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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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I always thought Anakin should have been the all-encompassing Jedi student-stick up his ass, and Padme would be the one chasing him. That would fit more with the no nonsense Vader he'd eventually become.

Or at the very least he should never have been a sniveling, little brat of a whiner. he came off the entire trilogy as one of those kids you fucking hate because they are just massive whiny pieces of shit. Not bad kids just whiny little twats that ever one wants to suffocate with a pillow. he was completely unlikeable which was NOT at all how he should have been. he should have been this noble jedi knight who we all loved and hoped for but instead it was like "Oh holy fuck can this little bitch just turn into Vader already so we don't have to listen to his bellyaching anymore!"

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How could Anakin be more well written? Serious question. What could have done to improve him as a character?

Replacing all his dialogue with the long drawn out death rattle of a man with terminal flatulance would have even been an improvement.

Edited by Dazey
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Just thinking out loud here: In the new Star Wars trailer there's a scene with what appears to be a Sith. We all know it. Given that character is wearing a black glove on his right hand and given the new look of the lightsaber with a cross guard, which presumably is to protect against getting your hand cut off, and given this character seems to be either limping or walking a bit gingerly, what if that's not a Sith. What if that's Luke? I know, I just blew your mind.

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Every lightsaber is a gimmick - they ain't real. If they were even using a standard lightsaber would be a death wish. Mauls even more so and this latest just as dangerous.

But in the Star Wars universe they exist and are almost the sole preserve of force users, who can wield them effectively aided by the force. This latest one is no different, and its safety or perceived lack of, can be explained away quite easily. The blade could split in three thus protecting the users hands if a blade dropped down the shaft, even if it cut through the protruding metal bits it would still hit the blade inside.

Criticising the new lightsaber based on real world laws is ridiculous.

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Every lightsaber is a gimmick - they ain't real. If they were even using a standard lightsaber would be a death wish. Mauls even more so and this latest just as dangerous.

But in the Star Wars universe they exist and are almost the sole preserve of force users, who can wield them effectively aided by the force. This latest one is no different, and its safety or perceived lack of, can be explained away quite easily. The blade could split in three thus protecting the users hands if a blade dropped down the shaft, even if it cut through the protruding metal bits it would still hit the blade inside.

Criticising the new lightsaber based on real world laws is ridiculous.

Can I criticise it cuz it looks fucking wank? :D
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I don't like that a Disney Channel looking black guy is going to be the lead.

As one youtube comment said: "The Dark side and a sword that looks like a christian cross played by a white guy against the good black guy. Couldn't imagine where the Leftist Abrams is leading this story Sarcasm'"

"A Mexican, Black guy and white girl need to save the galaxy from an evil white guy with a cross saber."

Edited by Dr. Who
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Yeah its not like the villains in the original trilogy were all played by Brits and the good guys were Americans or anything :lol:

James Earl Jones, that shining example of ye olde England. :lol:

He might have voiced Vader but David Prowse (Yorkshire) is the bloke behind the mask. All the other Imperials and the Emperor are Brits

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That shit ain't to protect nobody's hands from falling off. That's a gimmick light saber, like Darth Maul's double saber or Dooku's curved shaft.

What do you think they are for on a real sword. Doesn't matter if you like it or not that would be the practical purpose for it. Lightsabers are a gimmick in themselves. This goofy idea that in the history of the Star Wars universe that all lightsabers were the exact same is dumb. People are just bitching about it because they want desperately to complain about something.

I don't like that a Disney Channel looking black guy is going to be the lead.

As one youtube comment said: "The Dark side and a sword that looks like a christian cross played by a white guy against the good black guy. Couldn't imagine where the Leftist Abrams is leading this story Sarcasm'"

"A Mexican, Black guy and white girl need to save the galaxy from an evil white guy with a cross saber."

haha wow! get outside dude and chill the fuck out and stop imagining shit.

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