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Who is Axl's First Mate in New GNR?

Randy Lahey

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  • DJ seems like Axl's homie

Tommy is second in command

Dizzy has been the most loyal member

Pitman looks the part

Ron has a beard

Richard is too cool for the position

Frank is not Pirate material

Edited by Randy Lahey
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  • DJ seems like Axl's homie
  • Tommy is second in command
  • Dizzy has been the most loyal member
  • Pitman looks the part
  • Ron has a beard
  • Richard is too cool for the position
  • Frank is not Pirate material

I feel it's more:

DJ is ass kisser (to Axl)

Tommy is the gig, whatever guy (2nd in command as you said)

Dizzy and Pittman are the safe bet guys (Don't risk their job, don't make comments on anything... they want to be in a safe place so they continue to be part of the band. They know they aren't exactly needed)

Frank is the hired hand (doesn't care what he has to play, he'll play it anyways)

Richard is the shy/calm guy, just like Izzy

Ron is the misfit... will be pissy some days but ends up going with the flow because he has nowhere left to go really. His solo presence would end as soon as he went out of GNR.

Del James and Team Brazil are the beggars and hangers...

Edited by AndreCC
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Who did Axl go see the Rolling Stones with? Dj is what you describe as the First Mate, but only because he's willing to be. I could never see Tommy wanting to hang out with Axl.

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I'd say that there was a time when Buckethead was his First Mate.

Which I would say did not rest well with Tommy or Dizzy.

Axl should have made those guys walk the plank. New GNR is Axl and Bucket.

Have many gimmick turns are you going to fit into a few months Randy? :lol:

I agree by the way. Axl opted to heep the old guard in place.

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Have many gimmick turns are you going to fit into a few months Randy? :lol:

Say what?

There was a Chinese Democracy II phase, a Thomas Meadows phase, a BBA phase and now retro pirate gimmick. :lol:

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  • DJ seems like Axl's homie
  • Tommy is second in command
  • Dizzy has been the most loyal member
  • Pitman looks the part
  • Ron has a beard
  • Richard is too cool for the position
  • Frank is not Pirate material

Tapeworms are easier to get rid of than Dizzy...

I'd prefer this band without DJ and Pitman though. I actually like Pitman as Pitman, but I'm not sure I like what he adds to GnR musically. Then again, I do think If The World is great.

Let's just dump Ashba and see where it goes. Maybe dizzy too. Let Axl do the piano parts in the studio and just get some touring members when and if you need them.

Also, I like Frank.

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I'd prefer this band without DJ and Pitman though. I actually like Pitman as Pitman, but I'm not sure I like what he adds to GnR musically. Then again, I do think If The World is great.

Let's just dump Ashba and see where it goes. Maybe dizzy too. Let Axl do the piano parts in the studio and just get some touring members when and if you need them.

Also, I like Frank.

Pitman co-wrote Madagascar and If the World. Dizzy walks the plank.

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I'd prefer this band without DJ and Pitman though. I actually like Pitman as Pitman, but I'm not sure I like what he adds to GnR musically. Then again, I do think If The World is great.

Let's just dump Ashba and see where it goes. Maybe dizzy too. Let Axl do the piano parts in the studio and just get some touring members when and if you need them.

Also, I like Frank.

Pitman co-wrote Madagascar and If the World. Dizzy walks the plank.


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Which I would say did not rest well with Tommy or Dizzy.

From what I've heard from people on Buckethead's team, Tommy and Robin were the only ones in the immediate band who had a problem with Buckethead.

But to answer the OP, it is definitely DJ. Dude is the one who knows how little he has to contribute, so he buddies up with Axl.

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