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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Nothing should be canon except the movies. I'd even be ok with Disney scraping the prequels. this whole canon garbage is stupid. the movies should NEVER have to rely on or fall in line with the multitude of books and cartoons out there. People can have those and enjoy it but the movies in my opinion should be completely free of that stuff. If they want to use some of it fine but it should never be tied to it.

This coming from a guy who has read a LOT of the expanded universe and enjoyed it.

Yeah it would be dumb for the movies to have to be in accord with what I basically consider published fan fiction.

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As long as luke isnt the fucking bad guy im good

Agreed. But I doubt Luke will be the bad guy. They are going to make him all mysterious in this film yes, but not the bad guy. If his own DAD can't turn him to the darkside then nothing can. He never had the loss that Anakin had, well he sort of did, but it didn't fester in him the way it did with Anakin. One would say Luke is Anakin's strength mixed with Padme's humanity.

Oh and what is and should be considered canon should always only be the films IMO. People get all attached to comics and novels but really FILMS are the be all and end all. In this case, including The Clone Wars is a bit of a stretch IMO, but I'll accept it. t has made me more curious to go and watch that show now tbh. Does anyone know, but is this new cartoon going to be considered canon as well? I've heard their will probably be some tie ins.

Edited by Mike420
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Luke might be the new Obi Wan. Become mentor to the next Jedi. He's pretty much the only one left, right?

I watched this thing on lightsabers and how at first, they were supposed to be big and heavy and have to held with two hands or else they won't work. That was why the duel in A New Hope pretty much pales in comparison to the rest of the series where they become similar to fencing and eventually, acrobatic shit. The acrobatic form featured in Episode I so much was basically what got Qui Gon killed, and how Kenobi used a more defensive form which is ideal for deflecting blasters and how he managed to subdue Anakin who got overconfident.

I watched about half of The Clone Wars film. Man, it made Episodes I and II look good.

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As long as luke isnt the fucking bad guy im good

Agreed. But I doubt Luke will be the bad guy. They are going to make him all mysterious in this film yes, but not the bad guy. If his own DAD can't turn him to the darkside then nothing can. He never had the loss that Anakin had, well he sort of did, but it didn't fester in him the way it did with Anakin. One would say Luke is Anakin's strength mixed with Padme's humanity.

Oh and what is and should be considered canon should always only be the films IMO. People get all attached to comics and novels but really FILMS are the be all and end all. In this case, including The Clone Wars is a bit of a stretch IMO, but I'll accept it. t has made me more curious to go and watch that show now tbh. Does anyone know, but is this new cartoon going to be considered canon as well? I've heard their will probably be some tie ins.

I agree. Luke is going to be awesome in this film- he won't be a cyborg or sith.

And I consider the TV shows to be a sub level of canon. The movies are the main thing and they standalone, then you can add the cartoons in there as head canon and then books and all that.

Clone Wars is actually really good, I'm on season 3 right now. Its stupid they revive Maul and things like that, but it makes for a really fun cartoon. Its pretty dark and dreary for a kids show too. Rebels is really good so far too. Its cheesier and lighter, but the cahracters are relaly cool and fun to gollow

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8 turning 9. As it came out in May '99 and I turned 9 that November. I'd already been into Star Wars since like, '97 or '98 though. Family friend gave me the '95 VHS tapes--The last "unraped" version of the original three films. Cherished those VHS tapes.

Attack of the Clones has to be the most disappointing film I saw in the theater.

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