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What are you watching? a.k.a. Film Thread v 2.0

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Tucker and Dale Get Killed I think is the name of it.

Really silly, but funny and Katrina Bowden is really hot.

That's Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil, if we're thinking of the same movie. If you liked that you should check out "Cottage Country". Plot has some similarities to it and it has the same guy that played Dale in a main role.

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Finally got around to watching The Counselor. The first half was pretty terrible, convulted/poor story telling, bad direction from the guy who is usually my favorite, even the acting wasn't great at time from the all star ensemble (though I can never watch Cameron Diaz without cringing). There was some interesting symbolism and McCarthy's literature background really showed in the script/story. I think The Counselor would have made a better book.

My favorite scene by far was when Javier was talking to Fassbender about the Ferrari California incident in the nightclub. And the story did sort of pick up during the second half of the movie. Overall though really disappointing for such a great cast, director, writer, and story idea. Going in I knew it wasn't going to be good, but I had been following the film since its production so it was time to see it. Shame.

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Age of Extinction. I vowed never again. but there I was. I thought it was kick ass and the best Transformer movie so far. Just a fast paced action movie and when Marky mark went commando it made sense.

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Rewatching the 1st three prequel Star War Movies on Bluray in all their 9.2 surround sound glory and have to say I think they really get a bum rap...I thought they were very good.............

Edited by classicrawker
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I actually really like sharks and it sucks how some people think they're mindless killing machines, but shark movies are hilarious. All these idiot people getting attacked and killed.

Right now I'm trying to decide between Sharknado and Shark Night 3D. They sound equally ridiculous so it's a hard pick.

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I actually really like sharks and it sucks how some people think they're mindless killing machines, but shark movies are hilarious. All these idiot people getting attacked and killed.

Right now I'm trying to decide between Sharknado and Shark Night 3D. They sound equally ridiculous so it's a hard pick.

There's a Gn'R reference in Shark Night. But the movie is awful. So go with that.
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Inland Empire. I was suitably disturbed.

:D The brainfuck of all brainfucks.

Sidenote, just watched Enemy. Probably one of Gyllenhaal's best performances. Another brainfuck movie and is definitely not for everyone. Even I had to to look up some explanations for that one. Masterpiece.

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Watched Noah earlier.

Watching Sabotage now.

How was Noah?

I love Jennifer Connelly. Think she's a superb actress and one of the most beautiful women of all time, which has hurt her I think to a degree.

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Watched Noah earlier.

Watching Sabotage now.

How was Noah?

I love Jennifer Connelly. Think she's a superb actress and one of the most beautiful women of all time, which has hurt her I think to a degree.

I liked it. Doesn't really follow the Bible story that closely (or maybe I should say they added a lot to it) but it's entertaining for what it is. Jennifer Connelly was good in it....although don't expect to see her as her usual "head turner" self in it....they did their best to make her appear as if she lived during the age.....you've been warned..... :P

Edited by Kasanova King
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How to Train your Dragon 2 was the last one I saw. Not very cool I know, but I have really enjoyed this series of films.

I will see Transformers and Apes next weekend hopefully

Apes has been getting stellar reviews by some tough critics so let us know what you think of it.............

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Inland Empire. I was suitably disturbed.

:D The brainfuck of all brainfucks.

Sidenote, just watched Enemy. Probably one of Gyllenhaal's best performances. Another brainfuck movie and is definitely not for everyone. Even I had to to look up some explanations for that one. Masterpiece.

I didn't try to work it out, I just let it flow over me. It seems like a mixture of Mulholland Drive with parts of Lost highway with a Frank type presence from Blue Velvet. But it's much less jokey surreal, there's not too many dancing dwarves. but there is that Locomotion scene which is mind blowing. probably one of the best movies I've seen in the last decade.

ill check enemy. he was in something from the Moon director which was like time travel stuff.

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