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Whats the Last GNR Song You Will Listen To Before You Die?


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Lol, funny story: I actually thought I WAS going to die once. Was young at the time, 19, and hadn't been much of an experienced drinker. Long story short, got insanely drunk the night before and was hung over like OMFG the next day. Throwing up blood, couldn't stand up, all that. Was living with brother at the time who was at work and in charge of the landline phone in our apartment. He didn't pay the phone bill, so it wasn't working, which meant I couldn't call 911 (I was convinced that the blood was a very bad thing). Figured death was looming, so I managed to crawl to my nearby boombox and put UYI II on (first Guns album owned) and lay in a tub of warm water. Turns out I was just young and stupid and still drunk. Brother got home from work a little while afterward with a few Gatorades which I drank and then felt much better. Flew back home that day (was in college at the time) and had the best summer vacation I'd had in like, forever lol.

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Kind of a morbid topic, but I'd listen to Prostitute. Not only is it my favourite GN'R song, but I think it's a perfect "last song" to listen to

Cool choice and I get what you mean, but i would have to go with Estranged. Its the music and the lyrics that make it seem so pertinent...

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...funny how everybody expect natural death coming someday with enough time to choose and listen to concrete song :)

But death's a bitch who will fuck you up :P

I'm actually going to make a mix tape just before I die, based on my mood that day along with the current music scene.

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