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Hell on Wheels


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  • 11 months later...

Hey, fan here ;) .

Man, I'm kinda split on HoW, it's not exactly a great show, but it has enough about it to like that I keep watching.

That said, I think Season 4 could shape up to be the best one yet. Hopefully they will dumb things down / simplify

the storyline into good guys vs. bad guys and let it play out to a satisfying conclusion. My main problem with the show

in the past is that they never really fully develop the plotlines, they kinda just have mini-arcs which last 3-4 episodes and

the larger storylines either fizzle out or they fail to weave them together into something meaningful, at least that's my take.

Huge fan of the Swede though, Christopher Heyerdahl is a great actor.

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The Swede has been one of the best charachters and Heyerdahl is indeed a great actor. However I feel that his charachter has run it's course. He should have died a couple of times by now but he's reinventing himself, manipulating people over and over, they're really milking it. Especially if he survives the mormons now as well.

I'm like you, split on the show. I watched the first season in 1 or 2 sittings and thought it was great. Then I've pretty much stuck with it because it's just good enough. If s04e02 wouldn't have been an upgrade on the premiere I think i'd only give it a couple of more episodes before I gave up on it.

Pretty sure Elam will turn up in the following episodes, him and Bohannon's realationship is probably my favorite part of the show. But I think it's pretty cheap of the showrunners to fake his death for several episodes then bring him back. (sort of the same thing that they've done with The Swede).

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