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What are you watching? a.k.a. Film Thread v 2.0

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Rewatching the LOTR trilogy, extended of course, the past few nights. ROTK tonight.

Always go extended with LOTR, when I went to the permier of the Hobbit II last December, they were offering a digital download deal of all 3 Hobbit movies for $20. I asked the guy, "Is it the extended versions?" He said no, so I looked to my buddy and basically said, "well, those are worthless then." Got resounding positive corroboration from the rest of the people in line. Always go extended with LOTR.

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Mistaken for Strangers, a very endearing documentary made by Tom Berninger. I guess the original idea was to make a film of his brother Matt's 2010 tour with The National, but it turns into a very touching and revealing piece about being the sibling of someone who is substantially more successful. I am only peripherally aware of the band because they're heavily influenced by the Afghan Whigs, but whether you are a fan or not, it's a marvelous little film.

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Well, I've seen a few pretty recently thanks to Netflix, and they've sort of become my "background" or "going to sleep" movies. Not because they're boring, mind you, but I can only have something familiar on for either of those. New stuff just catches my attention way too much for it to be background noise or something I sleep to. The ones I've been watching most recently are Alyce Kills, Random Acts of Violence, and Stitches. Honestly, I'd say they've become personal favorites at this point. The first two put me in mind of American Psycho so much for some reason, and the last one is like a classic horror film from the 80s or 90s. Not sure if I can really recommend them to anyone though, I've got pretty weird tastes. Something I didn't see RECENTLY, but could recommend to other people is "God Bless America," though.

There's also Cottage Country, but I'm not sure if I actually like it yet, oddly enough. You could compare it to "Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil" in some very minor ways, the biggest being the shared actor. Most recent flick I've newly seen (again, thanks to Netflix) is Contracted. Very nice body horror film, great ending (although you see it coming after about thirty minutes in), but there are some parts that are pretty damn gross, particularly a scene near the very end. I also saw The Warriors pretty recently, but that was via disc. Newest one I've seen on disc? God, it's been awhile. Either Django Unchained or Curse of Chucky. I've still got "That Was Then, This Is Now" and "3, 2, 1... Frankie Go Boom" to watch from September. Anyone got anything to say about either of those?

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Finished ROTK the other night - great film. Starting a Star Wars marathon tonight, do I start with A New Hope, or The Phantom Menace?

A New Hope. Episodes I-III are better if you view them as if they're just really big flashbacks. That's why I usually refer to them as episodes IV-VI instead of I-III, that and because it confuses people and I find that hilarious.

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Watched The Wolf of Wallstreet last night (decided to take a break from LOTR/SW). It was good, pretty funny, it's length was almost appropriate, maybe 20-25 minutes too long. I did get the sense of sensationalizing the true story, and promotion of that lifestyle - even if that wasn't the filmmaker's intent.

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Watched The Wolf of Wallstreet last night (decided to take a break from LOTR/SW). It was good, pretty funny, it's length was almost appropriate, maybe 20-25 minutes too long. I did get the sense of sensationalizing the true story, and promotion of that lifestyle - even if that wasn't the filmmaker's intent.

I think the only time it "promoted" the lifestyle was "in the moment" type of thing....sort of when someone is "high" on drugs....they feel great "in the moment" but they feel like utter crap as soon as they come down. Certain scenes in the movie make you think "wow"...but within minutes (or at least by the end, I would hope) you realize what a complete and utter disgrace.

Edited by Kasanova King
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Watched The Godfather trilogy for the first time in about 20 years.

Part 1 still resonates and ranks as 1 of the top 5 American films ever made.

Part 2 was not as good as I had remembered/thought. I've often seen/heard/read that people rank Part 2 ahead of the first one. No chance in hell.

Part 3 is vastly underrated. Not an all time great by any means but not deserving of the scorn it's always received.

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