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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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A Star Wars fan that doesn't really like Luke much???? These kids today....

I kinda get what he means though. Star Wars (even the OT) is just so much more than Luke Skywalker saving the day. He's alright, but the universe itself is so awesome.

Pretty much that. I liked Ewan MacGregor as Obi Wan in the prequels. I just...I don't know, I never got into Mark Hamill as an actor. As a voice actor yes, he's amazing. But he seemed sort of..."Ken Doll" ish in SW. Honestly, I was always more on the Empire's side anyway.

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A Star Wars fan that doesn't really like Luke much???? These kids today....

I kinda get what he means though. Star Wars (even the OT) is just so much more than Luke Skywalker saving the day. He's alright, but the universe itself is so awesome.

True, but part of that is because the characters in the OT were so well written and concieved. Like Luke is the ultimate good guy, good for the sake of good. Han is the good guy that is also a bad boy. Leia is the "princess" but she is also tough and doesn't take any crap. Vader is the ultimate bad guy, who manages to find redemption when it seemed impossible. And Palpatine is the ultimate evil that is always going to be evil. See this kind of basic cjaracter writting is what the prequels lacked. It was never so defined, and even if it was, the actors or the writting got in its own way. So yes I agree with you that the over all universe is just plain awesome in itself, but as film, the OT worked so well because the characters were exactly what we wanted them to be. Does that make things predictable at times? Yes perhaps, but as an audience we crave it. Take love storys or romantic comedies, they always follow the same pattern; boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. Sure some films mess with that premise and may make girl loses boy, etc. But the same basic principals apply. Despite the EXTREME predictability, people line up for those films like crazy, why? Because they give them that warm happy feeling when the film is over. Star Wars is essentially no different, just a different genre with different sets of rules, but at the end of the day they still delived the warm happy feeling at the end. That's why Empire is not only the best of the series, but possibly the best "sequel" of all time. (I said "sequel" because technically its the middle act of a trilogy, so its not the same as a tradiotional sequel, different rules, etc) But because the bad guys win in Empire, it broke all the rules, yet the audience loved it because the good guys eventually win in Jedi. Now had the good guys lost in Jedi, it would have killed the franchise because no warm happy feelings. That's also another reason why the prequels fail overall, because the bad guys had to win, in order to set the stage for the OT. They didn't provide people with the warm and fuzzies. I know it sounds basic and foolish, but I tell ya its true...

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A Star Wars fan that doesn't really like Luke much???? These kids today....

I kinda get what he means though. Star Wars (even the OT) is just so much more than Luke Skywalker saving the day. He's alright, but the universe itself is so awesome.

True, but part of that is because the characters in the OT were so well written and concieved. Like Luke is the ultimate good guy, good for the sake of good. Han is the good guy that is also a bad boy. Leia is the "princess" but she is also tough and doesn't take any crap. Vader is the ultimate bad guy, who manages to find redemption when it seemed impossible. And Palpatine is the ultimate evil that is always going to be evil. See this kind of basic cjaracter writting is what the prequels lacked. It was never so defined, and even if it was, the actors or the writting got in its own way. So yes I agree with you that the over all universe is just plain awesome in itself, but as film, the OT worked so well because the characters were exactly what we wanted them to be. Does that make things predictable at times? Yes perhaps, but as an audience we crave it. Take love storys or romantic comedies, they always follow the same pattern; boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. Sure some films mess with that premise and may make girl loses boy, etc. But the same basic principals apply. Despite the EXTREME predictability, people line up for those films like crazy, why? Because they give them that warm happy feeling when the film is over. Star Wars is essentially no different, just a different genre with different sets of rules, but at the end of the day they still delived the warm happy feeling at the end. That's why Empire is not only the best of the series, but possibly the best "sequel" of all time. (I said "sequel" because technically its the middle act of a trilogy, so its not the same as a tradiotional sequel, different rules, etc) But because the bad guys win in Empire, it broke all the rules, yet the audience loved it because the good guys eventually win in Jedi. Now had the good guys lost in Jedi, it would have killed the franchise because no warm happy feelings. That's also another reason why the prequels fail overall, because the bad guys had to win, in order to set the stage for the OT. They didn't provide people with the warm and fuzzies. I know it sounds basic and foolish, but I tell ya its true...

I love Luke. I think Luke is a great character and can't wait to see Mark in TFA!

That being said, a few of my friends think Luke is lame. They tease me all the time and make Luke jokes. Its pretty funny.

Fuck it, Luke kicks ass though. So does Han and Leia!

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If the prequels had been written and directed properly then they good guys not winning wouldn't have mattered one iota.

I agree, because they could have broken every rule, which is the definition of ground breaking film making. But I guess that's the probelm, you can't set your sights that high, it's almost impossible to achieve. Besides that's literally asking for lightnight to strike twice in one series. The OT was ground breaking for its special effects and what not for its time, but they didn't try to be ground breaking, it just kind of happened. But when you try to be ground breaking, it almost always comes up short. Same could be said for both Axl and Michael Jackson. Jacko spent his entire life trying to outdue Thriller, which he never did. Axl has spent his later career trying to over shadow classic gnr, which he will never do. They set the bar to high, when they did it originally it just happened, It wasn't forced. Which I feel is also what happened with Lucas in the prequels. Had he just tried to make the best films possible, instead of out doing the OT, they probably would have turned out better. I swear people capture lightning in a bottle, then spend the rest of their lives trying to catch it again, when you should just be happy you caught it once. But at least Lucas was smart enough to sell off SW and let new people have a crack at it, point for him....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Am I the only one who feels this is going to suck big time?

I watched JJ's Star Trek reboots for the first time the other day, and the new films didn't at all "feel" or look like Star Trek, whether it be the original series or movies. The original series had this certain look to it; it also had a certain balance of chemistry between the three main leads; and the stories were sometimes profound but never hit you over the head with the message; it was subtle. Not only that, but I feel Kirk and Spock were totally miscast; the look of the film was all off...Film series have a certain look to them which is a part of what makes a film series a body of work...When you fuck with that, it throws things off...Add tot that fan fiction-esque scripts and shitty actors and ham fisted attempts at depth and looks of shaky cam....

I just feel the new SW film isn't going to feel anything like Star Wars. For all their flaws, the prequels at least had a similar feel.

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Let me just say that I thought the guy who played Spock was excellent and the other guy didn't bother me but I agree that his movies didn't feel very Star Trek to me either.

I hate all that shaky cam crap too.

As for Star Wars I'm keeping expectations very low, a lot of it looks promising but there's a fair bit that makes me think it's going to suck.

Some of the filming techniques (or whatever the term is) seen in the trailer leave me with nagging doubts, like the stormtrooper ramp bit.

I do think it looks pretty Star Wars-y though.

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I liked the Star Trek reboot. Was it perfect? No.

Apart from The Wrath of Khan the rest of the Star Trek movies are shit anyway. The Voyage Home is like a comedy for christ sake.

I'm looked forward to the new Star Wars. The trailer alone feels more like Star Wars than the entire prequel trilogy.

If if it is only ok it will be a BIG improvement.

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I liked the Star Trek reboot. Was it perfect? No.

Apart from The Wrath of Khan the rest of the Star Trek movies are shit anyway. The Voyage Home is like a comedy for christ sake.

I'm looked forward to the new Star Wars. The trailer alone feels more like Star Wars than the entire prequel trilogy.

If if it is only ok it will be a BIG improvement.

But the original series that that too. The Trouble with Tribbies for example.

See, to me, the trailer felt nothing like Star Wars. Star Wars had a specific look and feel....This trailer felt like a generic 2010s era sci fi film. The only Star Wars-esque bit was the last scene with the Millenium Falcon and the TIE fighters.

I just feel it's going to be bland, and sucky, and devoid of the soul which the original films had. The prequels may have sucked but, I don't feel they were cash grab films. You could tell there was heart to it; it was an artistic endeavor. The stories sucked, but the look and feel were similar enough. This looks like...the coloring is all wrong, it looks way too modern, too much shaky cam already...

We're in the age of bland and suck, really, in general. Movies, you'll get one or two good interesting ideas, the rest are prequels and reboots...Musically, shitty, mindless, utterly manufactured soulless pop songs that'll be forgotten.

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Am I the only one who feels this is going to suck big time?

I watched JJ's Star Trek reboots for the first time the other day, and the new films didn't at all "feel" or look like Star Trek, whether it be the original series or movies. The original series had this certain look to it; it also had a certain balance of chemistry between the three main leads; and the stories were sometimes profound but never hit you over the head with the message; it was subtle. Not only that, but I feel Kirk and Spock were totally miscast; the look of the film was all off...Film series have a certain look to them which is a part of what makes a film series a body of work...When you fuck with that, it throws things off...Add tot that fan fiction-esque scripts and shitty actors and ham fisted attempts at depth and looks of shaky cam....

I just feel the new SW film isn't going to feel anything like Star Wars. For all their flaws, the prequels at least had a similar feel.

Yes, you are the only one almost. If anything, the trailer felt more like Star Wars than I- III. Plus, you have a lot more similarities to the OT in this than with the PT. I just love Star Wars and as everyone knows, am dying for this movie

I liked the two new Trek films too


Edited by ZoSoRose
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Am I the only one who feels this is going to suck big time?

I watched JJ's Star Trek reboots for the first time the other day, and the new films didn't at all "feel" or look like Star Trek, whether it be the original series or movies. The original series had this certain look to it; it also had a certain balance of chemistry between the three main leads; and the stories were sometimes profound but never hit you over the head with the message; it was subtle. Not only that, but I feel Kirk and Spock were totally miscast; the look of the film was all off...Film series have a certain look to them which is a part of what makes a film series a body of work...When you fuck with that, it throws things off...Add tot that fan fiction-esque scripts and shitty actors and ham fisted attempts at depth and looks of shaky cam....

I just feel the new SW film isn't going to feel anything like Star Wars. For all their flaws, the prequels at least had a similar feel.

Yes, you are the only one almost. If anything, the trailer felt more like Star Wars than I- III. Plus, you have a lot more similarities to the OT in this than with the PT. I just love Star Wars and as everyone knows, am dying for this movie

I liked the two new Trek films too


What similarities? That the old cast is returning, and you see the Millenium Falcon?

Those are superficial similarities. They do not gurantee a good story or well executed story or a feel close to that of the original films.

And, the original cast are all in their 70s...It's not like you're going to see Harrison Ford Han Solo'ing it up all over the place or Leia in that metal bikini.

And the 'new generation' of leads don't seem all that inspiring.

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Am I the only one who feels this is going to suck big time?

I watched JJ's Star Trek reboots for the first time the other day, and the new films didn't at all "feel" or look like Star Trek, whether it be the original series or movies. The original series had this certain look to it; it also had a certain balance of chemistry between the three main leads; and the stories were sometimes profound but never hit you over the head with the message; it was subtle. Not only that, but I feel Kirk and Spock were totally miscast; the look of the film was all off...Film series have a certain look to them which is a part of what makes a film series a body of work...When you fuck with that, it throws things off...Add tot that fan fiction-esque scripts and shitty actors and ham fisted attempts at depth and looks of shaky cam....

I just feel the new SW film isn't going to feel anything like Star Wars. For all their flaws, the prequels at least had a similar feel.

Yes, you are the only one almost. If anything, the trailer felt more like Star Wars than I- III. Plus, you have a lot more similarities to the OT in this than with the PT. I just love Star Wars and as everyone knows, am dying for this movie

I liked the two new Trek films too


What similarities? That the old cast is returning, and you see the Millenium Falcon?

Those are superficial similarities. They do not gurantee a good story or well executed story or a feel close to that of the original films.

And, the original cast are all in their 70s...It's not like you're going to see Harrison Ford Han Solo'ing it up all over the place or Leia in that metal bikini.

And the 'new generation' of leads don't seem all that inspiring.

Why don't they seem inspiring? Because one is black and one is a girl? lol

Everything based on concept art and leaks points to a very interesting plot, and no, the falcon, Empire, original cast, X Wings, etc are not superficial- they are logical story elements. And who cares if they are old? Stories can't continue when people get old? Add in more practical effects, an inspired cast, John Williams, and ample time to prepare why do you think this is such a potential disaster? And how do you think the PT feel like Star Wars but this won't? Stale dialogue, over abundant CGI, completely different characters and art style, etc. I like Episode III, but it (and I and II) feel VERY different from IV-VI

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I'm wondering just what the fuck they're going to do with Leia, I still piss myself laughing at Mike420's description of her having chain smoked, drank and fucked everything in the universe for the last 30 years and how she looks like she was ridden hard, got wet and left outside :lol:

Carrie talks with that drawl like she's had a stroke or has minor brain damage or something, she reminds me of Ozzy these days.

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I'm wondering just what the fuck they're going to do with Leia, I still piss myself laughing at Mike420's description of her having chain smoked, drank and fucked everything in the universe for the last 30 years and how she looks like she was ridden hard, got wet and left outside :lol:

Carrie talks with that drawl like she's had a stroke or has minor brain damage or something, she reminds me of Ozzy these days.

Lol yeah. I'm sure Carrie will be great, but I don't think her part will be as important as Harrison and Mark's

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