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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Ive never seen any Star Wars film. Have they aged well? Might check them out this weekend

Do yourself a favor and watch all six of them. Don't let a couple butthurt Star Wars fans keep you from experiencing them for yourself.

Hahaha fuck off. It's not being butthurt when the unanimous consensus is the prequels fucking sucked and are abominations when it comes to movie making. A couple Star Wars fans? What planet are you living on? People can watch them if they want but NEVER watch all 6 in order. By watching the prequels first it ruins one of the greatest twists in the history of cinema. People can waste their time watching the prequels if they chose to do so but there's no point. They're awful movies and they add absolutely nothing to the story.

And never did I say watch them in chronological order.

And reading the new U2 album thread, it's easy to tell you're easily butthurt.

Its very clear you're the one who's butthurt haha The FACT is the prequels were unanimously trashed by fanboys, non fanboys and critics alike. I think it's people like you were are butthurt because your'e sad the world didn't like them as you did. Keep telling yourself that only a few butthurt fanboys didn't like the prequels if it helps you sleep at night but truth is you're a moron if that's what you actually think

You're so unnecessarily rude man. Pop a Xanny.

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Ive never seen any Star Wars film. Have they aged well? Might check them out this weekend

Do yourself a favor and watch all six of them. Don't let a couple butthurt Star Wars fans keep you from experiencing them for yourself.

Hahaha fuck off. It's not being butthurt when the unanimous consensus is the prequels fucking sucked and are abominations when it comes to movie making. A couple Star Wars fans? What planet are you living on? People can watch them if they want but NEVER watch all 6 in order. By watching the prequels first it ruins one of the greatest twists in the history of cinema. People can waste their time watching the prequels if they chose to do so but there's no point. They're awful movies and they add absolutely nothing to the story.


And never did I say watch them in chronological order.

And reading the new U2 album thread, it's easy to tell you're easily butthurt.

Its very clear you're the one who's butthurt haha The FACT is the prequels were unanimously trashed by fanboys, non fanboys and critics alike. I think it's people like you were are butthurt because your'e sad the world didn't like them as you did. Keep telling yourself that only a few butthurt fanboys didn't like the prequels if it helps you sleep at night but truth is you're a moron if that's what you actually think

Never said only a few people don't like the prequels. I'm telling him not to listen to the butthurt people here and watch them all.


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Harmy's versions of the Original Trilogy are very good, I saw them all.

Link: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Harmys-STAR-WARS-Despecialized-Edition-HD-V25-MKV-IS-OUT-NOW/topic/12713/

If you want to see A New Hope comparison:

I'm interested, but have never delved into the whole underground internet world of trading this shit. I've never done torrents or any of that stuff and probably would get nowhere if I tried. I'd probably wind up fucking up my computer or not figuring it out. The hell with it. If I could just buy the fucker on ebay, I'd do it, but that seems to be antithetical to what they are going for.

I tried to find where it is, but you have to follow a link to a link to a link, get an invite for a torrent site, sign up a two different forums, and decipher all their acronyms and shit. Too much effort to watch a fucking movie.

Its ready, if you want I can send you the torrent link.

Haha,well, that would be cool of you. I'm inept at this sort of thing, so hopefully I do it right. Thank you. I do appreciate it, even though it sounds like I'm bitching. I'm actually not. I'm complaining to myself about my own inadequacies, honestly, lol.

haha okay, I can't PM you, but here it is, I recommend that you install the latest uTorrent.

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I have a feeling I'm not alone on this one, but that lightsabre is GAY.

Following the ships in flight is cool and all ( and they did it in the original films too, right?) but I hope it isn't overdone and these movies aren't full of shaky camera disease...like the Star Trek ones Abrams did <_<

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Why do people have such a problem with the lightsaber?

Because it's different. I like it, and it's practical; remember in Episode III when Obi-Wan easily sliced off a couple of Grevious' hands during their duel just by sliding down the blade when they clashed? No longer a problem.

This was posted on Reddit - a clip of Mark Hamill talking about Episode VII back in 1983

Seems Lucas sure hit the mark after all :lol:

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Cause it looks like something an 8 year old would come up with...and I can't figure out how it would be of any benefit to the wielder.

It just looks dumb (to me)...

edit: there's still that bit of the hilt where the cross sabres project from...if another blade came sliding down the length of this one it would hit that part and not the cross blades, so it doesn't make any sense to me.

If the guard projected from the blade itself it would make sense...but would still look gay.

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It took the Jedi thousands of years to come up with something like a cross guard for their light sabers in order to prevent accidents?

Fuck it. This is Star Wars, a fantasy space adventure. Not like this is Star Trek.

Edited by Georgy Zhukov
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It took the Jedi thousands of years to come up with something like a cross guard for their light sabers in order to prevent accidents?

Fuck it. This is Star Wars, a fantasy space adventure. Not like this is Star Trek.

One of the theories I saw on Reddit is that the hilt is made of the same lightsaber-resistant aluminum alloy that the batons used by Grevious' droid guards were made out of. Seems plausible to me.

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Prequel fanboys have short memories. When Maul first unveiled that double sided saber (so practical :lol:) there was plenty of criticism too. Only for it to turn out to be the best thing about the entire prequel trilogy.

Do we really want to go down the road of discussing what's practical in the Star Wars universe.

Heavens above if we needed any more evidence that prequel fanboys are utterly retarded.

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What term would you prefer then - dipshits, twats, tossers? Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not the only one who recognises how retarded Star Wars fans can be, especially those that jumped on the franchise with the prequels. One look at the various fan forums gives evidence of this in spades. Even Ewan McGregor thinks they are pathetic. :lol:

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Just finished watching episodes IV and V. They are ok films i guess. The acting in IV is quite bad though.. Like when the princess is watching her home planet being destroyed she doesn't even shed a tear.. I mean millions of your people just got vaporised you could at least show some emotion! Same for Luke.. He rushes home to see his aunt and uncles bodies in ashes.. Doesn't seem to affect him at all. So yeah i wouldn't watch either again in a hurry and have no urge at all to watch VI.

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Just finished watching episodes IV and V. They are ok films i guess. The acting in IV is quite bad though.. Like when the princess is watching her home planet being destroyed she doesn't even shed a tear.. I mean millions of your people just got vaporised you could at least show some emotion! Same for Luke.. He rushes home to see his aunt and uncles bodies in ashes.. Doesn't seem to affect him at all. So yeah i wouldn't watch either again in a hurry and have no urge at all to watch VI.

Shock. You don't cry at first.

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Just finished watching episodes IV and V. They are ok films i guess. The acting in IV is quite bad though.. Like when the princess is watching her home planet being destroyed she doesn't even shed a tear.. I mean millions of your people just got vaporised you could at least show some emotion! Same for Luke.. He rushes home to see his aunt and uncles bodies in ashes.. Doesn't seem to affect him at all. So yeah i wouldn't watch either again in a hurry and have no urge at all to watch VI.

If you didn't like The Empire Strikes Back, there's just no hope.

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