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Does Axl and Beta's attitude affect the way you listen to Guns?


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Axl didn't call Slash a cancer. He said he was like a cancer, it's a figure of speech.

Come again?

"In a nutshell, personally I consider him a cancer and better removed."


Please tell me more about how it's a figure of speech. I use several common (and not so common) sayings, but I've never used this particular metaphor that Axl dropped on Slash.

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Axl didn't call Slash a cancer. He said he was like a cancer, it's a figure of speech.

Come again?

"In a nutshell, personally I consider him a cancer and better removed."


Please tell me more about how it's a figure of speech. I use several common (and not so common) sayings, but I've never used this particular metaphor that Axl dropped on Slash.

I am pretty certain Axl didn't literally consider Slash to be a malignant cell that has entered uncontrolled replication and metastasis, etc, so it MUST have been Axl saying that Slash and cancer share some attributes, and I am also pretty certain that those attributes were that to him, Axl, Slash is pretty hard to get over and keeps being an obstacle to his, Axl's, well-being.

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but say in GNR or Axl's case stuff like Madagascar, Sorry, Scraped seems to be about the old band, media etc.

When I listen to Prostitute I get really negative about ever hearing a new record. An artist with this kind of take on things is going to have a real hard time getting a record made. Maybe it was just for CD, I don't know though.

I don't know what people who aren't following this stuff hear on CD.

Yeah prostitute really doesn't give me much hope of new material but I'm hoping Axl releases another album

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Old GnR I will like whatever happens.. new GNR might lose my interest in them.

I wonder what the fuck I'm doing here anyways :D

It's probably that 0,000001 % chance something new actualy happens and then I want to be one of the first to hear it.

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Doesn't really have any bearing on my listening habits. I still love GnR in both incarnations, Probably listen to CD a bit more these days, but the old stuff is still my favourite. the only thing that affects me listening to GnR is when a band member says they don't actually like GnR music (Tommy) or when other band members say "fuck GnR" (Bumblefoot, he's still cool in my book, just frustrated with how slow things move)... also if Axl ever publicly slated his fans that would do it as well, pretty sure that would be the lat straw for me. It's pretty close when Fernando takes aim at the fans but I give it the benefit of the doubt that Axl may not be aware of Fernando posting on his behalf.

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Axl didn't call Slash a cancer. He said he was like a cancer, it's a figure of speech.

Come again?

"In a nutshell, personally I consider him a cancer and better removed."


Please tell me more about how it's a figure of speech. I use several common (and not so common) sayings, but I've never used this particular metaphor that Axl dropped on Slash.

It's Axl's way of saying "Slash is dead to me" without it coming across as wishing him dead.

But we know cancer usually doesn't go away when it's cut out...so... 'there's a chance'....

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Guest cbgnr666

I wish Axl would have just called Slash an ingrown toenail,better off removed.Then the people could obsess about Slash being a toenail for a few years and what it actually means.

Edited by cbgnr666
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No never, whatever bullshit we go through with GN'R, the music is always true and inspiring. That's what actually makes me stop going mad, because when I listen to the music, I realise how great this band was, and still are musically. They've just gotta keep at it, because the music is the defining factor for any band, not all of the other "issues".

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My history with GN'R has always been a weird one. My parents were huge GN'R fans. I can remember my brother and I singing the chorus to Paradise City while eating breakfest at the table in the kitchen. My dad had a huge poster in our basement with the Appetite line up (the one where Axl is wearing the leopred vest). I saw this because when I listen to GN'R it takes me back to memories of my life, not the bands inner workings or fueds. But how that music affected my life

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One thread the other day was about banging Beta, in the past few months there's been more threads about Beta, beta, beta..... I'm falling in love with her....

Beta if you're reading this, I'm 23yr old will you marry me?

Are you extremely wealthy and do you have mental health issues?

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One thread the other day was about banging Beta, in the past few months there's been more threads about Beta, beta, beta..... I'm falling in love with her....

Beta if you're reading this, I'm 23yr old will you marry me?

Are you extremely wealthy and do you have mental health issues?

I don't know why but this reminds me of the MadTV skit "Lowered Expectations"

Edited by cooker
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GNR is the only CD I my car whilst I'm unable to get to my other CD's so I listen to them every day when I go to work. The joys of the old band and the enjoyment of the new stuff is always there. The longing for a new album is also there, but Beta NEVER crosses my mind.

I don't ever think about the managers of a band when listening to music.

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The behind-the-scenes drama may affect/improve the context of certain songs or albums, for example it's hard not to feel a sadness for the band's dissolution when listening to "Yesterdays" and realizing how prescient the lyrics were at the time, but no, nothing about Axl or Beta specifically affects my appreciation of the music.

Beta is the furthest thing from my mind when I listen to GN'R.

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Axl didn't call Slash a cancer. He said he was like a cancer, it's a figure of speech.

Come again?"In a nutshell, personally I consider him a cancer and better removed."http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/axl-rose-calls-slash-a-cancer-in-new-chinese-democracy-interview-20090227?stop_mobi=yesPlease tell me more about how it's a figure of speech. I use several common (and not so common) sayings, but I've never used this particular metaphor that Axl dropped on Slash.
I am pretty certain Axl didn't literally consider Slash to be a malignant cell that has entered uncontrolled replication and metastasis, etc, so it MUST have been Axl saying that Slash and cancer share some attributes, and I am also pretty certain that those attributes were that to him, Axl, Slash is pretty hard to get over and keeps being an obstacle to his, Axl's, well-being.
Once again missing the point completely. Shouldn't you be arguing with Lenny about how his views on women are skewed based on where he's from? Couldn't that be construed as racism or does that only matter when TB is mentioned? Edited by Dariablue
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