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The Breaking Bad Finale Discussion Thread [SPOILERS WITHIN - UP TO FINALE]


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Last night had the highest viewings of the series: 10.3 million people tuned in. The previous record was 6.6 million, for Granite State. Hard to believe a year ago, Gliding Over All set the bar high at a mere 2.8 million...

God damn! That's quite the leap!

It's funny because I was talking to my sister about this today. I first started watching this show a month or two before season 4 began. And at that time, although nearly universally acclaimed, nobody I knew really knew much about the series, or even the mere fact it existed.

Then after last summers cliff hanger, it became this huggggeee sensation and everybody jumped on the bandwagon for the last stretch. Fucking crazy how that works sometimes.

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I've been thinking about the finale all day - the more I think of it, the more I appreciate it. I have the same feeling I had when The Sopranos ended. I didn't think there would be another show in the same league as that and The Wire for a long time, but then came Breaking Bad just a year later. I really hope the same thing will happen this time around.

Yeah. All I can think of is another show to take its place, not sure what it's going to be.

Low Winter Sun? :awesomeface:


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I thought it was an incredible finish. Very satisfying for me overall.

Ozymandias was the peak as far as the "action" goes, the final two episodes really tied up the story and the character overall.

I love how Gilligan gave us the ending that most had hoped for / predicted, but as always, presented it in a way that kept you guessing throughout.

He had so many "fan favourite" elements in the final episode... the bacon birthday plate, Walt got his "science geek" on with the M60, the ricin finally got used, we got to see the meth lab one more time, he had a true, honest moment with both Jesse and Skylar. I loved it. :)

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I thought it was an incredible finish. Very satisfying for me overall.

Ozymandias was the peak as far as the "action" goes, the final two episodes really tied up the story and the character overall.

I love how Gilligan gave us the ending that most had hoped for / predicted, but as always, presented it in a way that kept you guessing throughout.

He had so many "fan favourite" elements in the final episode... the bacon birthday plate, Walt got his "science geek" on with the M60, the ricin finally got used, we got to see the meth lab one more time, he had a true, honest moment with both Jesse and Skylar. I loved it. :)

Word for word exactly how I feel about it.
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Last night had the highest viewings of the series: 10.3 million people tuned in. The previous record was 6.6 million, for Granite State. Hard to believe a year ago, Gliding Over All set the bar high at a mere 2.8 million...

God damn! That's quite the leap!

It's funny because I was talking to my sister about this today. I first started watching this show a month or two before season 4 began. And at that time, although nearly universally acclaimed, nobody I knew really knew much about the series, or even the mere fact it existed.

Then after last summers cliff hanger, it became this huggggeee sensation and everybody jumped on the bandwagon for the last stretch. Fucking crazy how that works sometimes.

I "jumped on the bandwagon" after season 5a, but I'd been hearing about it for a year or so. Actually, my roommate and I were really bored one day and looking for something to watch on Netflix. Breaking Bad popped up as a recommendation, and we were both kind of like "fuck it, let's give it a shot". So I guess I kinda started watching it by accident :lol:

I thought it was an incredible finish. Very satisfying for me overall.

Ozymandias was the peak as far as the "action" goes, the final two episodes really tied up the story and the character overall.

I love how Gilligan gave us the ending that most had hoped for / predicted, but as always, presented it in a way that kept you guessing throughout.

He had so many "fan favourite" elements in the final episode... the bacon birthday plate, Walt got his "science geek" on with the M60, the ricin finally got used, we got to see the meth lab one more time, he had a true, honest moment with both Jesse and Skylar. I loved it. :)

Exactly how I feel too. Nicely put.

After re-watching, have no problem with the ending - been cool though if Walt would have blown up the lab.

I dunno, I think it's kind of fitting that Walt died with his one true love. Don't think it would've been as satisfying if he'd blown it up.

One other point I read on Reddit worth mentioning - by him dying in the meth lab where a batch had just finished cooking, it would appear to the cops that he was always behind the blue meth, even after he got out of the business. No one else gets credit for it, and it's the last little egotistical Heisenberg moment we get.

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After re-watching, have no problem with the ending - been cool though if Walt would have blown up the lab.

Now that I think on it, I really wish he did - Jesse's fingerprints are obviously all over it. And now he can't even get Saul's guy to disappear him since Saul is gone himself.

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I thought the ending was great. I'm just disappointed it had to end at all. Lots of people were talking about it at worked today, and I actually felt a little bummed. Last time I felt like this over a show was the Sopranos, and at the time I thought maybe it was because I really wasn't happy with how it ended. But I realized that every once in a while a show comes along and just takes hold of you, becomes a part of your life, and it's hard to say goodbye.

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Last night had the highest viewings of the series: 10.3 million people tuned in. The previous record was 6.6 million, for Granite State. Hard to believe a year ago, Gliding Over All set the bar high at a mere 2.8 million...

God damn! That's quite the leap!

It's funny because I was talking to my sister about this today. I first started watching this show a month or two before season 4 began. And at that time, although nearly universally acclaimed, nobody I knew really knew much about the series, or even the mere fact it existed.

Then after last summers cliff hanger, it became this huggggeee sensation and everybody jumped on the bandwagon for the last stretch. Fucking crazy how that works sometimes.

I "jumped on the bandwagon" after season 5a, but I'd been hearing about it for a year or so. Actually, my roommate and I were really bored one day and looking for something to watch on Netflix. Breaking Bad popped up as a recommendation, and we were both kind of like "fuck it, let's give it a shot". So I guess I kinda started watching it by accident :lol:

I thought it was an incredible finish. Very satisfying for me overall.

Ozymandias was the peak as far as the "action" goes, the final two episodes really tied up the story and the character overall.

I love how Gilligan gave us the ending that most had hoped for / predicted, but as always, presented it in a way that kept you guessing throughout.

He had so many "fan favourite" elements in the final episode... the bacon birthday plate, Walt got his "science geek" on with the M60, the ricin finally got used, we got to see the meth lab one more time, he had a true, honest moment with both Jesse and Skylar. I loved it. :)

Exactly how I feel too. Nicely put.

After re-watching, have no problem with the ending - been cool though if Walt would have blown up the lab.

I dunno, I think it's kind of fitting that Walt died with his one true love. Don't think it would've been as satisfying if he'd blown it up.

One other point I read on Reddit worth mentioning - by him dying in the meth lab where a batch had just finished cooking, it would appear to the cops that he was always behind the blue meth, even after he got out of the business. No one else gets credit for it, and it's the last little egotistical Heisenberg moment we get.

It just got me frustrated because I tried so hard for so long to get a lot of my friends to give it a shot, and few gave in at the time. I wanted to let as many people know how great this show was as I could.

Then right after 5a I had a lot of those same friends come back to me saying "hey man, have you ever watched breaking bad? It's incredible!" Only for me to respond "you mean that show I told you to watch two years ago? Yeah, I've seen it". :lol:.

Oh well. I'm just glad the show got the attention and viewership it always deserved. Even if it was at the very last stretch :).

They deserve to sweep the Emmys next year.

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After re-watching, have no problem with the ending - been cool though if Walt would have blown up the lab.

He clearly didn't want to. Why do you think he wandered through it nostalgically as he was dying? Placing his hand fondly on the tank as he passed away. He loved it.
It was his baby. It was the same lab he'd designed in the first place... You could tell he was happy to see it again after the last one blew up, wasn't about to do the same thing again.
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I thought it was an incredible finish. Very satisfying for me overall.

Ozymandias was the peak as far as the "action" goes, the final two episodes really tied up the story and the character overall.

I love how Gilligan gave us the ending that most had hoped for / predicted, but as always, presented it in a way that kept you guessing throughout.

He had so many "fan favourite" elements in the final episode... the bacon birthday plate, Walt got his "science geek" on with the M60, the ricin finally got used, we got to see the meth lab one more time, he had a true, honest moment with both Jesse and Skylar. I loved it. :)

Exactly how I feel.

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I thought the ending was great. I'm just disappointed it had to end at all. Lots of people were talking about it at worked today, and I actually felt a little bummed. Last time I felt like this over a show was the Sopranos, and at the time I thought maybe it was because I really wasn't happy with how it ended. But I realized that every once in a while a show comes along and just takes hold of you, becomes a part of your life, and it's hard to say goodbye.

The shield is the second show to leave me feeling the way Breaking Bad left me

Sopranos didn't as much because it was left so open (not to mention I really didn't like Tony or his family so I didn't really care)

I feel a bit empty... excellent show

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