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Other GN'R Songs That Can Be an Opener/Encore?


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Nightrain was a kickass opener in the 90's, and it would also make for an awesome encore song

I can also imagine YCBM opening a set too, that would be pretty damn cool

Too difficult vocally to be an opener. Generally speaking, you wouldn't want to open with something that would be such a strain on the voice.

On topic - I think most of the openers that would be good have been used in the past (Nightrain, It's So Easy, RNDTH). I think My Michelle could be a good opener too.

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I love Chinese as an opener. Ever since I heard the new intro at the first Hammerstein show I was convinced it should be their opener. Having said that, they could open and close with any song in their catalog and it would go over.

I hope they open with My World on the next tour.


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Out Ta Get Me and You Could be Mine would work well as openers

I think they could get away with November Rain as a closer but it's hard to picture a GnR show ending on a slow song.

GnR is the only band I can really think of that is kinda stuck with a specific song to close shows. Paradise City just fits so perfectly to close out GnR shows.

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I love Chinese as an opener. Ever since I heard the new intro at the first Hammerstein show I was convinced it should be their opener. Having said that, they could open and close with any song in their catalog and it would go over.

I hope they open with My World on the next tour.


Well played. I'd laugh if they at least played it over the PA just for funsies. Haha.

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Opener: Dead Horse and close with Pretty Tied Up....those songs describe perfectly this band :awesomeface:

"Sometimes I feel like I'm beatin' a dead horse" (dead horse being GnR) and "Once there was this rock n roll band rolling on the streets..time went by and it became a joke"

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I think opening with CD is fine. We just need some variation of WTTJ, ISE, and Brownstone. PC is a great closer (even though I don't like the song all that much).

But if they have to change I'd open with SR (I think opening songs should be off of the latest album) and closer would be OTGM

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If it ain't broke - don't fix it!

Jungle and PC were the perfect open and close.

Nothing gets a restless crowd going like hearing those opening guitar chords..........and then hearing Axl's voice yelling "you know where you arrrrreeeeeeee?" while the stage is still dark..........

And the closing to PC is perfect as the song drags on, guitars are blazing, Axl is running around crazy.

CD starting the show is very boring and doesn't get the crowd into a frenzy like Jungle does.

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