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The Breaking Bad Finale Discussion Thread [SPOILERS WITHIN - UP TO FINALE]


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I think the next episode will end with Walt still in hiding, and the final episode will open with "X months later". The next episode (I think) will focus heavily on Jesse and end with Jack and his crew kidnapping (or possibly killing) Skylar and Jr., which is what will cause Walt to return. I don't think he'll snap and go after Jack immediately, I think Heisenberg is fully behind the wheel at this point and he'll take his time, plan his revenge to the detail and take out whoever he has to on his terms, and then he'll go out on his terms.

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I just wonder how they are going to put all of this in 2 episodes. There are too many loose ends.

I don't really see many loose ends that Gilligan can't handle with two episodes. It just means that these last two are going to be amazing, and it started with the previous two.

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There really aren't that many loose ends. Declan (And assumedly the cartel) is out of the picture, the DEA is out of the picture now, that leaves the family/Walt's associates (Jesse, Saul, etc.), and the Super Nazi Bros.

That's how I feel about it. Since so many of those things will be tied to the Nazi's, it seems like a pretty easy scenario to tie up in 2 episodes. I personally believe that Jesse and the family will be delt with in the next episode.

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There really aren't that many loose ends. Declan (And assumedly the cartel) is out of the picture, the DEA is out of the picture now, that leaves the family/Walt's associates (Jesse, Saul, etc.), and the Super Nazi Bros.

If anything, the DEA wasn't in the picture before, but they are now. 2 dead agents doesn't just get swept under the rug. When they listen to Walts phone call, the chase is as good as on IMO. It's just that the DEA is now on top of everything else. I think as far as Walts concerned, family and associates are on the backburner. Jack/the DEA are his real problems.

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There really aren't that many loose ends. Declan (And assumedly the cartel) is out of the picture, the DEA is out of the picture now, that leaves the family/Walt's associates (Jesse, Saul, etc.), and the Super Nazi Bros.

If anything, the DEA wasn't in the picture before, but they are now. 2 dead agents doesn't just get swept under the rug. When they listen to Walts phone call, the chase is as good as on IMO. It's just that the DEA is now on top of everything else. I think as far as Walts concerned, family and associates are on the backburner. Jack/the DEA are his real problems.

Walt made that phone call to specifically get the DEA off of Skylar and his family as much as possible because Walt is now changing identities. Just pay attention to the language he uses, why do you think he kidnapped Holly? To guarantee the police at the house when the call was made.

No way the DEA will track and capture Walt at this point with his identity gone, I think he dies before that will ever happen.

With that said, there's no telling what will happen next episode, though. I just don't see the DEA playing a part in this any more.

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I know he's trying to "free" Skylar and his family as much as possible. I've been in the mindset that Walt won't make it out of the series alive though, which is why I can see the DEA hunting him for the last 2 episodes before some kind of "showdown", which may or may not also involve the Nazis.

Also, at the start of this half of the series, remember the neighbors reaction? Walts identity, and his legend, are public knowledge. There's gotta be a full-on manhunt.

Edited by RickRoses
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I think the next episode will end with Walt still in hiding, and the final episode will open with "X months later". The next episode (I think) will focus heavily on Jesse and end with Jack and his crew kidnapping (or possibly killing) Skylar and Jr., which is what will cause Walt to return. I don't think he'll snap and go after Jack immediately, I think Heisenberg is fully behind the wheel at this point and he'll take his time, plan his revenge to the detail and take out whoever he has to on his terms, and then he'll go out on his terms.

The Nazis have no reason to go after Walt's family.

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I think the next episode will end with Walt still in hiding, and the final episode will open with "X months later". The next episode (I think) will focus heavily on Jesse and end with Jack and his crew kidnapping (or possibly killing) Skylar and Jr., which is what will cause Walt to return. I don't think he'll snap and go after Jack immediately, I think Heisenberg is fully behind the wheel at this point and he'll take his time, plan his revenge to the detail and take out whoever he has to on his terms, and then he'll go out on his terms.

The Nazis have no reason to go after Walt's family.

Yet ;)

I don't think he'd seek vengeance for Jesse after the last episode, so what else is gonna bring him back? The writers throw so many curveballs into this show, there's still a ton of different ways it could go, but I think this makes sense.

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One thing I really enjoyed about this episode was how throughout the entire series Jr had always taken Walt's side and been hostile towards Skylar so it was awesome to see him protecting her.

Great point, and in many ways Walt Jr. represents the audience. It's been funny to read posts from people rooting for Walt to succeed and everyone else (Hank, Marie, Skylar) to eat shit. I think following this episode it's evident who you should be rooting against.

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I don't put any real stock in this prediction, but what if Walt (or he gets one of Saul's henchmen to do it) is the one who trashes his house as a means of protecting his family? If he makes the threat evident to the police it would likely result in providing protection for Skylar and the kids.

Again, I don't necessarily see this happening, but this show almost always does the unexpected. If I were to be shocked over what happens to the house, it would be mostly likely the result of seeing Walt being the culprit.

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I spent the entire day yesterday in the hospital from heart issues. Turned out fine, but then I come home and watch BB. Didn't help the heart. :lol:

WOW!! Crazy episode.

Wow, hope you're ok bud...I had a minor heart attack (no joke) myself almost 3 years ago....I'm fine now though... ;)

So what did Jesse confess to Todd?

What was at who's house?

Was it his confession to Hank?

Jesse told Todd about the confession tape he made with Hank and Gomie...and it's at Hank's house...

Walter White died out in the desert with Hank. He is irreversibly, 100% Heisenberg. When he got off the ground and gave away Jesse, that was Heisenberg taking full control.

Yes, when he gave Jesse up he went into full Heisenberg mode...all the way through the knife fight scene and taking Holly....when Holly started to cry "Mommy..mommy..."..he snapped out of it and came back to being Walt and has been since....now, it will be interesting to see what makes him flip back to Heisenberg mode (in the flash forward).

Edited by Kasanova King
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Can we drop this "Heisenberg is Walt's evil alter-ego" crap? This isn't Dexter. Heisenberg has always been buried deep inside Walt. It's not some other person that makes choices for him while his "good side" is powerless to stop it.

I don't think it's to the level of a schizophrenic but there's not a doubt in the world that Walt has an alter ego.

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I think what may have converted even the non Hank fans (to feeling bad about him dying) was the line, "You're the smartest guy I know...."....it showed Hank talking to Walt as his brother in law again and with emotion....something we rarely saw out of him....

Edited by Kasanova King
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