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The Breaking Bad Finale Discussion Thread [SPOILERS WITHIN - UP TO FINALE]


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Walt made that phone call to specifically get the DEA off of Skylar and his family as much as possible because Walt is now changing identities. Just pay attention to the language he uses, why do you think he kidnapped Holly? To guarantee the police at the house when the call was made.

An interesting take on it but I don't think that was the reason for taking the baby. He already knew that the police would be there because he was in the house when Walt Jr called them and considering the seriousness of the accusations he had to assume that the cops wouldn't just blow it off. I think he took the baby because she was effectively the only family he has left and he intended to keep her until the scene where he was changing her diaper in the bathroom and she started calling for her mom. That was the point when he realised he had to return her to Skylar.

Edited by Dazey
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Perhaps one of the Nazi's will acidentally kill Jesse or he will kill himself, which is why they would want Walt to cook again and draw him out of hiding by kidnapping his family.

I'm having a difficult time understanding why Uncle Jack and his crew would now be so hell bent on the meth business with the $70 million they stole off of Walt. I get that they're bad people, but $70 million is a lot of money - too much to worry themselves with Walt's family anymore, or even the meth business. I don't doubt that this will be a moot point in the show, but it just seems like it would be an odd twist if they came after Walt or his family because they wanted more money by means of the meth trade.

Uncle Jack said it himself, "what's with all the greed here." The group hasn't really come off completely insane or predatory, but I suppose events could unfold for that to change. I would agree that they'd be interested in having Walt (or Jesse) cook for them if they hadn't just deposited $70 in their joint checking account (joking), but that amount of cash should change their priorities a bit.

This leads me back to thinking that it's Walt through Saul that trashes the house. I've never heard Uncle Jack or Todd call Walt by his street name Heisenberg (I could be wrong), so it doesn't make much sense for someone from that organization to write it on the walls inside the White homestead. Then again, it could be Jesse who comes back to finish what he started with the gas canister.

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Am I the only one who wants Walt to get away with everything? I mean, fuck everybody for walking all over him his whole life. Hank included!

Can't speak for everyone but I don't know how anyone could be rooting for Walt at this point. It was fun to root for him when he was going up against Fring, but the last couple of seasons he's really got a lot of blood on his hands. And not exactly sure when and where Hank walked all over Walt.

Moreover, I'm not sure how anyone could still support Walt after he told Jesse that he watched Jane die just out of spite. That was just cold. I can't say that the man is pure evil (since we see in this last episode he had the good sense to return Holly to her mother), but his darker self has definitely taken over.

That's the genius behind the flashback scene of Walt and Jesse's first cook. Walt seemed like a totally different guy when talking to Skylar. That sweet, caring, and somewhat innocent guy is almost all gone now. He deserves any and all retribution life has coming his way.

Edited by downzy
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Maybe Jesse escapes, kills/kidnaps Skyler or/and the kids and trashes the house so he lures Walt out, because he wants to kill Walt because he wants revenge for Jane's death.

I actually have no idea what will happen at this point.

Edited by Rdeyahlxp
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The Nazis don't care about the meth anymore, Todd just wants to impress Lydia.

Interesting, haven't looked at that angle.

Walt made that phone call to specifically get the DEA off of Skylar and his family as much as possible because Walt is now changing identities. Just pay attention to the language he uses, why do you think he kidnapped Holly? To guarantee the police at the house when the call was made.

An interesting take on it but I don't think that was the reason for taking the baby. He already knew that the police would be there because he was in the house when Walt Jr called them and considering the seriousness of the accusations he had to assume that the cops wouldn't just blow it off. I think he took the baby because she was effectively the only family he has left and he intended to keep her until the scene where he was changing her diaper in the bathroom and she started calling for her mom. That was the point when he realised he had to return her to Skylar.

I still believe that was the motive, but when Holly started saying "Mommy" , that was the final straw. Had to get her returned asap. Heisenberg or no, he's still putting family first in his own way. After all, what does Walt gain by kidnapping Holly if it weren't for that motive alone?

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Maybe Jesse escapes, kills/kidnaps Skyler or/and the kids and trashes the house so he lures Walt out, because he wants to kill Walt because he wants revenge for Walt letting Jane die.

I actually have no idea what will happen at this point.

This is a good point. It makes more sense from a narrative standpoint for the show be about the battle between Walt and Jesse than Walt and some Neo-Nazi group that was just introduced last season. Walt's line about letting Jane die will likely only further motivate Jesse to seek revenge. Since Walt let Jane die and almost killed Brock, Jesse might seek retribution with Walt's family.

I'm at the point that the show would be rather lame if it came down to a battle between Walt and Uncle Jack and his crew. Far more, well, not sure if poetic is the word, but would feel right if the finale pits Jesse against Walt.

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I still believe that was the motive, but when Holly started saying "Mommy" , that was the final straw. Had to get her returned asap. Heisenerg or no, he's still putting family first in his own way. After all, what does Walt gain by kidnapping Holly if it weren't for that motive alone?

It's like I said she's all the family he has left after Skylar and Walt Jr turned against him. I don't think he took her to get at Skylar I just think that in the moment he wanted to take his daughter with him to start a new life. When he'd had chance to calm down and consider what that would entail he came to his senses and returned her.

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Not sure if many of you read episode reviews, but this one made some good points (some of which have been covered here):

"One of Gilligan’s canniest dramatic decisions for the final half-season of Breaking Bad was to have Walter White’s ultimate unraveling take place at the same time he was becoming Walter White again. In earlier seasons, you sensed that Walt wasn’t really cooking meth for his family—that he was cooking it, rather, because it made him feel like the man he always imagined he was: Innovative. Intelligent. Superior. Powerful. It made him feel like Heisenberg.

But during the second half of Season 5, Heisenberg receded. Walt returned. Dressed entirely in beige, working the A-1 cash register, it was clear that Walt no longer wanted to be Heisenberg. He just wanted to be normal.

Which is what made the final moments of “Ozymandias” so wrenching. In a sudden flash of Heisenbergian villainy, Walt kidnaps Holly after his fight with Skyler and Junior; he seems to imagine that some family is better than no family, and that his best shot is to start over, somewhere, with his daughter, a tabula rasa. But when Holly cries for her mama, Walt realizes that his new family is no family at all—neither for him nor Holly. Because she still has a real family, he leaves her to be discovered in the front seat of a fire truck. And because he doesn’t, he calls Skyler again—and he lies just like he lied in To’hajiilee.

Walt knows the cops are on the line. He knows that Skyler could be on the hook for his crimes. So he turns on the Heisenberg, growling that she’s “a stupid bitch” who “disrespect[ed]” him and tried to “drag” him down.

In one sense, Walt is providing Skyler with plausible deniability here. But he is also providing her with the version of himself that she will need to believe in if she, Walt Jr., and Holly can ever hope to move on. Walt knows that he can only save his family now by leaving it—by erasing Walter White and installing Heisenberg in his place. And so he plays a part he no longer wants to play, and he weeps in silence the entire time."

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Not sure if many of you read episode reviews, but this one made some good points (some of which have been covered here):

"One of Gilligan’s canniest dramatic decisions for the final half-season of Breaking Bad was to have Walter White’s ultimate unraveling take place at the same time he was becoming Walter White again. In earlier seasons, you sensed that Walt wasn’t really cooking meth for his family—that he was cooking it, rather, because it made him feel like the man he always imagined he was: Innovative. Intelligent. Superior. Powerful. It made him feel like Heisenberg.

But during the second half of Season 5, Heisenberg receded. Walt returned. Dressed entirely in beige, working the A-1 cash register, it was clear that Walt no longer wanted to be Heisenberg. He just wanted to be normal.

Which is what made the final moments of “Ozymandias” so wrenching. In a sudden flash of Heisenbergian villainy, Walt kidnaps Holly after his fight with Skyler and Junior; he seems to imagine that some family is better than no family, and that his best shot is to start over, somewhere, with his daughter, a tabula rasa. But when Holly cries for her mama, Walt realizes that his new family is no family at all—neither for him nor Holly. Because she still has a real family, he leaves her to be discovered in the front seat of a fire truck. And because he doesn’t, he calls Skyler again—and he lies just like he lied in To’hajiilee.

Walt knows the cops are on the line. He knows that Skyler could be on the hook for his crimes. So he turns on the Heisenberg, growling that she’s “a stupid bitch” who “disrespect[ed]” him and tried to “drag” him down.

In one sense, Walt is providing Skyler with plausible deniability here. But he is also providing her with the version of himself that she will need to believe in if she, Walt Jr., and Holly can ever hope to move on. Walt knows that he can only save his family now by leaving it—by erasing Walter White and installing Heisenberg in his place. And so he plays a part he no longer wants to play, and he weeps in silence the entire time."

Great summary

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...was rated the best single episode of any show in the history of television, receiving a perfect 10 out of 10 on IMB....voted on by 17,000+


Someone in my training class today told me it's the first time it's ever happened....if so, congrats to the entire Breaking Bad cast, directors, writers, producers, etc!!!

Edited by Kasanova King
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Dunno why, but I kinda hope that Walt and Jesse can somehow leave on good terms with one another.

Doubt it thought.

Was very sad when Walt told them where Jesse was hiding.

Poor Jesse. I'm scared about the lengths Todd will go to try and win the heart of Lydia. That boy a bit cray cray.

Poor Jesse?

Oh for fucks sake

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Does anyone think Walt is faking his cancer being back, trying to step back to the Walter White from the beginning? It seemed like he was constructing lies like telling Jessie he didn't kill Mike and making himself try to believe it at the same time; like it's a bad dream. He seemed to only "come out" of it early on when he told Lydia to fuck off.

Walt could easily show up at the clinic and take the treatments again. Making even himself believe that he needs them. Besides, how would be receive treatment in hiding, if indeed his cancer had returned?

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I'm guessing that the reason why Walt got the weapon is because he's probably gonna try to kill the nazis to make sure they leave his family alone, or because they are gonna kill them all leaving Walt with the option of revenge. As far as Jesse goes... He was my favorite character but I'm pretty sure he won't make it next episode. They're gonna kill him as soon as Todd knows how to make the formula. Another possibility is Walt gets the weapon to save Jesse who's still working for the nazis, but I doubt that because the time spaces between this point on the show and the future in wich Walt has a full beard and hair are like 2-3 months apart from each other, meaning Jesse would already be dead, formula or no formula.

Either way, I believe Walt will die.

Edited by Izzy_Stradlin_XX
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