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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Ive never seen any Star Wars film. Have they aged well? Might check them out this weekend

Do yourself a favor and watch all six of them. Don't let a couple butthurt Star Wars fans keep you from experiencing them for yourself.

Hahaha fuck off. It's not being butthurt when the unanimous consensus is the prequels fucking sucked and are abominations when it comes to movie making. A couple Star Wars fans? What planet are you living on? People can watch them if they want but NEVER watch all 6 in order. By watching the prequels first it ruins one of the greatest twists in the history of cinema. People can waste their time watching the prequels if they chose to do so but there's no point. They're awful movies and they add absolutely nothing to the story.

Edited by Bono
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Ive never seen any Star Wars film. Have they aged well? Might check them out this weekend

Do yourself a favor and watch all six of them. Don't let a couple butthurt Star Wars fans keep you from experiencing them for yourself.

Hahaha fuck off. It's not being butthurt when the unanimous consensus is the prequels fucking sucked and are abominations when it comes to movie making. A couple Star Wars fans? What planet are you living on? People can watch them if they want but NEVER watch all 6 in order. By watching the prequels first it ruins one of the greatest twists in the history of cinema. People can waste their time watching the prequels if they chose to do so but there's no point. They're awful movies and they add absolutely nothing to the story.

The films were meant to be watch from 4 to 6 then one to 3. Say what you want about the prequels, they may not be as good as the first trilogy, but they were entertaining.

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Lucas directed the prequels because he wanted full creative control. Other directors would have done what they can to improve the story, maybe add some pratical special effects and other ideas that would have clashed with him.

Lucas was never satisfied with the original films so he tinkered with them until he finally sold the rights to Disney. Just be glad it is over. I am hoping Disney will work out a deal with Fox to release the original theatrical films on Blu Ray, unaltered. But that will take some time, they can easily get V and VI because those rights expire in 2020, but IV they have a lot longer and that, and getting the rights to IV remastered is the Holy Grail of the entire series.

Maybe with the ever growing hype around VII, Disney can get the fights to the first three films and release them. A special treat to the fans.

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Ive never seen any Star Wars film. Have they aged well? Might check them out this weekend

Do yourself a favor and watch all six of them. Don't let a couple butthurt Star Wars fans keep you from experiencing them for yourself.

Hahaha fuck off. It's not being butthurt when the unanimous consensus is the prequels fucking sucked and are abominations when it comes to movie making. A couple Star Wars fans? What planet are you living on? People can watch them if they want but NEVER watch all 6 in order. By watching the prequels first it ruins one of the greatest twists in the history of cinema. People can waste their time watching the prequels if they chose to do so but there's no point. They're awful movies and they add absolutely nothing to the story.

To be fair, I'm sure anyone who hasn't seen the movies still knows the twist. I mean, the specific line you're referring to is common parlance. It's like the shower scene from Psycho. I know a lot of people who haven't seen the movie (which is criminal, by the way), but they know the arm with the knife appearing in the shower, the screechy music, the scream, and the blood going down the drain.

Lucas directed the prequels because he wanted full creative control. Other directors would have done what they can to improve the story, maybe add some pratical special effects and other ideas that would have clashed with him.

Lucas was never satisfied with the original films so he tinkered with them until he finally sold the rights to Disney. Just be glad it is over. I am hoping Disney will work out a deal with Fox to release the original theatrical films on Blu Ray, unaltered. But that will take some time, they can easily get V and VI because those rights expire in 2020, but IV they have a lot longer and that, and getting the rights to IV remastered is the Holy Grail of the entire series.

Maybe with the ever growing hype around VII, Disney can get the fights to the first three films and release them. A special treat to the fans.

Would they be worth much on Blu-Ray? I have the Limited Edition DVDs where the original theatrical release is on the bonus disc, and even those are kind of grainy.

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Ive never seen any Star Wars film. Have they aged well? Might check them out this weekend

Do yourself a favor and watch all six of them. Don't let a couple butthurt Star Wars fans keep you from experiencing them for yourself.

Hahaha fuck off. It's not being butthurt when the unanimous consensus is the prequels fucking sucked and are abominations when it comes to movie making. A couple Star Wars fans? What planet are you living on? People can watch them if they want but NEVER watch all 6 in order. By watching the prequels first it ruins one of the greatest twists in the history of cinema. People can waste their time watching the prequels if they chose to do so but there's no point. They're awful movies and they add absolutely nothing to the story.

To be fair, I'm sure anyone who hasn't seen the movies still knows the twist. I mean, the specific line you're referring to is common parlance. It's like the shower scene from Psycho. I know a lot of people who haven't seen the movie (which is criminal, by the way), but they know the arm with the knife appearing in the shower, the screechy music, the scream, and the blood going down the drain.

Lucas directed the prequels because he wanted full creative control. Other directors would have done what they can to improve the story, maybe add some pratical special effects and other ideas that would have clashed with him.

Lucas was never satisfied with the original films so he tinkered with them until he finally sold the rights to Disney. Just be glad it is over. I am hoping Disney will work out a deal with Fox to release the original theatrical films on Blu Ray, unaltered. But that will take some time, they can easily get V and VI because those rights expire in 2020, but IV they have a lot longer and that, and getting the rights to IV remastered is the Holy Grail of the entire series.

Maybe with the ever growing hype around VII, Disney can get the fights to the first three films and release them. A special treat to the fans.

Would they be worth much on Blu-Ray? I have the Limited Edition DVDs where the original theatrical release is on the bonus disc, and even those are kind of grainy.

The DVD's look like shit because they didn't bother trying to restore the original cuts at all - they basically just ripped them from a laser disc and slapped them on a DVD. If they were to put in the same time restoring the original cuts as they did for the Blu Ray set, they could look excellent.

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The originals can sadly never be released in a High Def format, for one major reason:

1) All edits done to each subsequent revision after 1995 were cut directly on the original negative, meaning that each change is literally on the original film itself. Thus, there is no longer any existing pre-Special Edition Star Wars.

It would take a lot of work to basically cobble together an "original" original to be remastered, touched up, color corrected etc. It would actually probably cost more to do this than they would recoup financially.

Also, Fox own the distribution rights to the original Star Wars permanently, and Empire and Jedi until 2020. It would take an amazing deal that would make Fox and Disney equally happy and see both studios profiting equally from this venture in order for it to happen.

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I have a tough time actually believing that the 90s edits were done on the masters. Somewhere out there, doesn't there have to be a clean master? I mean c'mon.

I haven't the slightest idea how this all works, but what about at the Library of Congress or something? Doesn't there just have to be some official type archive that has the real deal? Didn't the Library of Congress "induct" Star Wars as one of the 20 most defining motion pictures ever, or some shit? And didn't that happen pre-90s edits?

Edited by DirtyDeeds
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I have a tough time actually believing that the 90s edits were done on the masters. Somewhere out there, doesn't there have to be a clean master? I mean c'mon.

I haven't the slightest idea how this all works, but what about at the Library of Congress or something? Doesn't there just have to be some official type archive that has the real deal? Didn't the Library of Congress "induct" Star Wars as one of the 20 most defining motion pictures ever, or some shit? And didn't that happen pre-90s edits?

Lucas is a nutjob and wanted to erase the originals from history. He wanted 'his' versions to be THE versions. It's been suggested reliably that the '90s edits were sadly indeed done to the masters, and other copies of the masters were destroyed by Lucas in the mid/late 90s.

The Library of Congress doesn't have the masters of all the films. I think they only have a singular master of IV, and that master is the 1997 Special Edition Master anyway.


Edited by Dr. Who
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The originals can sadly never be released in a High Def format, for one major reason:

1) All edits done to each subsequent revision after 1995 were cut directly on the original negative, meaning that each change is literally on the original film itself. Thus, there is no longer any existing pre-Special Edition Star Wars.

It would take a lot of work to basically cobble together an "original" original to be remastered, touched up, color corrected etc. It would actually probably cost more to do this than they would recoup financially.

Also, Fox own the distribution rights to the original Star Wars permanently, and Empire and Jedi until 2020. It would take an amazing deal that would make Fox and Disney equally happy and see both studios profiting equally from this venture in order for it to happen.

The Godfather Trilogy were remastered and released on Blu ray from the original negatives and they never looked better. In fact the original negatives were damaged and they had to restore them. From what I've read, the original negatives for Star Wars are still in good hape.

And fucker, I just told you that last part in the previous post.

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Hmm, to me it seems George Lucas and Axl Rose are kindred spirits.

I just can't imagine being George Lucas, and the entire world telling you that your original is near perfection, and it's the one they love, and it's the one that made you billions of dollars, and yet you hate it and want it destroyed. If he thinks his edits are so much better, give us both the edits and originals in great condition, and show us it's better. Let the work speak for itself.

I know I must sound like I'm really late to the party. I've always liked Star Wars, but never got into this detail and the Lucas drama before, but I had a few days off around Thanksgiving and so I've learned a lot more in the past few days lol.

EDIT: So, would the best way to watch the original, unedited Star Wars be to watch LaserDisc? Is it any better than the Limited Edition DVD?

2nd EDIT: Are there any fan-made bootlegs worth a shit where someone spliced together the restored scenes that were unaltered in their content with the original, non-restored footage in the places where Lucas made edits? So overall the film would be inconsistent in its quality, but it would be improved throughout most of it, plus you could really tell the difference any restoration made. Does this exist?

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Ive never seen any Star Wars film. Have they aged well? Might check them out this weekend

Do yourself a favor and watch all six of them. Don't let a couple butthurt Star Wars fans keep you from experiencing them for yourself.

Hahaha fuck off. It's not being butthurt when the unanimous consensus is the prequels fucking sucked and are abominations when it comes to movie making. A couple Star Wars fans? What planet are you living on? People can watch them if they want but NEVER watch all 6 in order. By watching the prequels first it ruins one of the greatest twists in the history of cinema. People can waste their time watching the prequels if they chose to do so but there's no point. They're awful movies and they add absolutely nothing to the story.


And never did I say watch them in chronological order.

And reading the new U2 album thread, it's easy to tell you're easily butthurt.

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Ive never seen any Star Wars film. Have they aged well? Might check them out this weekend

Do yourself a favor and watch all six of them. Don't let a couple butthurt Star Wars fans keep you from experiencing them for yourself.

Hahaha fuck off. It's not being butthurt when the unanimous consensus is the prequels fucking sucked and are abominations when it comes to movie making. A couple Star Wars fans? What planet are you living on? People can watch them if they want but NEVER watch all 6 in order. By watching the prequels first it ruins one of the greatest twists in the history of cinema. People can waste their time watching the prequels if they chose to do so but there's no point. They're awful movies and they add absolutely nothing to the story.


And never did I say watch them in chronological order.

And reading the new U2 album thread, it's easy to tell you're easily butthurt.

Its very clear you're the one who's butthurt haha The FACT is the prequels were unanimously trashed by fanboys, non fanboys and critics alike. I think it's people like you were are butthurt because your'e sad the world didn't like them as you did. Keep telling yourself that only a few butthurt fanboys didn't like the prequels if it helps you sleep at night but truth is you're a moron if that's what you actually think

Edited by Bono
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The similarities between prequel fanboys and chinese democracy fanboys never ceases to amaze me. And when you realise how much Lucas and Axl have in common it is hilarious altogether.

Delusional lunatics.

Difference is that Lucas eventually learned to pass the franchise on to new people who are probably more capable of handling it than he is now. He's learned to let Star Wars go cause under his reign it got to the point where it was sort of dying.

Axl should follow suite and retire GN'R before he beats it down to the ground even more than it already has been.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I love the trailer! Didn't like it at first but it's really grown on me!

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Harmy's versions of the Original Trilogy are very good, I saw them all.

Link: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Harmys-STAR-WARS-Despecialized-Edition-HD-V25-MKV-IS-OUT-NOW/topic/12713/

If you want to see A New Hope comparison:

I'm interested, but have never delved into the whole underground internet world of trading this shit. I've never done torrents or any of that stuff and probably would get nowhere if I tried. I'd probably wind up fucking up my computer or not figuring it out. The hell with it. If I could just buy the fucker on ebay, I'd do it, but that seems to be antithetical to what they are going for.

I tried to find where it is, but you have to follow a link to a link to a link, get an invite for a torrent site, sign up a two different forums, and decipher all their acronyms and shit. Too much effort to watch a fucking movie.

EDIT: That's not to say I don't respect the massive amount of work that went into this fan restoring the work. I do. But I don't speak Star Wars internet fanboy, so I don't know how to get it.

Edited by DirtyDeeds
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Harmy's versions of the Original Trilogy are very good, I saw them all.

Link: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Harmys-STAR-WARS-Despecialized-Edition-HD-V25-MKV-IS-OUT-NOW/topic/12713/

If you want to see A New Hope comparison:

I'm interested, but have never delved into the whole underground internet world of trading this shit. I've never done torrents or any of that stuff and probably would get nowhere if I tried. I'd probably wind up fucking up my computer or not figuring it out. The hell with it. If I could just buy the fucker on ebay, I'd do it, but that seems to be antithetical to what they are going for.

I tried to find where it is, but you have to follow a link to a link to a link, get an invite for a torrent site, sign up a two different forums, and decipher all their acronyms and shit. Too much effort to watch a fucking movie.

Its ready, if you want I can send you the torrent link.

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Harmy's versions of the Original Trilogy are very good, I saw them all.

Link: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Harmys-STAR-WARS-Despecialized-Edition-HD-V25-MKV-IS-OUT-NOW/topic/12713/

If you want to see A New Hope comparison:

I'm interested, but have never delved into the whole underground internet world of trading this shit. I've never done torrents or any of that stuff and probably would get nowhere if I tried. I'd probably wind up fucking up my computer or not figuring it out. The hell with it. If I could just buy the fucker on ebay, I'd do it, but that seems to be antithetical to what they are going for.

I tried to find where it is, but you have to follow a link to a link to a link, get an invite for a torrent site, sign up a two different forums, and decipher all their acronyms and shit. Too much effort to watch a fucking movie.

Its ready, if you want I can send you the torrent link.

Haha,well, that would be cool of you. I'm inept at this sort of thing, so hopefully I do it right. Thank you. I do appreciate it, even though it sounds like I'm bitching. I'm actually not. I'm complaining to myself about my own inadequacies, honestly, lol.

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