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It takes so long because GNR make retro rock records?


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With AFD, it's based solely on the past for influences and it's the debut so this is basically what they know how to do.

Then with UYI they just broadened the scope to include classic rock like Elton John with Zeppelin style tracks and heavier Stones influence. Again it's not something they have to work out how to do.

At that point they'd done everything from rock. Accept the new bands from the 90s like Faith No more, NIN, Pearl Jam, Nirvana.

And that's what Axl got into and started working on, doing stuff with elements of the 90s in Guns. It took a few years to do it. CD came out about 10 years after the 90s bands were established by 1998. In many ways AFD, UYI, CD have this about them.

So now since the late 90s, has or is Axl working on a way to make another retro record that takes on the 00s influences?

and this is partly why it takes so long. Axl doesn't want to put out the same record twice. But this way of working really slows down your out put as they can't just put out some AFD style stuff and tour. They have find a way to incorporate all these new styles and make a record that sums up a decade of working in rock music.

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I don't see Axl releasing an Indie Rock album, I just don't see it... He actually really liked Grunge and Industrial Rock.

Interesting fact though: Axl stated on one of his last interviews that his favorite album from the past years was Black Key's El Camino.

Black Keys isn't exactly Indie, but it's very "modern rock."

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I don't see Axl releasing an Indie Rock album, I just don't see it... He actually really liked Grunge and Industrial Rock.

Interesting fact though: Axl stated on one of his last interviews that his favorite album from the past years was Black Key's El Camino.

Black Keys isn't exactly Indie, but it's very "modern rock."

He flew down to intro The Killers on MTV for When We Were Young.

My Chemical Romance, Avenge sevenfold, Bullet For My Valentine opened for GNR at some point.

Does Axl like Sixx Am?

It seems like they will never hit the current scene but they make rock records that take on new influences, that have been crafted by an artist with a soul. As in Axl is expressing himself with what ever colours he likes. GNR isn't an experimental art rock band.

El Camino does have a sort of 70s vibe. I haven'y listened to Ron's solo, could he fill in some indie gaps, like do some Kings of Leon bits.

I see Avenged, Sixx Am, maybe MCR having more the core influence.

Edited by wasted
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I don't see Axl releasing an Indie Rock album, I just don't see it... He actually really liked Grunge and Industrial Rock.

Interesting fact though: Axl stated on one of his last interviews that his favorite album from the past years was Black Key's El Camino.

Black Keys isn't exactly Indie, but it's very "modern rock."

Black Keys are blues. Listen to their records, mostly straight blues
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It's taking so long because Axl decided that scratching his balls all day (or having Beta do it for him) is a better use of his time than recording music. They're NOT working on anything. Axl doesn't give a crap about a new record.

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I don't see Axl releasing an Indie Rock album, I just don't see it... He actually really liked Grunge and Industrial Rock.

Interesting fact though: Axl stated on one of his last interviews that his favorite album from the past years was Black Key's El Camino.

Black Keys isn't exactly Indie, but it's very "modern rock."

I dont know why i remember K-DST on GTA San Andreas when I hear the album.
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I dont know im pretty sure they did. Festivals i would say tho.

I think you have to have an idea for a new record, maybe its CD era, maybe nothing.

A new record seems harder than a CD II stuff. Unless they just do an off the cuff indie punk rock record which the label would reject.

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Kind of an interesting point, whilst I don't agree with your theory, it does the pose the question - is 00's rock influences the only avenue he can explore...?!

Axl is stuck in no mans land at the moment. He wanted to explore more industrial sounding material in the mid-late 90's. The old line up didn't want to go down that route and ultimately caused the demise of the band. He took so long finding the right players to capture what he was after that once CD finally dropped, time had passed this genre by.

He now has the following options - does he:

1. Keep persuing the industrial route that is dated and not to everyone's taste

2. Go back to the 80's/90's classic GNR sound and in doing so concede defeat to the notion Slash etc were right as to what their sound should have been

3. Reinvent rock music for the 21st Century

4. Explore the sounds of rock from the early to mid 00's

Is it possible option 4 is the only route he can go?!

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my theory is this is what Axl does, part of his process. There's music he likes plus his core idea from Queen about mixing genres etc.

and that's what a GNR record ultimately is. It's actually harder to pin point what makes it sound GNR than the 90s influences.

We could be more in a UYI scenario where they have extra tracks and could put out something related to CD in a way.

You could say Dj will bring some Sixx Am elements, Ron seems a lot more metal than Bucket, when I hear Avenged I can imagine Ron being to handle those kind of solos. There's a much more mall metal vibe to this line up which I associate with 00s.

Ron said earthy but I can't see them doing Exile on Main Street. I listen to Better Dj and hear the sound of the new band.

I guess they could go Rick Rubin for a Self Titled album. It wouldn't be earth shattering but the fans might like it, or be underwhelmned.

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i think now, when it seems that Axl doesn't want to prove anything to anybody, it should be about the great songs, not about genres or sound. Illusions were quite eclectic and that's why they were awesome

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UYI were "timeless". people have different opinions about that.

I agree though, maybe Axl was smart to stay in the 90s with CD. And maybe he will return to the 90s again, because that's GNR's heyday.

But, Axl is an artist, is he lyrically going to stay in the bitterness of late 90s, when maybe he's in a better place?

Why not do something cool and fresh with Dj and move on?

Go Back to the Future of the 00s.

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UYI were "timeless". people have different opinions about that.

I agree though, maybe Axl was smart to stay in the 90s with CD. And maybe he will return to the 90s again, because that's GNR's heyday.

But, Axl is an artist, is he lyrically going to stay in the bitterness of late 90s, when maybe he's in a better place?

Why not do something cool and fresh with Dj and move on?

Go Back to the Future of the 00s.

Definite no

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Kind of an interesting point, whilst I don't agree with your theory, it does the pose the question - is 00's rock influences the only avenue he can explore...?!

Axl is stuck in no mans land at the moment. He wanted to explore more industrial sounding material in the mid-late 90's. The old line up didn't want to go down that route and ultimately caused the demise of the band. He took so long finding the right players to capture what he was after that once CD finally dropped, time had passed this genre by.

He now has the following options - does he:

1. Keep persuing the industrial route that is dated and not to everyone's taste

2. Go back to the 80's/90's classic GNR sound and in doing so concede defeat to the notion Slash etc were right as to what their sound should have been

3. Reinvent rock music for the 21st Century

4. Explore the sounds of rock from the early to mid 00's

Is it possible option 4 is the only route he can go?!

#5 write authentic songs that are from the soul of the singer and let who ever is out there either love or hate it. Stop writing for a genre stop writting for a generation and write what gets your rocks off personally. No one can escape the fact that Axls influences are 60's and 70's and his time in the sun was the 80's and briefly the 90's. The whole CD era was in essence a tip of the the hat to that 90's 2000 era but it missed for several reasons. Rock and Roll is a young mans gig...and appealing to the younger set by trying to emulate their music...kinda sorta worked only because he did it under the moniker of GNR.

What made Axl famous? What made his gig work in the first place? What worked for his range and his ability to showcase it? He dabbled in different styles but his great is in the blues based hard rock genere. It cannot be denied that that is where Axl shines and it is where Axl sells the sizzle. Basic stripped down no muddled noise bloated songs. CD was a good stretch and the lessons are there to be learned...get back to real and honest hard rock and fuck the millenial generations whining ..they were concieved to AFD and UYI they should appreciate it all that much more.

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Kind of an interesting point, whilst I don't agree with your theory, it does the pose the question - is 00's rock influences the only avenue he can explore...?!

Axl is stuck in no mans land at the moment. He wanted to explore more industrial sounding material in the mid-late 90's. The old line up didn't want to go down that route and ultimately caused the demise of the band. He took so long finding the right players to capture what he was after that once CD finally dropped, time had passed this genre by.

He now has the following options - does he:

1. Keep persuing the industrial route that is dated and not to everyone's taste

2. Go back to the 80's/90's classic GNR sound and in doing so concede defeat to the notion Slash etc were right as to what their sound should have been

3. Reinvent rock music for the 21st Century

4. Explore the sounds of rock from the early to mid 00's

Is it possible option 4 is the only route he can go?!

#5 write authentic songs that are from the soul of the singer and let who ever is out there either love or hate it. Stop writing for a genre stop writting for a generation and write what gets your rocks off personally. No one can escape the fact that Axls influences are 60's and 70's and his time in the sun was the 80's and briefly the 90's. The whole CD era was in essence a tip of the the hat to that 90's 2000 era but it missed for several reasons. Rock and Roll is a young mans gig...and appealing to the younger set by trying to emulate their music...kinda sorta worked only because he did it under the moniker of GNR.

What made Axl famous? What made his gig work in the first place? What worked for his range and his ability to showcase it? He dabbled in different styles but his great is in the blues based hard rock genere. It cannot be denied that that is where Axl shines and it is where Axl sells the sizzle. Basic stripped down no muddled noise bloated songs. CD was a good stretch and the lessons are there to be learned...get back to real and honest hard rock and fuck the millenial generations whining ..they were concieved to AFD and UYI they should appreciate it all that much more.

But that's not what he wants to persue. Slash admitted to liking the same thing which seems to be totally cool with the vast majority of the casual fans and a lot of the hardcore fans, so why is it when Axl does his thing, it's suddenly a big no no and betrays what you think Axl is all about, which is basically blues based hard rock?

Isn't that more a reflection of what you think Axl is supposed to be doing which is to concentrate on what he, to your opinion, does best?

Maybe a big part of what always defined Axl is that ambition to incorporate a new, fresh take and explore and build upon the basis of his influences. I think he's interested in new sounds but is still a fan of what was crucial to the classic Gn'R sound, it's just that you don't like what he did with it maybe on Chinese. It's not really a logical request to ask someone to create something he already did a few times and did it quite well instead of him actually doing something new, what he wants to do with real passion imo.

Edited by Rovim
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Kind of an interesting point, whilst I don't agree with your theory, it does the pose the question - is 00's rock influences the only avenue he can explore...?!

Axl is stuck in no mans land at the moment. He wanted to explore more industrial sounding material in the mid-late 90's. The old line up didn't want to go down that route and ultimately caused the demise of the band. He took so long finding the right players to capture what he was after that once CD finally dropped, time had passed this genre by.

He now has the following options - does he:

1. Keep persuing the industrial route that is dated and not to everyone's taste

2. Go back to the 80's/90's classic GNR sound and in doing so concede defeat to the notion Slash etc were right as to what their sound should have been

3. Reinvent rock music for the 21st Century

4. Explore the sounds of rock from the early to mid 00's

Is it possible option 4 is the only route he can go?!

#5 write authentic songs that are from the soul of the singer and let who ever is out there either love or hate it. Stop writing for a genre stop writting for a generation and write what gets your rocks off personally. No one can escape the fact that Axls influences are 60's and 70's and his time in the sun was the 80's and briefly the 90's. The whole CD era was in essence a tip of the the hat to that 90's 2000 era but it missed for several reasons. Rock and Roll is a young mans gig...and appealing to the younger set by trying to emulate their music...kinda sorta worked only because he did it under the moniker of GNR.

What made Axl famous? What made his gig work in the first place? What worked for his range and his ability to showcase it? He dabbled in different styles but his great is in the blues based hard rock genere. It cannot be denied that that is where Axl shines and it is where Axl sells the sizzle. Basic stripped down no muddled noise bloated songs. CD was a good stretch and the lessons are there to be learned...get back to real and honest hard rock and fuck the millenial generations whining ..they were concieved to AFD and UYI they should appreciate it all that much more.

But that's not what he wants to persue. Slash admitted to liking the same thing which seems to be totally cool with the vast majority of the casual fans and a lot of the hardcore fans, so why is it when Axl does his thing, it's suddenly a big no no and betrays what you think Axl is all about, which is basically blues based hard rock?

Isn't that more a reflection of what you think Axl is supposed to be doing which is to concentrate on what he, to your opinion, does best?

Maybe a big part of what always defined Axl is that ambition to incorporate a new, fresh take and explore and build upon the basis of his influences. I think he's interested in new sounds but is still a fan of what was crucial to the classic Gn'R sound, it's just that you don't like what he did with it maybe on Chinese. It's not really a logical request to ask someone to create something he already did a few times and did it quite well instead of them actually doing something new, what they want to do with real passion imo.

True and I for one loved that Axl did a different appraoch on UYI from AFD .Your right I dont want AFD2 nor would I percieve it to be authentic because that album was 20 somethings singing abut the hell of getting it together in LA. He is trying to have a GNR sound and keep that intact but the barrage of noise and bloat plus the anemic lyrics just made this project in my opinion a nice experiment.
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Rockerman: Well, then it's more about what I said, it's about your problems with Chinese as an album, and your disagreement with the direction and maybe execution of it. Is it not?

To me it's a successful evolution of the direction Axl took with UYI and a melting pot of different genres and many elements of the Gn'R sound, much like how AFD and UYI were, only the genres Axl explored on Chinese were alien to the Gn'R formula and many fans didn't connect with that imo, cause not only you were presented with new, abrasive sounds, there was no Slash and Izzy to kinda give you that obvious Gn'R thing that made it so easy for the old line up to come up with Gn'R sounding songs.

Now Axl's voice, lyrics, and knowledge about the Gn'R sound elements are the things that suppose to make it a Guns album.

This whole thing can be reduced to if you liked it or not. If it makes sense for you as the next step for Gn'R.

What makes sense to me is that some of the old influences that were shared between the old Guns members will take a back sit to what Axl prefers, so the classic rock, bluesy thing is not dominating the sound anymore, it's sharing the spotlight with what Axl thinks will make a good new blend so it's fresh and interesting to him, but he seems to be interested in keeping it proper Gn'R as well, even if many fans don't think it is. He was very concerned about making it a 'true Guns album' and when I factor in the circumstances, it's pretty much the album I wanted him to make.

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I think Axl should stop trying to make the records sound like other styles or try to force an influence on the music because that approach doesn’t work so well. It has to be so unfulfilling because he’s trying to make the songs sound like something else than what they were formulated as. Adding sounds here and there to what end? Just take the guys into a studio for a month or two and create a proper/original album that reflects the musicians in the band like other bands do. When you go in trying to make the album sound like this or that, the issue is being forced and the potential of the music being created greatly diminishes. But that’s just like… my opinion. Every musician is influenced by their peers but doesn’t mean you have to try to create songs that directly showcase your influence. If you want to create an Elton John type ballad or a NIN industrial rock song, go in with that in mind, but let the other musicians evolve the song and create a song that represents the entirety of the band. ONly one album (a good album) since the old band broke up is telling of that struggle.

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So you dont think Axl takes what he has then evolves it with what hes currently into?

I think Axl should stop trying to make the records sound like other styles or try to force an influence on the music because that approach doesnt work so well. It has to be so unfulfilling because hes trying to make the songs sound like something else than what they were formulated as. Adding sounds here and there to what end? Just take the guys into a studio for a month or two and create a proper/original album that reflects the musicians in the band like other bands do. When you go in trying to make the album sound like this or that, the issue is being forced and the potential of the music being created greatly diminishes. But thats just like my opinion. Every musician is influenced by their peers but doesnt mean you have to try to create songs that directly showcase your influence. If you want to create an Elton John type ballad or a NIN industrial rock song, go in with that in mind, but let the other musicians evolve the song and create a song that represents the entirety of the band. ONly one album (a good album) since the old band broke up is telling of that struggle.

this idea that its forced isnt really true tho. Unkle take various artists styles, its just not the done thing for hard rock. Queen did this before.

Theres merits to both approaches.

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