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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Prequel fanboys have short memories. When Maul first unveiled that double sided saber (so practical :lol:) there was plenty of criticism too. Only for it to turn out to be the best thing about the entire prequel trilogy.

Do we really want to go down the road of discussing what's practical in the Star Wars universe.

Heavens above if we needed any more evidence that prequel fanboys are utterly retarded.

Not sure if that was directed at me since I brought up the practicality of the broad sword, but I'm by no means a prequel fanboy. I think Episode III is good, Episode I is just barely watchable, and Episode II is utterly terrible. However, I do believe in watching all of the films (In release order) to get the full story, however flawed that might be in the prequels.

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Not sure if this was already posted but it sure made me laugh :lol:

Prequel fanboys have short memories. When Maul first unveiled that double sided saber (so practical :lol:) there was plenty of criticism too. Only for it to turn out to be the best thing about the entire prequel trilogy.

Do we really want to go down the road of discussing what's practical in the Star Wars universe.

Heavens above if we needed any more evidence that prequel fanboys are utterly retarded.

Not sure if that was directed at me since I brought up the practicality of the broad sword, but I'm by no means a prequel fanboy. I think Episode III is good, Episode I is just barely watchable, and Episode II is utterly terrible. However, I do believe in watching all of the films (In release order) to get the full story, however flawed that might be in the prequels.

It wasn't.

Edited by Facekicker
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Not a fan of the prequels but they could have been the greatest trilogy in the history of movies period if they had made one small addition to Episode 3 and showed the death of Jar Jar Binks. If only. Then every single person on earth would be praising them and Jedi would overtake every other religion on earth. I know this to be fact, so don't even bother arguing.

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I have just noticed, at 55 seconds, Millennium Falcon scene: lensflair. An one minute trailer which shows practically nothing and JJ is already lensflairing it up.

I don't have a problem with that one personally - it's subtle and the camera was directly facing one of the suns of Tattooine; of course you'd get a bit of lens flare.

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All I am saying is, we have had one minute of the new star wars and one lens flair already. Expect a lot more of it.

It is an odd thing, the lens flair, as you would not have it without a camera so in essence, you are basically revealing your camera. This is called, what they say in theatrical circles, 'breaking the fourth wall'.

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You know, you can go all day long about the prequels, but A New Hope is really not that much better. Luke was definitely not intended to be Vader's son, nor was Darth Vader meant to be Anakin Skywalker. His name was just Darth Vader. "Only a master of evil Darth" and Obi Wan clearly told Luke that Darth Vader was another Jedi knight who betrayed and murdered his father. Lucas should have just dubbed it over with the correct lore if he wanted his film to be perfect.

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You know, you can go all day long about the prequels, but A New Hope is really not that much better. Luke was definitely not intended to be Vader's son, nor was Darth Vader meant to be Anakin Skywalker. His name was just Darth Vader. "Only a master of evil Darth" and Obi Wan clearly told Luke that Darth Vader was another Jedi knight who betrayed and murdered his father. Lucas should have just dubbed it over with the correct lore if he wanted his film to be perfect.

And Leia and Luke were not brothers and sisters or you would not have had the weird incest thing

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You know, you can go all day long about the prequels, but A New Hope is really not that much better. Luke was definitely not intended to be Vader's son, nor was Darth Vader meant to be Anakin Skywalker. His name was just Darth Vader. "Only a master of evil Darth" and Obi Wan clearly told Luke that Darth Vader was another Jedi knight who betrayed and murdered his father. Lucas should have just dubbed it over with the correct lore if he wanted his film to be perfect.

And Leia and Luke were not brothers and sisters or you would not have had the weird incest thing

Wasn't there little faith in the film at the time? They probably expected the film to flop so they just wrote it as a one time thing. Then when the film became a huge hit, then the story of Luke and Leia being the children of Vader came about.

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