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Movies with unneeded sequels/prequels


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  • 2 years later...

I wouldn't mind seeing Independence Day II but wish Will Smith would be back. At least we are getting The Goldblum.

But here's the thing with that. I want Will back too but...On the other hand, I would've just preferred with this particular continuation if they went the reboot route. I don't really want to see an old Goldblum, Brent Spinner etc...I'm afraid it'll be a shit fest. Independence Day is one of my favorite movies so yeah. I don't think Hollywood can do disaster films as awesomely as they did in the '90s anyway.

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I wouldn't mind seeing Independence Day II but wish Will Smith would be back. At least we are getting The Goldblum.

But here's the thing with that. I want Will back too but...On the other hand, I would've just preferred with this particular continuation if they went the reboot route. I don't really want to see an old Goldblum, Brent Spinner etc...I'm afraid it'll be a shit fest. Independence Day is one of my favorite movies so yeah. I don't think Hollywood can do disaster films as awesomely as they did in the '90s anyway.

I'm pretty sure that Brent Spiner's character was killed by the alien who Will Smith welcomed to earf!

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I wouldn't mind seeing Independence Day II but wish Will Smith would be back. At least we are getting The Goldblum.

But here's the thing with that. I want Will back too but...On the other hand, I would've just preferred with this particular continuation if they went the reboot route. I don't really want to see an old Goldblum, Brent Spinner etc...I'm afraid it'll be a shit fest. Independence Day is one of my favorite movies so yeah. I don't think Hollywood can do disaster films as awesomely as they did in the '90s anyway.

I'm pretty sure that Brent Spiner's character was killed by the alien who Will Smith welcomed to earf!

I assumed that as well, but he's in the sequel. The director tweeted a pic of the cast when they wrapped shooting and I was surprised to see Spiner in it.

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Of course Spiderman needed a reboot, but not like TAS. Nowadays that Burton's Batman formula doesn't work anymore, in the superhero movies of nowadays they don't kill all the villians per movie. The Raimi's Spider-man would have never be able to be in the Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe.

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I nearly killed a senior citizen watching Independence Day...no shit :lol:


Well it had just come out in cinemas and me and my mate went down to watch it, it was the last of the REALLY old cinemas in town, a ticket was like 1.70 and they looked like raffle tickets. Anyway close to the cinema was a joke shops that sold bangers and fireworks and fake poo and all the usual shit you get at joke shops. They also had these things called bomb bags which were these silver packets that when you stepped on them they started inflating then they would explode letting off a loud bang. Anyway I'm in the back row and during a particularly edge of the seat scene i had the idea to step on this bomb bag, thus activiating it and kicking it down the aisle to right up the front, the idea being it'd explode, the entire cinema would shit their pants and i would feel like a clever little boy.

Anyway, it worked, they did all shit their pants although where the bomb bag landed when i kicked it down the aisle was right next to this old lady who, uh...had a bit of a shock. I mean she actually dropped, they called an ambulance, me and my mate promptly legged it out of the cinema, you gotta remember I'm in my early teens here and kinda worried thinking I've just killed an old granny. So yeah, we just legged it out of the cinema (making ourselves look kinda suspicious!) and just went down the long road opposite and then round the block, where we saw an ambulance taking her out. I went up to the bloke and said is she alright and he's like yeah, she's had a massive shock but she's gonna be fine, apparently some idiot let off a firework in the cinema.


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I nearly killed a senior citizen watching Independence Day...no shit :lol:


Well it had just come out in cinemas and me and my mate went down to watch it, it was the last of the REALLY old cinemas in town, a ticket was like 1.70 and they looked like raffle tickets. Anyway close to the cinema was a joke shops that sold bangers and fireworks and fake poo and all the usual shit you get at joke shops. They also had these things called bomb bags which were these silver packets that when you stepped on them they started inflating then they would explode letting off a loud bang. Anyway I'm in the back row and during a particularly edge of the seat scene i had the idea to step on this bomb bag, thus activiating it and kicking it down the aisle to right up the front, the idea being it'd explode, the entire cinema would shit their pants and i would feel like a clever little boy.

Anyway, it worked, they did all shit their pants although where the bomb bag landed when i kicked it down the aisle was right next to this old lady who, uh...had a bit of a shock. I mean she actually dropped, they called an ambulance, me and my mate promptly legged it out of the cinema, you gotta remember I'm in my early teens here and kinda worried thinking I've just killed an old granny. So yeah, we just legged it out of the cinema (making ourselves look kinda suspicious!) and just went down the long road opposite and then round the block, where we saw an ambulance taking her out. I went up to the bloke and said is she alright and he's like yeah, she's had a massive shock but she's gonna be fine, apparently some idiot let off a firework in the cinema.


you plonker! :D

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