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War Movies

Georgy Zhukov

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yes perhaps you are right, i only mentioned it becuse seeing Jude Law in soviet military uniform was pretty exciting, and i could stare at his perfect face for hours

Girl, what the fuck is wrong with you?!?! :lol: Jude Law, perfect face?!?! Since when? :lol: Perfect nobhead more like it!

"I'm so good-looking"

oh please, my taste in men is irreproachable

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I find the propaganda films more entertaining. I was watching one earlier on the Battle of Kursk where they show Russian women in skimpy clothes digging ditches for German tanks. It was during the summer but the angles they chose were...interesting.

What I find amusing is that the 2013 film of Stalingrad is in 3D.

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land and freedom (probably the best movie about the spanish revolution, 1936-1937)

it's a great movie but I would like it more if it wasn't so biased.

Biased for facists or communists?

it's not biased at all.

the movie shows how the social revolution led by the anarchists and the p.o.u.m. (trotskists) has been defeated by both the fascists and the stalinists.

the movie is based on george orwell's experience (homage to catalonia) and on historians as burnett bolloten (the spanish revolution) and hans magnus enzensberger (the short summer of anarchy).

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Does anybody know the title of the war movie that starts at the 49:16 mark ? It looks like a Soviet movie.

It is from The Longest Day. An American film about The Normandy Invasion. The scene depicts French soldiers assaulting a town.

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Saw Enola Gay - The Men, the Mission, the Atomic Bomb (TV Movie 1980) on YouTube the other day, I liked it; Starred Billy Crystal too playing a serious role, with little comic relief, for a change. - Not a bad serious actor..

I saw like 40/45 minutes of this movie Len posted in 'the Movie Thread' (whatever it's actually called); too - starring Charles Bronson, about this guy's war I guess; When Hell Broke Loose (1958)...I found it more of a comedy though - not bad though.

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Theres a great one with Michael Caine with Henry Fonda on a bit part, i think its called Too Late the Hero, Caines been in a few good ones actually, Battle of Britain, Bridge too Far, the other one where he plays a nazi called Steiner whoose name i cant remember.

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