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The Breaking Bad Finale Discussion Thread [SPOILERS WITHIN - UP TO FINALE]


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Ricin could be for himself, kill everyone with the M60 then take his own life.

This was my theory a well. I'd figured he'd use the ricin on himself, and if not him, it's for Lydia. There's a reason why they emphasize so much on her meeting for coffee or tea, always drinking something. Has to be connected.

Meets with Lydia to find out where the nazis are and ends up slipping her the ricin in her drink?
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Whatever happens, it's likely something no one will have guessed. Violence on this show often explodes through subtle means (though not always, Andrea's death was rather explicit).

However Walt decides to take out his enemies, it's going to be very clever. A frail and dying man, no matter how big of a gun he has, is likely to fail when going up against a large gang of trained killers. He's no match for them if it's just a matter of brute force. He's going to have to get crafty.

While there may be something satisfactory in seeing Walt go all Scarface in the final scene, it would contradict his previous methods of disposing his enemies. He's always been a snake in the grass, I'd find it difficult to accept that he ends his run by becoming Rambo all of a sudden.

Edited by downzy
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Whatever happens, it's likely something no one will have guessed. Violence on this show often explodes through subtle means (though not always, Andrea's death was rather explicit).

However Walt decides to take out his enemies, it's going to be very clever. A frail and dying man, no matter how big of a gun he has, is likely to fail when going up against a large gang of trained killers. He's no match for them if it's just a matter of brute force. He's going to have to get crafty.

While there may be something satisfactory in seeing Walt go all Scarface in the final scene, it would belie his previous methods of disposing his enemies. He's always been a snake in the grass, I'd find it difficult to accept that he ends his run by becoming Rambo all of a sudden.

Erm the way he ran over the two guys in season 3 wasn't very subtle :lol:
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True, which is why I mentioned how there are exceptions. But if you think about how he took out Tuco's headquarters and Fring, he's at his best when he's using his intelligence rather than brute force. I could be wrong, but I feel like the gun in his trunk is misdirection for the audience. Does he even know how to use such a gun?

What if he puts the ricin in the next batch of meth and kills everyone who uses it :lol:

He'd need a hell of a lot more of it to accomplish what you're proposing. Such a large cook would likely render the poison non life threatening.

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Of course he's going after the Nazis, he doesn't need a light machine gun to take out the Schwartzes...

No, more like a heavy machine gun for them ;)

Not that it matters, but the gun in the trunk in the season 5 intro looked like an M60 to me, which would be classified as a light machine gun (LMG) :P

I can't make any specific predictions that I have any faith in, its impossible with this show, but I think Walt will go down in a shoot out with the police after some kind of confrontation with the nazis/jesse/his family. He won't kill himself, it's not in his character.

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It's ironic, when you think back about it, how Jesse could have avoided this complete mess had he followed Hank's plan and just talked to Walt on the bench. He rejected that plan because he didn't want to die (since he was convinced that was Walt's plan). Now, he's begging the Nazis to kill him. What an idiot.

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Pretty cool bit of news about how a dying boy affected this past week's episode:


“Kevin, who was our wonderful, No. 1 fan… he told me that first day I spent with him, visiting him, he told me what he liked about the show and I said, ‘Is there something you feel is missing from the show?’” Gilligan said on the “Breaking Bad Insider” podcast. “He said, ‘You know what, I want to know more about Gretchen and Elliott. I want to know more about Walt’s backstory with them. I want to know what happened.’”

Gilligan added: “I can’t promise you you will ever get your complete knowledge of that situation to your total satisfaction, but the very fact that Kevin mentioned Gretchen and Elliott led us — the writers and I — to reintroduce them, reincorporate them into the story.”

In the final scene of Sunday’s episode, “Granite State,” Walt is sitting in a New Hampshire bar, about to turn himself in, when he sees his former business partners, Elliott and Gretchen Schwartz, being interviewed on television by Charlie Rose. When they say Walt contributed nearly nothing to their success, he is so outraged at being slighted yet again that he decides to return to New Mexico.

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Not sure if this was already mentioned, and not that I usually care about the award show shit, but they got dicked at this years Emmys.

Congrats on winning for best drama, but if Anna Gunn won for best supporting actress, Bryan Cranston and Jonathan Banks should have been a no brainer. Morons.

Edited by Bobbo
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Not sure if this was already mentioned, and not that I usually care about the award show shit, but they got dicked at this years Emmys.

Congrats on winning for best drama, but if Anna Gunn won for best supporting actress, Bryan Cranston and Jonathan Banks should have been a no brainer. Morons.

Eh. He already has a Best Actor Emmy for Breaking Bad. So I wasn't too upset about it.

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Not sure if this was already mentioned, and not that I usually care about the award show shit, but they got dicked at this years Emmys.

Congrats on winning for best drama, but if Anna Gunn won for best supporting actress, Bryan Cranston and Jonathan Banks should have been a no brainer. Morons.

Eh. He already has a Best Actor Emmy for Breaking Bad. So I wasn't too upset about it.
And, from what I've heard, because they split the season in 2 it'll also be eligible for next years Emmys.
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Not sure if this was already mentioned, and not that I usually care about the award show shit, but they got dicked at this years Emmys.

Congrats on winning for best drama, but if Anna Gunn won for best supporting actress, Bryan Cranston and Jonathan Banks should have been a no brainer. Morons.

Eh. He already has a Best Actor Emmy for Breaking Bad. So I wasn't too upset about it.
And, from what I've heard, because they split the season in 2 it'll also be eligible for next years Emmys.

Indeed, was going to say the same thing. Cranstons already gotten his share, we all know he is amazing. It was Anna's time this year.

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But that's why this award show shit is such crap to me.

It should be less about politics and more about who's earned the most stripes.

Bryan, at the very least, deserved to win. And him winning three times already should have nothing to do with him not winning again if he truly deserved to win on his merits.

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Not sure if this was already mentioned, and not that I usually care about the award show shit, but they got dicked at this years Emmys.

Congrats on winning for best drama, but if Anna Gunn won for best supporting actress, Bryan Cranston and Jonathan Banks should have been a no brainer. Morons.

Eh. He already has a Best Actor Emmy for Breaking Bad. So I wasn't too upset about it.
And, from what I've heard, because they split the season in 2 it'll also be eligible for next years Emmys.

Indeed, was going to say the same thing. Cranstons already gotten his share, we all know he is amazing. It was Anna's time this year.

Still, think they deserved more than 2 Emmy's this year.

Dean Norris for best supporting actor in 2014, plz.

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But that's why this award show shit is such crap to me.

It should be less about politics and more about who's earned the most stripes.

Bryan, at the very least, deserved to win. And him winning three times already should have nothing to do with him not winning again if he truly deserved to win on his merits.

Stipulations like that are stupid, I agree. If it were up to me, i'd have Cranston winning year after year for this masterpiece.

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I'm not sure how many months went by since Walt's isolation in New Hampshire and then his re-appearance in New Mexico, but what has happened to Jesse in all this time? Would he even still be alive? Could he get the blue meth to even 70% after Andrea's death? It seems that after every hit he takes, he turns into a mental vegetable. Even the threat of hurting the kid may not be enough to snap him out of it. Wouldn't Todd have learned all he needed to from Jesse by now?

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I think Gretchen and Eliot are what made him go back. I don't think he plans on leaving ABQ. He told the arms dealer the gun wasn't leaving town, I don't think he is either. Gretchen and Eliot live in Santa Fe.

Todd doesn't want Jesse dead. Jesse is the tarantula.

Interesting. But I'm not sure what other excuses Todd can give to his uncle for keeping Jesse alive. Unless he gives him to Lydia to cook overseas.

I don't think Todd really needs excuses for his uncle. I don't think their relationship works the way Jack thinks it does. I think Todd is the dominant one.

Edited by luciusfunk
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I think Gretchen and Eliot are what made him go back. I don't think he plans on leaving ABQ. He told the arms dealer the gun wasn't leaving town, I don't think he is either. Gretchen and Eliot live in Santa Fe.

I don't think he would want to kill them though, especially after the fact that we know how he asked for hitmen to take down the Nazi's, and now he knows Jesse is alive and cooking with them because on the Charlie Rose show it was stated that the blue meth is still out there

I think Walt is gonna kill himself a group of Nazis ;)

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