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What are you watching? a.k.a. Film Thread v 2.0

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- legitimately novel and often stunning genre bender (imagine Before Sunrise with a B-movie monster plot and you get the drift).

- possibly a masterpiece, certainly an extraordinary and uncomprimising cinematic experience (for better and worse, I had to walk out two or three times during the dog fighting passage).

White God regarded highly in Hungary, Kornél Mundruczó is a good director, nominated for Oscar

I think is a very good film, i saw in 2014

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Furious 7 was... an experience.

I watched the original a week ago and they've strayed so far from that formula that they feel like parts of completely different franchises. Can't wait to see how they one-up this in 2 years.

Edited by bacardimayne
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Furious 7 was... an experience.

I watched the original a week ago and they've strayed so far from that formula that they feel like parts of completely different franchises. Can't wait to see how they one-up this in 2 years.

I've yet to see it but talk about a franchise that has totally reinvented itself and had its best films later in its life.

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Furious 7 was... an experience.

I watched the original a week ago and they've strayed so far from that formula that they feel like parts of completely different franchises. Can't wait to see how they one-up this in 2 years.

I've yet to see it but talk about a franchise that has totally reinvented itself and had its best films later in its life.

Eh, the original is still the best one imo. 2-4 were garbage and 5-7 are great fun, but they completely lack the charm and atmosphere that the original basically created.

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Furious 7 was... an experience.

I watched the original a week ago and they've strayed so far from that formula that they feel like parts of completely different franchises. Can't wait to see how they one-up this in 2 years.

I've yet to see it but talk about a franchise that has totally reinvented itself and had its best films later in its life.

Eh, the original is still the best one imo. 2-4 were garbage and 5-7 are great fun, but they completely lack the charm and atmosphere that the original basically created.

I've never seen any of them but am curious. Do I need to watch them in order or are they all sort of stand alone?

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Furious 7 was... an experience.

I watched the original a week ago and they've strayed so far from that formula that they feel like parts of completely different franchises. Can't wait to see how they one-up this in 2 years.

I've yet to see it but talk about a franchise that has totally reinvented itself and had its best films later in its life.

Eh, the original is still the best one imo. 2-4 were garbage and 5-7 are great fun, but they completely lack the charm and atmosphere that the original basically created.

I've never seen any of them but am curious. Do I need to watch them in order or are they all sort of stand alone?

1 - Watch

2 - Skip (shit movie, has little bearing on main story aside from introducing Tyrese Gibson)

3 - Skip (decent, but basically a Japan spinoff that has very little bearing on main story)

4 - Watch (shit, but kind of essential for story)

5 - Watch (very entertaining, story carries over)

6 - Watch (pretty entertaining, story carries over)

7 - Watch

Edited by bacardimayne
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Furious 7 was... an experience.

I watched the original a week ago and they've strayed so far from that formula that they feel like parts of completely different franchises. Can't wait to see how they one-up this in 2 years.

I've yet to see it but talk about a franchise that has totally reinvented itself and had its best films later in its life.

Eh, the original is still the best one imo. 2-4 were garbage and 5-7 are great fun, but they completely lack the charm and atmosphere that the original basically created.

I've never seen any of them but am curious. Do I need to watch them in order or are they all sort of stand alone?

1 - Watch

2 - Skip (shit movie, has little bearing on main story aside from introducing Tyrese Gibson)

3 - Skip (decent, but basically a Japan spinoff that has very little bearing on main story)

4 - Watch (shit, but kind of essential for story)

5 - Watch (very entertaining, story carries over)

6 - Watch (pretty entertaining, story carries over)

7 - Watch

I can agree with this. The original has a great atmosphere but I still feel like Fast Five is the best. After three clunkers, it took Five to bring the series back to its roots as a heist franchise while expanding the story. Six is great fun as well but it pretty much just carries on right where Five leaves off.

But yeah, two sucks aside from introducing Ludacris and Tyrese and the fourth is just boring and loses its emotional hook (Letty) in light of five and six so now it's rendered kind of useless.

Tokyo Drift is actually surprisingly decent. I remember walking into the theatre expecting it to suck but it's decent despite the fact that, thanks to it, the series timeline is messed up big time.

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Watched the new season of Salem. This show is so good.

Also watched The Lizzie Borden Chronicles with Christina Ricci. The show takes place after Lizzie was aquitted for her parent's murder. Well, after seeing the first show, I'm pretty sure most people believe Lizzie is definitely guilty. I don't think this show is based on any facts, but it's sure fun to watch Lizzie get rid of anyone who stands in the way of her wants and needs.

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Watching a lot of Michael Caine films lately, having a bit of a recap over the classics of one of my on screen heroes.

Deadfall - Michael Caine plays a safe cracker who falls in love with this bird who is married to a gay dude and it's all this weird love triangle but all kinda framed by Michael Caines robbing a very wealthy gentleman who he scouts whilst having checked into a sanitarium under false pretences for the purposes of the scouting.

The Man Who Would Be King - Michael Caine and Sean Connery play two members of her majestys armed forces in the early 1800s that go take over a country called Kaffiristan in Northern Afghanistan type area. John Huston directed, absolute fuckin' diamond of a film, saw it first as a baby, know most of it by heart i seen it so much, it's like the key adventure film of my childhood, love it.

The Eagle Has Landed - Michael Caine plays the head of a Nazi contingent in the late 1940s sent to England to assasinate Winston Churchill.

Dressed to Kill - Nancy Allen plays a prostitute who witnesses the murder of a bird played by Angie Dickinson who is a client of Michael Caines who is a psychologist. Amazing film, one of Brian De Palmas best, very very Hitchcockian though, owes so much to Psycho it's untrue.

Deathtrap - Michael Caine and Christopher Reeves star in this piece by Sidney Lumet where Caine plays a down on his luck playwright who plans the murder of another playwright so he can nick his amazing script.

Educating Rita - Michael Caine plays a teacher who is approached by this working class scouse bird who wants to get an education, the film kinda shows her inate wit and how it's developed and bought out by the aging alcoholic character played by Michael Caine.

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Clouds of Sils Maria - And all of a sudden in 2014 (rolling off Camp X-Ray, Still Alice and her electric performance here) Kristen Stewart claimed the title of best American actress of her generation. Unexpected! The film itself is like All About Eve as re-imagined by Ingmar Bergman, which is to say brilliant and fascinating and very much an acquired taste.

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Watched the first Star Wars the other night, somehow I'd only ever skimmed over it despite knowing for years exactly what happens but now I take it in and appreciate it fully and goddamn it's fucking flawless, every single second... apart from the sudden transition to the death star run, I would've liked a little more of build up leading up to that, the pacing is hellaciously good and each character has a perfect amount of screen time, chemistry and dialogue. Pure joy to watch, just little flashes of genius like Luke's changing expression as Kenobi uses the force to confuse the guards at the Mos Eisley checkpoint.

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