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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Also, this is interesting (well, at least for me):

Hi Mark. I am a wish grantor for make-a-wish. Thank you for what you are doing for the org and kids.
If you could change one scene from the original trilogy what would you change and why?
There was a scene at the beginning of the first movie that was cut out. When you're first introduced to Luke he's on the farm and he sees the Robots, when R2 and C3PO eject he races to the club, and you see what his life is like on Tataouine. This beautiful actress calls him wormy. I loved it bc you saw that he wasn't well liked by his peers, and he bumps into Garrick Hagon, and Luke is really excited bc he has joined the empire, and Luke is so anxious to get off the farm and find his lot in life. He's thrilled that Biggs has joined the Empire, and feels as soon as he'd get the chance he'd join the rebel alliance. this shows that Luke is apolitical, and joining the empire is even attractive to him.
They changed to get to the plot faster, so now it goes straight to the 4th scene. The only place you can see it is the novelization of the screen play. With all the tweaking and adaptations, why not put it in to add detail to the story that's not there?
Edited by Daedalus
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Lucas reminds me of Axl in a lot of ways because, you have to remember, Lucas started out wanting to make films, art house avant-garde films like THX. And then he went onto American Graffiti (which I think is his best film) then Star Wars then that is it: the Star Wars franchise took over his life. The years between ROJ and TPM, he basically sat on his arse waiting for CGI technology to arrive (yes, he produced Howard the Duck, Ewoks etc. but I am talking about directing). Also, he has basically resigned from being a filmmaker and just spends his time widdling with the original trilogy, adding extra digital aliens to the Empire Strikes Back etc. It is like Axl now. He has been beaten by his own project, Chinese Democracy, and now has resigned as a creative force. Also, he spent ten years adding beeps and farts to that album, tinkering with songs which were perfectly good originally - as we know from the demos - until they were effectively a mess of overdubs.

They also became obese. And hypocrites. Rick McCallum is George's Beta.

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Seems like Hamill chopped off the shaggy hair and died it brown (it was grey last year). He, and Carrie, also both seem like they've lost quite a bit of weight.

Overall it was a cool chat. Love some of those stories he told. Peter Mayhew stepping in to say hi was awesome.

This picture? Or is any other recent picture avalible?


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Seems like Hamill chopped off the shaggy hair and died it brown (it was grey last year). He, and Carrie, also both seem like they've lost quite a bit of weight.

Overall it was a cool chat. Love some of those stories he told. Peter Mayhew stepping in to say hi was awesome.

This picture? Or is any other recent picture avalible?


that one was the one I was mainly referring to, but there was also another one floating around where he was standing up straight at a different event and you could see that he had slimmed down a bit. He looks decent here, too! I'm pretty sure he dyed his hair for Star Wars but he would probably deny that

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Seems like Hamill chopped off the shaggy hair and died it brown (it was grey last year). He, and Carrie, also both seem like they've lost quite a bit of weight.

Overall it was a cool chat. Love some of those stories he told. Peter Mayhew stepping in to say hi was awesome.

This picture? Or is any other recent picture avalible?


that one was the one I was mainly referring to, but there was also another one floating around where he was standing up straight at a different event and you could see that he had slimmed down a bit. He looks decent here, too! I'm pretty sure he dyed his hair for Star Wars but he would probably deny that

I know the pic you are talking about. It is from a month or two ago and he seems even lighter in this pic. I am sure they are in VII, all the signs point towards it

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Rumour going round that the Boba Fett film will begin with the Boba Fett from Episode 2 aka Clone Fett getting killed, someone stealing his armour and becoming the Fett from Empire.

Would that mean Lucas would have to re-retcon the Empire voice change in the inevitable 3d 4k special editions? If so I'm all for it.

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Zac Efron says he had a meeting with Abrams regarding Star Wars about a year ago, but also added that he's unsure whether or not he'll get the role. I have a feeling he won't but I guess I figured it's still worth mentioning.


Also rumor has it that the first spin-off film has been delayed to 2017 and Episode 8 will only come out in 2018 or maybe even 2019.


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Episode VIII in 2018 is no surprise with VII coming out in 2015.

ANH 1977

ESB 1980

ROTJ 1983

TPM 1999

AOTC 2002

ROTS 2005

It's always been three years in between.

Yeah but Disney had said that they were gonna start coming out every other year with spin-offs in between so that Star Wars would be an annual thing. But it looks like that plan might not be working out and that it'll end up being more similar to the "one main film every 3 years" plan like you pointed out.

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Also, this is interesting (well, at least for me):

Hi Mark. I am a wish grantor for make-a-wish. Thank you for what you are doing for the org and kids.
If you could change one scene from the original trilogy what would you change and why?
There was a scene at the beginning of the first movie that was cut out. When you're first introduced to Luke he's on the farm and he sees the Robots, when R2 and C3PO eject he races to the club, and you see what his life is like on Tataouine. This beautiful actress calls him wormy. I loved it bc you saw that he wasn't well liked by his peers, and he bumps into Garrick Hagon, and Luke is really excited bc he has joined the empire, and Luke is so anxious to get off the farm and find his lot in life. He's thrilled that Biggs has joined the Empire, and feels as soon as he'd get the chance he'd join the rebel alliance. this shows that Luke is apolitical, and joining the empire is even attractive to him.
They changed to get to the plot faster, so now it goes straight to the 4th scene. The only place you can see it is the novelization of the screen play. With all the tweaking and adaptations, why not put it in to add detail to the story that's not there?

Mark, pls...

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