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Do you think GNR are that annoyed by the leaking of “Going Down”?

Guest NGOG

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The press would have given it attention for having Axl vocals on it, meaning exposure to his work and he could have made some decent amount of money off it and gained a few new fans from it.

But, it doesn't take an official release for the media to report. In fact, the media enjoy leaks more. If you take a look at Going Down on Google, you will see all the major websites have reported on the song with Stinson as the central theme of most articles.

With The Replacements back in action, it's not like Stinson is in dire need of publicity.

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I wouldn't be happy tbh if a song of mine was leaked a long time before the album release. And when it's not even finished

I wouldn't be happy to wait 1, 2 or even 3 hour for a show, yet it happened to plenty of people who went to see a gnr show.

For the leaks, shit happens.

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heres where the Lies formula would do sooo much for the GNR.

Back in 87 when GNR knew they were going to take some time to get the new UYI album out, managment and the band went in and pounded out some new songs and threw them together with the live like a suicide album. THey did this mini album as per se to tide the fans over while they got it together for UYI. It really is a no duh situation here . Doesnt require a PHD in rock in roll business managment to figure this one out. # 1 keep your fans happy and their wallets open.

THey say there is no such thing as bad publicity. The focus on this one song in the last week said something about the new vision of GNR. On the whole the message was get back to rock and roll and stop trying to write rock operettas... get back to the street stories and the grind of grit.

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They have had 5 years to put something out. Things are bound to leak in this day and age. Rather than blame their poor security measures or disingenuous employees responsible for stealing the track, they blame the fans. Fucken laughable.

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Honestly if they are indeed annoyed I just don't care at this point.

These leaks seem like the only real vehicle for us to hear unheard material so as far as I am concerned keep 'em coming

Yep. They deserve this. They had their chance to make good with the fans.

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Why not just be happy that the decade old song is getting such a positive response from the fans????

Understandable to be man that somebody is leaking music...........but the overall feeling should be of absolute JOY that so many people are loving the song.

It's like they have forgotten that Axl has released one ablum in the last 20 years and his MILLIONS OF FANS would do just about anything to hear new music from their favorite singer...........that means NOTHING to Beta and Axl.

It's almost like they constantly try and find reasons to delay releasing music. Pretty sad. The response to this leak should be energizing the GnR camp to release music. Instead they are furious? Friggin weird.

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maybe they (managament?) leaked the song deliberately, to make some fuss along the fans

you never know

Agreed, I think it's a bit odd that something that was recorded 7-9? years ago suddenly gets leaked a couple months after their last concert dates. Something's up and this is just the thing to flare up interest again. It sucked me back here to the forums after a couple years away. :)

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Now we know that they are annoyed, at least Beta and Del. Being annoyed is understandable, but unfortunately they're not taking the opportunity to make this negative into a positive (maybe release a finished version as a single, not to radio but to at least make money) but instead are creating a PR nightmare towards their most devoted followers.

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I'm gonna start by saying I REALLY LIKE CD. But having said that, leaks are the only way we even get to sniff any kind of new music by this band. So I don't really give a fuck what Beta, Axl, or anyone else thinks. I will buy any new material they put out, but thats the problem huh? I, like so many have been through this shit before. I have been following the dinosaur movement of, this man really, since 1995. I have bought the following the DAY of their release; live era, end of days soundtrack, greatest hits, and chinese democracy (both cd and vinyl). I have attended may concerts also. I have done everything I can do as a fan, so I don't feel one bit guilty having these leaks. I fucking deserve it honestly. Just like I didn't feel bad getting leaks back in 06'. So I guess we should expect a new album in 2015, if history repeats.

agreed with this

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