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Fortus forgotten member?


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I do. In fact, he's my favorite guitarist in the band. I'm not an Ashba fan, Bumble is fine, Fortus makes me smile. He seems to love it so much and he plays a killer guitar. I don't need a "show", but his solo is the only one that doesn't kill me with boredom. He's got great chops and truly a breath of fresh air IMO from the ones that just seem like they are "trying" too hard. Thats why Slash is great. He's not trying to hard, thats just his natural enthusiasm and playing. I think Fortus is very much the same, although certainly not capable of the great things Slash has accomplished.

Funny that the friend that actually introduced me to GNR the other were just having this discussion. They were HIS first band and showed me them and we've followed them since. However, I said "did you know Stinson and Fortus have been in the band since like 01 or 02?" He couldn't believe it. He knows the lineup, it just feels like so long ago he couldn't believe they'd be there over a decade. Fortus is definitely forgotten, moreso than Stinson because there's 3 guitar players on stage and he's not right up front like Stinson.

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I do. In fact, he's my favorite guitarist in the band. I'm not an Ashba fan, Bumble is fine, Fortus makes me smile. He seems to love it so much and he plays a killer guitar. I don't need a "show", but his solo is the only one that doesn't kill me with boredom. He's got great chops and truly a breath of fresh air IMO from the ones that just seem like they are "trying" too hard. Thats why Slash is great. He's not trying to hard, thats just his natural enthusiasm and playing. I think Fortus is very much the same, although certainly not capable of the great things Slash has accomplished.

Funny that the friend that actually introduced me to GNR the other were just having this discussion. They were HIS first band and showed me them and we've followed them since. However, I said "did you know Stinson and Fortus have been in the band since like 01 or 02?" He couldn't believe it. He knows the lineup, it just feels like so long ago he couldn't believe they'd be there over a decade. Fortus is definitely forgotten, moreso than Stinson because there's 3 guitar players on stage and he's not right up front like Stinson.

I like Fortus a lot too. He's got that rock and roll feel without making it seem like a commodity (see Ashba) don't get me wrong I like Bumble too... But I always watch to see what Richard is playing.

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Knocking on heavens door is always great fun, it's Fortus's time to shine!

I think he's my favorite member too, simple, great rock n roll player, dresses cool with having a wizards beard like Bumble or being an overgrown emo like Ashba. I like Fortus a lot. Although dont get me wrong Bumble does some cool solo's and holds the band together live and i have nothing against Ashba :)

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I love richard, but he does seem to shy away from interviews or promote the band. He keeps himself busy with other projects but I see Ron and DJ taking up most of the media stuff. With Richard i think it's more him doing a job he's paid to do, rather get stuck in with the whole fan/media involvement. Which is probably why you think he is forgotten.

He is a great guy to meet though on the opportunities that I met him. No ego or nothing, really down to earth.

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I have nothing against Richard, but somehow everybody complains about DJ Ashba and says how cool and true Fortus is, while Fortus is the one who performed with Rihanna for a while. Can't even think what would happen on mygnr if it was the other way round.

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I have nothing against Richard, but somehow everybody complains about DJ Ashba and says how cool and true Fortus is, while Fortus is the one who performed with Rihanna for a while. Can't even think what would happen on mygnr if it was the other way round.

Ya, so have a lot of musicians. It's what they do they play music. He also played with Thin Lizzy. I'm not one to hate on someone who plays with a pop singer. I'm ok with Slash's collaborations with pop stars if he feels truly inspired by it... If Axl felt inspired to play with the wiggles more power to him. Rock and Roll should not be snubbish when it comes to different Genres of music.

In fact Axl should go on Seseme Street dressed up as an ear of corn and sing the high notes with Elmo. That would be fun. (Not a dig) I would get a kick out of that.

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As far as they new band is concerned I really like Fortus. I wish he was able to show his chops more though. Who here thinks he is under utilized?

He's a beast live but I can't judge until the next album comes out on whether he's properly being utilized.

What Coma16 said. I think 4tus is a BAD ASS live but I haven't heard anything in the studio that's moved me. So here's hoping that changes with the next set of material we hear.

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As far as they new band is concerned I really like Fortus. I wish he was able to show his chops more though. Who here thinks he is under utilized?

He's a beast live but I can't judge until the next album comes out on whether he's properly being utilized.

What Coma16 said. I think 4tus is a BAD ASS live but I haven't heard anything in the studio that's moved me. So here's hoping that changes with the next set of material we hear.

I feel that he can deliver.. He is technically sound and seems to have that aura that he can create good riff's. I know I was disappointed that he really never showed up on CD. I really am hoping for more of him on New Material.

And btw.. I love his November Rain solo.

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I have nothing against Richard, but somehow everybody complains about DJ Ashba and says how cool and true Fortus is, while Fortus is the one who performed with Rihanna for a while. Can't even think what would happen on mygnr if it was the other way round.

Wasn´t it Christina Aguilera´s "Beautiful" ?

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I have nothing against Richard, but somehow everybody complains about DJ Ashba and says how cool and true Fortus is, while Fortus is the one who performed with Rihanna for a while. Can't even think what would happen on mygnr if it was the other way round.

Wasn´t it Christina Aguilera´s "Beautiful" ?
Fortus toured with Rihanna a while back.

Also, in 2006, Fortus did a duet with Robin Finck at the GNR shows, where they would play 'Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera.

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I have nothing against Richard, but somehow everybody complains about DJ Ashba and says how cool and true Fortus is, while Fortus is the one who performed with Rihanna for a while. Can't even think what would happen on mygnr if it was the other way round.

Wasn´t it Christina Aguilera´s "Beautiful" ?
Fortus toured with Rihanna a while back.

Also, in 2006, Fortus did a duet with Robin Finck at the GNR shows, where they would play 'Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera.

U are right, I misunderstood the post. Thanx for the correction ;)

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I have nothing against Richard, but somehow everybody complains about DJ Ashba and says how cool and true Fortus is, while Fortus is the one who performed with Rihanna for a while. Can't even think what would happen on mygnr if it was the other way round.

Wasn´t it Christina Aguilera´s "Beautiful" ?
Fortus toured with Rihanna a while back.

Also, in 2006, Fortus did a duet with Robin Finck at the GNR shows, where they would play 'Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera.

Yeah, you're right. Nuno Bettencourt from Extreme took over for 4tus when he left Rihanna's band.

As far as his background versus DJs go, that doesn't matter to me all that much. I like his playing and I'm not fond of DJ's so that matters more to me than where they played before GN'R.

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Also, in 2006, Fortus did a duet with Robin Finck at the GNR shows, where they would play 'Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera.

it was gay

i don't like fortus, i see no reason to like him. did he write at least one song during his session musican career ?

or is he just a cover musician ?

You have strong feelings against him. He's just a muscian playing music.

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Also, in 2006, Fortus did a duet with Robin Finck at the GNR shows, where they would play 'Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera.

it was gay

i don't like fortus, i see no reason to like him. did he write at least one song during his session musican career ?

or is he just a cover musician ?

It's irrelevant. They are all cover musicians because Axl won't let them record and release new music.


that's false. they could record and release new music with their own projects.

and it's not irrelevant, fortus is almost 50 year old... i'm asking if he's written songs in his career or if he's just a cover musician.

The Compulsions:


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Also, in 2006, Fortus did a duet with Robin Finck at the GNR shows, where they would play 'Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera.

it was gay

i don't like fortus, i see no reason to like him. did he write at least one song during his session musican career ?

or is he just a cover musician ?

It's irrelevant. They are all cover musicians because Axl won't let them record and release new music.


that's false. they could record and release new music with their own projects.

and it's not irrelevant, fortus is almost 50 year old... i'm asking if he's written songs in his career or if he's just a cover musician.

if he's just a cover musician, why should i like him?

I can respect your reasons. I have to ask though... do you only like musicians that create their own music?

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Music just seems to flow through his fingers and it's beautiful. I do hope he gets more solos in the future.

Beautiful btw:

And didn't he say that he originally was auditioning for the lead spot but when he got there Buckethead had already took it?

Edited by MrSoftie
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He never left Rihanna's band - he never joined the band to begin with. If I recall correcly, a friend of his apparently had problems and couldn't do the tour, so he filled in the spot.

Good guy.

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I think Richard is my favourite, just about about beating Bumble to the finish line. Fortus is great on stage and he really knows his instrument. Bumbles great... complete all rounder! great voice, stage presence and unbelievable playing. DJ is... ok, really not on the same level as the others... not even in the sense that he can't do crazy runs or taps... he just doesn't have much character IMO. Seems like a down to earth and decent guy but he's not a great guitarist - I'm yet to hear any of his original work that impresses me too - It's all a bit generic.. it worries me that Axl seems to think the sun shines out of DJs ass when he's got 2 great songwriters in Bumble and Richard... not to forget Stinson who's no slouch in the writing department.

Richard didn't get a look in on Chinese so I hope he's more up front next time around.

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