means worthy of all praises then there is no better man on the planet today deserving of it for a handle, his name should not be uttered without fanfare, truly the greatest, in every sense.

Thank you so much Kassanova King for finding this for me, i could thank you all day :)

Edited by sugaraylen
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only thing I found a bit distracting was the music, surprised it won the Oscar.

When I first watched Gravity I loved the score and the sound overall. That, along with the visual effects are the best of the movie. When it ended I remember telling my girlfriend that they were going to take all the audio and visual awards. They sure did. :lol:

Funny how opinions and personal tastes are so different. This is a great example!

I had the opposite problem with Man of Steel: I love the film score but think the film itself was weak overall. I listen to the score a lot and a friend asks why if I didn't like the film. I say a) I just like the music and b) I sometimes pretend it was from a better Superman film :lol:

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The Farmer's Wife.
Probably my favourite comedy of Hitchcock's - well, unless you regard The Lady Vanishes or To Catch A Thief, comedies. Likeable film with its heart in the right place. Very English. Watch out for Gordon Harker's performance (who is also in The Ring and, Champagne).

Comedic fluff, starring Betty Balfour, Queen of the British silents (sort of, our Mary Pickford). It is Probably one of Hitchcock's weaker films (alongside Jamaica Inn and Topaz) but it does have one superb 'Hitchcockian' moment in which a camera is trained down a champagne glass.

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