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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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I hope these are true, they sound good to me. I'm still thinking that the main villian is Darth Plaegus (the guy Palpatine told Anakin about in episode 3). That is my gut feeling.
Plagueis was killed by Palpatine the night before he became chancellor.

Yes but Plagueis also learned to cheat death and save people from dying. Sounds like an easy door to keep open if you ask me.

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I hope these are true, they sound good to me. I'm still thinking that the main villian is Darth Plaegus (the guy Palpatine told Anakin about in episode 3). That is my gut feeling.
Plagueis was killed by Palpatine the night before he became chancellor.
Yes but Plagueis also learned to cheat death and save people from dying. Sounds like an easy door to keep open if you ask me.

"Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death...but not himself."

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I hope these are true, they sound good to me. I'm still thinking that the main villian is Darth Plaegus (the guy Palpatine told Anakin about in episode 3). That is my gut feeling.

Plagueis was killed by Palpatine the night before he became chancellor.

Never heard that bit before. Where was it mentioned when Plagueis was killed?

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I hope these are true, they sound good to me. I'm still thinking that the main villian is Darth Plaegus (the guy Palpatine told Anakin about in episode 3). That is my gut feeling.

Plagueis was killed by Palpatine the night before he became chancellor.

Never heard that bit before. Where was it mentioned when Plagueis was killed?

I believe it's in the Plagueis book. Not sure if it's one of the new books that's considered canon like Tarkin.

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So some of you don't think Plagueis will be the big baddie then? From what I've read, this trilogy will bring all 3 trilogies together even more, so that means things that happened in the prequels will have added significance, so it would have to be Plagueis or perhaps Maul then wouldn't it? I just don't know what other big baddie they could introduce that would be really menacing? They already said Luke is the most powerful jedi of all time, so you need a threat that can equal that type of power. I don't know who else you could really get?

It just seems like Plageuis could have survived Palpatine's "attack." Maybe he is the one that gave the rebels the stolen death star plans to begin with as a revenge against Palpatine. It just feels like he would be the perfect big baddie to have IMO. anything else might feel a little shallow IMO, especially since Luke has SO much power. He already took out Vader and Palpatine, who else does the Sith really have that could challenge him?

Edited by Iron MikeyJ
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If it isn't Plageuis then it will be a completely new character (which sounds fine to me, as well). Kylo Ren is most likely Driver's character who will probably play the "secondary" villain. They really do seem to be pushing Kylo, though, with the Vader imagery and now he is rumored to be pictured on all the merchandise.

It definitely won't be Maul, and technically, Luke is no longer the most powerful Jedi of all time. He could be! But now that the EU is gone we just don't know, ROTJ is now the last time we have all seen Luke.

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I'm not talking about EU, I'm talking about what I've read about Episode 7, and EVERYTHING says Luke has gone to a whole higher level. More advanced than Vader/Anakin, Palpatine, Yoda, or anyone else you mention. That's why he has gone hermit mode, because he is so powerful that he doesn't even know what he can do. That's why I said only a villian like Plageuis would honestly be able to challenge him. Of course this is all just speculation, but the rumors concerning Luke do appear to be quite accurate. Plus I don't know how you can cycle it back to the beginning and make the prequels MORE important if you don't use a character like Plageuis, which I also read these films are indeed tying everything together. That is why a new big baddie seems a little questionable to me, how can this person gain so much power without Luke, Palpatine, Yoda, Vader or anyone knowing? But I do agree with you about the lesser baddies, they will be new, and from the sounds of it the whole "rule of 2" is out. So it could be 2 or 3 guys on a Maul type level answering to someone even BIGGER.

I love speculating about this :)

Edited by Iron MikeyJ
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I never really liked Luke if I'm being honest. I know he's the hero but he always seemed too naive and boyish, even in Jedi. I could never really buy him being a badass Jedi. The emotional scenes with Vader in Jedi were played really well though. I always loved Lando, though. Actually, he and Han are my favorite characters. The series became to suffer from Lucas Syndrome though in the end. I mean, the universe went from being this giant, amazing space universe, to a tiny place by the third film, where Vader is Luke's father and Leia just happens to be his sister. I love Empire the best cause the Empire kicks ass, but I always thought the whole "Luke and Leia" are siblings thing was sort of contrived, like, "let's just tie up every loose end in this last film and get it over with."

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